  • 我们有6销售代表在伦敦市中心巡访客户。
    We have six salesmen call on account in central London.
  • 谢谢您,太太,如果您明天有空,我们会派一业务员带个展示品过去。
    Thank you, ma'am, if you have some free time tomorrow, we'll send one of our salesmen over with a demonstration model.
  • 赵:《英语沙龙》从2003年1月起介绍了一些瑞士著景点,如少女峰、达沃斯。
    Zhao: English Salon has introduced some most famous Swiss scenic spots,such as Jungfrau and Davos since January 2003.
  • 鲍威利美国纽约城曼哈顿南部的一个区。该地区因一条曾是通向彼得·史蒂文森的鲍威利或农场道路的街道而得。在各种不同的时代鲍威利因酒吧,低级的罪犯行为和流浪汉而恶远扬
    A section of lower Manhattan in New York City. The street that gives the area its name was once the road to Peter Stuyvesant's bouwerij, or farm. At various times the Bowery has been notorious for its saloons, petty criminals, and derelicts.
  • 耶稣教会传教士,他们的管家和她的女儿十一月在萨尔瓦多集体被杀一事,令人特别注意到:美援未能终止萨尔瓦多陆军从事政治性谋杀。
    The massacre of six Jesuit priests, their housekeeper and her daughter in El Salvador in November brought to center stage the failure of U.S. aassistance to end political killings by the Salvadoran Army.
  • 24日,共有超过200来自萨尔瓦多红十字会的救生员们参加了一项传统考试——他们总共要游7英里的距离,以此证明自己是一个合格的救生员。
    More than 200 lifeguards from the Red Cross of El Salvador are getting ready to swim 7 miles, a traditional test they have to pass in order to qualify to be a lifeguard in La Libertad, Sunday, Feb. 24 2002.
  • 她出了这件丢人的事以後还怎麽能挽回誉呢?
    How can she salvage her reputation after the scandal?
  • 在总经理因诈骗罪入狱后,公司正设法挽回其誉。
    The company is trying to salvage its reputation after the managing director is send to prison for fraud.
  • 在总经理因诈骗罪入狱后,公司正设法挽回其誉。
    The company is trying to salvage its reputation after the managing director was sent to prison for fraud.
  • 香港约有5170艘渔船,其中舢舨和非机动渔船占2300艘,有12900本港渔民和6300内地过港渔工在这些渔船上作业。
    The Hong Kong fishing fleet, manned by 12 900 local fishermen and 6 300 Mainland deckhands, comprises some 5 170 vessels of which 2 300 are sampans or non-mechanised boats.
  • 马克·吐温是萨缪尔·兰亨·克里曼斯的笔
    Mark Twain is a pseudonymity for Samuel Langhorne Clemens.
  • 塞缪尔。克莱门斯,以马克吐温知,成了美国有的作家。
    Samuel Clemens, known as Mark Twain, became a famous American writer.
  • 塞缪斯·克莱门斯,以马克·吐温知,成了美国作家。
    Samuel Clemens, who was known as Mark Twain, became a famous American writer.
  • 塞缪尔中学毕业后上了大学,在剑桥大学化学得第一
    Samuel went on the university after school and got a first in chemistry.
  • 丹泽尔·华盛顿凭借影片《训练日》而赢得最佳演员奖,但是却是由另一黑人影星萨缪尔·杰克逊替他领奖。
    Denzel Washington won best movie actor for Training Day and Samuel L.Jackson accepted the prize for him.
  • 丹泽尔·华盛顿凭借影片《训练日》而赢得最佳演员奖,但是却是由另一黑人影星萨缪尔·杰克逊替他领奖。
    Denzel Washington won best movie actor for Training Day and Samuel L. Jackson accepted the prize for him.
  • 另一个有趣的故事是在1993年,当麻省理工学院的丁肇中教授来到新加坡参加物理会议的时候,有一年轻的记者问了一个极“老套”的问题,即他的诺贝尔奖是努力还是天分的结果。丁教授一本正经,以微带幽默的语气答曰:“当然是天分1
    Then there was this humorous incident involving Professor Samuel Ting of CERN/MIT when he was in Singapore to attend a physics conference in 1993. When asked by a young and inexperienced reporter the "cliche" question of whether it was hard work or talent which brought him his Nobel Prize, he gave the following unexpected answer with a straight face and plenty of hidden wry humor: "Talent of course!"
  • 林彪、“四人帮”动不动就用“脱离政治”的罪来打击科学技术人员,谁要是努力钻研业务,就会被扣上“白专”帽子。
    Lin Biao and the Gang of Four frequently attacked scientists and technicians, accusing them of being "divorced from politics" and labelling those who studied diligently to enrich their knowledge and improve their skills as "white and expert" .
  • 檀香扇因其气味芳香而闻
    Sandalwood is famous for its fragrance.
  • nass是最近由加州圣巴巴拉市的一个市场调研公司——外设概念公司杜撰出的一种产品类称。
    NASS is a product category term recently coined by Peripheral Concepts, Inc. Santa Barbara-based market research firm.
  • 粘杆菌粘细菌目中的一种革兰染色阴性的、且呈杆状的腐生细胞,通常存在由粘液包围形成混合的菌落,以其没有任何可知的移位器官却能靠表面滑行的能力而闻
    Any of numerous gram-negative, rod-shaped saprophytic bacteria of the phylum Myxobacteria, typically found embedded in slime in which they form complex colonies and noted for their ability to move by gliding along surfaces without any known organ of locomotion.
  • 曼德维尔,约翰1670?-1733某一真不详作家的笔,著有约翰·曼德维尔爵士航海及旅行记(1371年),描写在东方的种种奇异的旅程
    Dutch-born British physician, philosopher, and satirist whose major work, The Fable of the Bees(1714), depicts all activity as being motivated by self-interest.
  • 巴特勒,塞缪尔1835-1902英国作家。以讽刺维多利亚时代英格兰家庭生活的半自传体小说众生之路(1903年)最为著
    British writer best known for The Way of All Flesh(1903), a semiautobiographical novel satirizing family life in mid-Victorian England.
  • 爱伦还没来得及责怪他如此唐突,他继续说道"在你回答我之前,我必须告诉你,拉蒙迪是我能向你呈现的惟一的字。
    "But before you give me an answer," he went on, before she could accuse him of suddenness, " I must tell you that ' Ramonti' is the only name I have to offer you.
  • 去年,两受怀疑的基地组织成员在从伊拉克进入沙特时被逮捕。
    Last year, two suspected Al Qaida operatives were arrested crossing from Iraq into Saudi Arabia.
  • 内夫得沙特阿拉伯北部的沙漠地区。因其红沙和突然的烈风而闻
    A desert region of northern Saudi Arabia. It is noted for its red sand and sudden violent winds.
  • 亚洲则共有70位这样的富翁。其中亚洲首富沙特阿拉伯王子阿瓦里德排第11位。
    Asia, led by Saudi Arabia's Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Alsaud at No.11, notched 70 billionaires.
  • 现在,他们在没有任何罪的情况下被逐出了家门。
    They were now, without any accusation, thrust out of their house.
  • 6月2日一家日本报纸报道,6月1日在日本札幌体育馆举行的德国对沙特的小组赛(最终德国队8:0狂胜沙特队)开赛之前,一仅八个月大的加拿大婴儿由于没有入场券,而被挡在了门外。
    An eight-month-old Canadian baby was denied access to the Sapporo World Cup stadium for Germany's 8-0 demolition of Saudi Arabia because he did not have a ticket, a Japanese newspaper reported Sunday.
  • 位于加尼福尼亚州奥克兰为savagebeast(野人-野兽)公司正在制作一个功能更加强大的搜索引擎。
    But Savage Beast in Oakland, Calif., is one of the latest companies to try and build a better music search engine.
  • 奥古斯塔美国佐治亚州东部一城市,位于南卡罗来纳州边境,萨凡纳西北偏北。是著胜地区,尤以高尔夫锦标赛闻。人口44,639
    A city of eastern Georgia on the South Carolina border north-northwest of Savannah. It is a popular resort known especially for its golf tournaments. Population,44, 639.
  • 他救起了一溺水儿童。
    He saved a child from drowning.