  • 手提灯的光忽然照在一个怪的东西上。
    The lantern light suddenly fell on a curious object.
  • 她对别人的事太好了。
    She is too curious about other people's business.
  • 我对这个建筑物的结构非常好
    I'm rather/very/most curious about the structure of the building.
  • 正常运行的机器;对人们行事的动机很好
    Machines ticking away; curious about what makes people tick.
  • 过路人向我们投来好的目光。
    We received a number of curious stares from passers-by.
  • 树后面一只小鹿好地看着我们。
    A fawn behind the tree looked at us curiously.
  • 她紧紧地、 目不转睛地、 好地...注视著他.
    She regarded him closely, intently, curiously, etc.
  • 我看见他的眼睛好地盯着我。
    I see his eyes curiously stare on me.
  • 他们好奇地看着他。
    They studied him curiously.
  • 具有异、复杂的性质。
    having a curiously intricate quality.
  • 伸长脖子看;好的看。
    strain to watch; stare curiously.
  • 这个孩子好地看着我们。
    The child looked curiously at us.
  • 他们好奇地互相看
    They looked at each other curiously.
  • 说来怪,他知道那一切。
    Curiously, he knew all about it.
  • 有种怪的、沙哑的声音;他表现得有点古怪。
    had a curiously husky voice; he's behaving rather peculiarly.
  • 他好的跟在悄悄溜出房间的她的后面。
    He curiously ran after her who had slipped out of the room.
  • “是吗,孩子?”那位先生问道,惊地扬起眉毛。
    "Are you, my boy?" asked the gentleman, raising his eyebrows curiously.
  • 令人怪的是,申请表上中国学生的gre成绩远远高于来自美国的学生。
    Curiously,the GRE scores on these applications are far superior to those on applications from Americans.
  • 她的手形状特,手掌像普通女孩子一样小巧干净,但是手指以及拇指显然比常人更大。
    Her hands were oddly shaped, the palms as small and neat as any little girl's, while the fingers and thumbs were curiously enlarged.
  • 怪,南昌方面传来消息,说蒋介石、张静江诸位先生的意见,颇不以湖南农民的举动为然。
    Curiously enough, it is reported from Nanchang that Chiang Kai-shek, Chang Ching-chiang and other such gentlemen do not altogether approve of the activities of the Hunan peasants.
  • 他(纽约市长葛德华)出沉默地看着他的朋友迈尔森受尽屈辱-直到上周陪审团判她所有罪状均不成立时,他才终于避开一场政治上异常难堪的局面。
    And he (New York City Mayor Koch) watched, curiously subdued, as his friend, Bess Myerson, was dragged through the mud – until he finally avoided a major political embarrassment last week when a jury found her innocent of all charges.
  • 怪,他没有认他的老朋友;最有趣的是,美国现在很大部分上依靠非洲的石油;好笑的是,我认为最丑陋的却最先卖完;最怪的是,他并没有提起它。
    curiously enough, he didn't recognize his old friend; interestingly enough, America is now dependent on Africa for a large part of its oil; funnily enough, the ones I thought so ugly were the ones that sold out first; oddly enough, he hasn't mentioned it.
  • “他可以听到杓鹬穿透一片嘈杂之声的怪叫声”(亨利·金斯利)
    "He could hear the unearthly scream of some curlew piercing the din"(Henry Kingsley).
  • 它那周围都是浓密卷毛的深色、好的眼睛闪烁着活力。
    Surrounded by masses of curly hair,his dark inquisitive eyes sparkled with life.
  • 怪的与某一程式或习俗不一致的
    Inconsistent with an individual pattern or custom.
  • 霍恩布洛尔饭店的主人肯·法尔扎德说,如果说这些海鸥有注意过假猫头鹰的话,那也只是出于好而已。
    If anything, the ersatz owls have become a curiosity to the gulls, said Ken Farzad, owner of the harbor's Hornblower's Restaurant.
  • 韦多,戈尔生于1925美国作家,以其讽刺性的幽默和他无数的对社会衰落的描写而著名,他的作品有小说玛丽亚·布雷肯里(1968年)和戏剧最好的男人(1960年)
    American writer noted for his cynical humor and his numerous accounts of society in decline. His works include the novel Myra Breckinridge(1968) and the play The Best Man(1960).
  • 利奥纳多・达・芬是意大利文艺复兴时期的一位知名画家。
    Leonardo da Vinci is a famous artist in the Italian Renaissance.
  • 国立莱奥纳多·达·芬科技博物馆
    Leonardo da Vinci National Museum of Science and Technology
  • 列奥纳多·达·芬的笔记和画表明他具有颇为超前的科学想像力和独创技巧。
    Leonardo da Vinci's notebooks and drawings show him to have had a scientific imagination and technological ingenuity well ahead of his time.
  • 这么多拙劣的小说家都写过达·芬,我不能原谅。但你知道,作过的事无法改变。
    I can't forgive so many bad novelists for having written about Leonardo da Vinci. But there you are, what's done cannot be undone.
  • 但是你会倒吸一口气一眼认出来,这就是列奥纳多·达·芬的《蒙娜·丽莎》,世界上最最著名的艺术品。
    But you will gasp in recognition. This is the Mona Lisa, painted by Leonardo da Vinci, and is the most famous work of art in the world.