  • 在愚人节时用网路散布不实消息是算是网路恶作剧引起了争论。
    It is controversial whether sow false news on the net on april fool's day be an online prank.
  • 在愚人节时用网路散布不实消息是算是网路恶作剧引起了争论。
    It is controversial whether sow false news on the net on april fool's day is an online prank.
  • 在您方便的时候,能与直接面谈。
    May I come in to see you at your convenience?
  • 对于这个定义,唯一的反对意见看来是,它留下了一个引起很多争论的问题未能予以解决,即所谓非物质产品可视作财富,是可将工人的技能或任何其他天生的或后来获得的体力或智力称为财富。这个问题并不十分重要,因而有关这个问题的讨论,为方便起见可放在另一个地方。
    To this definition, the only objection seems to be, that it leaves in uncertainty a question which has been much debated -- whether what are called immaterial products are to be considered as wealth: whether, for example, the skill of a workman, or any other natural or acquired power of body or mind, shall be called wealth, or not: a question, not of very great importance, and which, so far as requiring discussion, will be more conveniently considered in another place.
  • 事实上,也有极端的方面,最近就有研究表明,有相当一部分的新加坡人不定他们把自己当作“世界的公民”,也就是说,只要哪里有“高质量的生活”,他们就愿意做哪里的公民。
    Conversely, as a recent study has revealed, quite a number of Singaporeans admit that they view themselves as "citizens of the world". In other words, they are willing to be citizens of whatever country that offers a "life of good quality".
  • 概念主义一种抽象艺术或艺术学说的学派,通过定艺术品本身的重要性和传送一种思想使观众进行心智间的交流
    A school of abstract art or an artistic doctrine that is concerned with the intellectual engagement of the viewer through conveyance of an idea and negation of the importance of the art object itself.
  • 我还没想通是你的意见可行,不过我先考虑一下。
    I'm not convinced your idea will work, but I'll keep an open mind for the moment.
  • 讲完后,他问内阁成员们他是已经驳倒了所有的指控,成功地为自己进行了辩护。
    After finishing,he asked his cabinet members whether he had convincingly refuted all accusations and successfully defended his action.
  • "迈克尔今天对我们十分冷淡,不知我们是冒犯了他。"
    Michael seemed very cool towards us today. I wonder whether we've offended him.
  • 库柏在这一点上的主张是非常一贯的,实际上他的态度比他的前辈和老师们还要彻底得多;因为这是很明显的,如果承认了各个国家以及它们各个性质和利益的存在这一点,这就立刻有必要按照这些各自不同的利益来考虑修改属于人类社会的经济学,如果库柏的意向所在是要把这类修改说成是错误的,那么在他的一方面最聪明的做法就莫过于从头认国家的存在了。
    Cooper is moreover perfectly consistent with respect to this, in fact much more consistent than his predecessors and instructors, for it is evident that as soon as the existence of nations with their distinct nature and interests is recognised, it becomes necessary to modify the economy of human society in accordance with these special interests, and that if Cooper intended to represent these modifications as errors, it was very wise on his part from the beginning to disown the very existence of nations.
  •  就亚当·斯密所了解的,美国倡议自由贸易最早的是哥伦比亚学院院长托马斯·库柏,他甚至认国家的存在,把国家说成是出于“字面上的创造”,只是为了避免表达时的多所周折而设的,除了存在于政治家的头脑以外,并没有实际的存在。
    The first of the North American advocates of free trade, as understood by Adam Smith -- Thomas Cooper, President of Columbia College -- denies even the existence of nationality; he calls the nation 'a grammatical invention,' created only to save periphrases,a nonentity, which has no actual existence save in the heads of politicians.
  •  虽然伊拉克已承诺配合这次行动,但他们却仍然坚持认曾研制核武器。
    Iraq has promised to cooperate but still insists it has not developed nuclear weapons.
  • 例如,我们期望与中国一起探讨是有可能合作开发太空,这是符合世界人民的利益的。
    For example, we look forward to exploring with China the possibilities of cooperating in the development of space on behalf of our fellow citizens.
  • 我也是。但是我不知道天公是作美。
    Me too. But I wonder if the weather will be cooperative or not.
  • ·是有足够的灵活度来应对经济情况变化;
    Whether there is sufficient flexibility to cope with economic change;
  • 苍是要求复写几份?
    Do he want copy make?
  • 我是否要复写几份?
    Shall I get copy make?
  • 在国家政治生活和各项事业中,由于中国共产党居于领导的地位,党的路线、方针、政策正确与,工作做得好坏,关系着国家的前途和社会主义事业的成败;
    Since the Chinese Communist Party plays a leading role in the country's political activities and all undertakings, the correctitude of the Party's line, principles and policies, and whether or not we can do our work successfully have a direct bearing on the future of the country and the success or failure of the socialist cause.
  • 计算机查实数据输入是正确。
    The computer verified whether the data was loaded correctly.
  • 复查,复核对前面检查的正确性进行确定或认的东西
    Something that confirms or denies the correctness of a previous check.
  • 信封上的名字与里面信上的名字是相同?
    Does the name on the envelope correspond with the name on the letter inside?
  • 否则不合乎事实。
    Any other assessment of Comrade Liu Shaoqi would not correspond to reality.
  • 作为法官与地方官,是独身关系并不大。因为只要他们身边有一个坏的幕僚,其进谗言的能力就足以抵上五个妻子。
    It is indifferent for judges and magistrates; for if they were facile and corrupt, you shall have a servant, five times worse than a wife.
  • 维持和平行动费用是过高?
    Does peacekeeping cost too much?
  • 我可看看你服装上的小饰物?
    May I have a look at your costume trinketry?
  • 可否要五个呢?
    Could I have five?
  • 当我问是能和琼斯政务委员讲话时,他就把电话挂断了。
    When I asked if I was speaking to Councillor Jones he simply rang off.
  • 既不具体,而且,除非能转化为实质的对应事物,则便没有价值。
    It is abstract, and of no value, until it has been transformed into its physical counterpart.
  • 工业国是支付过多?
    Are industrialized countries paying too much?
  • 人们已经学会了“性骚扰”这个名词,可是通常并不确知它的意义。如果一个男人瞪着眼睛看一个女人的生理部位,或说“黄色”笑话,这是不是性骚扰?一位男士能邀[女]同约会而不过分?如何防止性骚扰?何时才应向有关方面报告?
    People have learned the phrase "sexual harassment" but are generally uncertain about its meaning. Is it harassment if a man stares at a woman's anatomy, or tells an off-color joke? Can a guy ask a coworker for a date without crossing the line? How can harassment be discouraged? When should it be reported?
  • 不得已而为之,则会撞上菲利普。
    He has to or he1l crash into Filip.
  • 因此在一周内尽量减少爱吃食品的摄入量,看看体内水分含量、情绪、体力是有所改善——你一定会感到万分惊诧。
    Therefore, for one week, try cutting out any foods you crave and just see what happens to your fluid levels, your mood and your energy you could be seriously amazed.