  • 6月9日一对日本妇观看了在日本横滨进行的世界杯日俄大战,然而对他们来说其中的滋味却是苦乐参半。
    For one Japanese man and his wife, attending the World Cup match between Japan and Russia on Sunday is likely to be a bittersweet experience.
  • 恐惧的逃离幻想中的狼;发烧引起的奇幻的梦境-吉恩·斯达德。
    fleeing in terror from hallucinatory wolves; the bizarre hallucinatory dreams of fever- Jean Stafford.
  • 可是一组派往克利兰的记者可以发现美国生活和为人父母的稀奇古怪的事情。
    But a team of journalists sent to Cleveland could also come up with some bizarre things about American life or parenting.
  • 她丈去世后,她终生都穿着黑色丧服。
    After her husband died, she dressed in deep black for the rest of her life.
  • 琼斯太太的丈死后,她穿黑衣服守丧六个月。
    After her husband died, Mrs Jones dressed in black for six months.
  • 有大的方形刀刃的屠的用具。
    a butcher's implement having a large square blade.
  • 切肉刀一种重的宽刃刀或斧,多为屠使用
    A heavy, broad-bladed knife or hatchet used especially by butchers.
  • 记忆是痛苦的根源,你能不记得算是福气了.<<功>>
    Memories can be painful. To forget may be a blessing.
  • 觉得自己至福至乐——这福这乐,言语无法形容,因为我完全是丈的生命,他也同样完全是我的生命。
    I hold myself supremely blest, blest beyond what language can express; because I am my husband’s life as fully as he is mine.
  • 人正遭受失明与弱听之苦。
    The old lady is cursed with blindness and difficulty in hearing.
  • 回家的路上,西尔妇谈着谈着想起来在过去几个月里,他们实际看到过特克斯怎样生活在失明状态中,现在他们终于明白了为什么它有时候撞上正在开启的门,或把鼻子撞在铁丝围栏上,为什么它出来进去总是沿着石子道走;
    As they talked on their way home, the Seals realized that over the last few months, they had watched Tex cope with his blindness. Now they understood why Tex sometimes missed a gate opening or bumped his nose on the chain-link fence. And why he usually stayed on the gravel walkways traveling to and from the house.
  • 一眨眼的工这人就把一满杯啤酒一饮而尽。
    The man gulp down a full stein of beer in the blink of an eye.
  • 她到处追逐想象中的老鼠和松鼠,一眨眼的工就从桌子上跳到椅子上。所以我们管她叫“闪电”。
    She raced around chasing imaginary mice and squirrels and vaulted from table to chair in the blink of an eye, so we named her Lightning.
  • 约瑟·坎贝尔关于“追随天赐之福”还谈了一些听起来矛盾的话。
    Now Joseph Campbell said something else about following you bliss that may sound contradictory.
  • 维持妻之乐,祖母们旧的格言仍然有效:如果男人不知晓,他不会受到伤害。
    When it comes to preserving marital bliss, Grandma's old adage still holds true: What he doesn't know can't hurt him.
  • 她正好看见丈对那白肤金发碧眼的女人表现得过分的兴奋——那会引起一场激烈的争吵!
    She's just spotted her husband drooling over that blonde-that will make the feathers fly!
  • 那对老妇很怕冷,所以把房间烧得热得要命。
    The old couple is cold-blooded and keep their house terribly hot.
  • 那对老妇很怕冷,所以把房间烧得热得要命
    The old couple are cold - blooded and keep their house terribly hot
  • 那对老妇很怕冷,所以把房间烧得热得要命。
    The old couple is cold blooded and keep their house terribly hot.
  • 尤其,赫鲁晓先生尽是在虚张声势。为使美国高估苏联的军力,他用木材建成假导弹基地,并将可充气的橡皮“潜艇”停放在苏联港口。
    Mr.Khrushchev, moreover, was all bluff and bluster. To make the U.S. overestimate Soviet power, he had fake rocket sites constructed out of wood and placed inflatable rubber "submarines" in Soviet harbors.
  • 我把她介绍给我的丈是犯了一个极大的错误.
    I made a terrible blunder in introducing her to my husband.
  • 我把她介绍给我的丈是犯了一个极大的错误。
    I make a terrible blunder in introducing her to my husband.
  • 赫鲁晓立刻恍然大悟:自己犯了个大错。他把东道主的房间当成了布尔加宁的了。
    Khruschev immediately realized the blunder he had made: he had mistaken his host's bedroom for Bulganin's.
  • 琼斯人是一位可爱的老人。
    Mrs Jones was a dear old body.
  • 一场大吵之后,丈发现自己已被妻子关在门外了。
    After their bitter quarrel, the husband found he had been bolted out by the wife.
  • 当丈想进入自家的房屋时,发现自己被关在门外。
    When the husband tried to get into his own house, he found he had been bolted out.
  • 去年秋天,在佐治亚州和犹他州边境交界处一个遍地红色悬崖的偏远地区,却有将近1000名一多妻家庭的子女拒绝上公立学校,因为宗教领袖宣称学校反对教堂长者(及市长)丹·巴洛所谓的“我们的传统”。
    Last fall, amid the remote red-rock cliffs along the Arizona-Utah border, nearly 1,000 children of polygamy bolted the public schools after religious leaders preached that the schools blocked the teaching of what church elder (and town mayor) Dan Barlow called" our heritage.
  • 在他告诉了约瑟这一天要作些什么之后,他转过身来对着辛德雷、凯蒂和我——因为我正在跟他们一块儿吃粥——,他对他的儿子说:“喂,我的漂亮人儿,我今天要去利物浦啦。我给你带个什么回来呢?
    and after he had told Joseph what was to be done during the day, he turned to Hindley, and Cathy, and me--for I sat eating my porridge with them--and he said, speaking to his son, `Now my bonny man, I'm going to Liverpool today, what shall I bring you?
  • 一个好学的农,他口袋里总是装着一本书;安静好学的孩子。
    a bookish farmer who always had a book in his pocket; a quiet studious child.
  • 1993年8月,我和我丈菲利普按照波克博士说的去做了。之后,我开始注射干扰素,这是一种免疫推进疗法,并进行化疗。
    Philip and I did that in August 1993,and then I started treatment that combined interferon,an immune-boosting therapy,and chemo.
  • 她丈又不停地喝起酒来.
    Her husband's been on the booze again.
  • :接替他的好像是来自南斯拉的米卢蒂诺维奇吧?
    Jeff: The one who replaced him must be Bora Milutinovic of Yu-goslavia?