  • 结肠从盲肠到直肠的大肠的一部
    The section of the large intestine extending from the cecum to the rectum.
  • 医学中有关直肠,结肠与肛门失调的诊断与治理的支。
    the branch of medicine dealing with the diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the colon or rectum or anus.
  • 直肠病学研究结肠、肛门和直肠疾病的诊断与治疗的医学
    The branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of disorders affecting the colon, rectum, and anus.
  • 会阴身体上有尿道和直肠口的盆骨里的一个部,前邻阴道,后临尾骨,再后是臀骨的一部
    The portion of the body in the pelvis occupied by urogenital passages and the rectum, bounded in front by the pubic arch, in the back by the coccyx, and laterally by part of the hipbone.
  • 梅花形五点排列将五个物体别安排在一个长方形或正方形的四个边角和一个中心里
    An arrangement of five objects with one at each corner of a rectangle or square and one at the center.
  • 所谓“divinc afflatus”不过是此精神之潮流,事实上是腺泌溢出血液外之结果。
    The so-called "divine afflatus" is but the flow of this vital spirit,and is actually caused by an overflow of hormones in the blood.
  • 旗上端靠近旗杆的部一面旗帜上通常为长方形的部,位于靠旗杆的上角
    A usually rectangular division of a flag, occupying the upper corner next to the staff.
  • 我们整风的小组长、学委负责人,都要从整风的积极子中去选择,而不应拘泥于平时工作岗位的高低。
    All group leaders and heads of study committees should be chosen from among rectification activists regardless of their regular positions.
  • 只要我们充认识整风的重要,就会想一切办法去克服困难.
    If we had a full understanding of the importance of the rectification movement, we would try to overcome the difficulties by all possible means.
  • 加在单词前面的成
    an affix that added in front of the word.
  • 坚持不懈地开展反腐败斗争,大力纠正部门和行业不正之风,依法惩处了一批违法违纪的腐败子。
    We ma de unremitting efforts to combat corruption, rectify unhealthy tendencies in some departments and trades and punish according to law quite a few corrupt elements.
  • 在大部工业化世界里,空气、水和土壤长期缓慢的污染所引起的一系列问题难以解决和纠正。
    In many parts of the industrialized world, long-term chronic pollution of air, water, and soil pose problems that are difficult to resolve and rectify.
  • 构词成派生的或有屈折变化的词缀
    A derivational or inflectional affix.
  • 对于违反党纪的,不管是什么人,都要执行纪律,做到功过明,赏罚明,伸张正气,打击邪气。
    Disciplinary measures should be taken against all persons who violate Party discipline, no matter who they are, so that clear differentiation is made between merits and demerits, rewards and penalties are meted out as deserved, and rectitude prevails and bad tendencies are stemmed.
  • 3月8日,当沃德·康奈利,这位在加州结束少数民族优先政策的过程中起推动作用的人在该校进行演讲时,这是他的全国竞选运动的一部,愤怒的学生猛烈地敲击墙壁以示抗议。
    On March 8th, angry students pounded the walls while Ward Connerly, the driving force behind the demise of affirmative action in California, was inside making a speech as part of his national campaign.
  • 我们有10钟的休息时间。
    we took a 10-minute break; he took time out to recuperate.
  • 有的人小病大养,无病呻吟,官僚主义,工作不努力,不踏实,不深入基层,不亲自动手,不动脑筋,靠秘书办事,讲五钟话都要人家写成稿子照着念,有时还念错了。
    Some people with only minor illnesses ask for long recuperation leaves as if they were seriously ill, or they moan and groan without being ill at all. And they are bureaucratic; they don't put any effort or conscientiousness into their work. They don't go down to the grass-roots units. They don't lift a finger themselves, nor do they use their minds. They rely on their secretaries to do everything and even ask others to write a five-minute speech for them -- and then they sometimes read it wrong.
  • 散的、无规律的或者不可预料的方式发生。
    recurring in scattered and irregular or unpredictable instances.
  • 生物进化史在一物种胚胎个体发育和化期间,该物种的进化阶段有假定的重演现象
    The supposed recurrence of the evolutionary stages of a species during the embryonic development and differentiation of a member of that species.
  • 国有企业审计要以促进企业会计信息真实、可靠,维护所有者权益,保障国有资产保值增值为目标,选择部重点国有大中型改制企业和亏损企业,通过检查企业资产质量,防止企业在改制中出现新的国有资产流失和逃废银行债务等问题。
    The audit of enterprises must follow the objective of ensuring truthful and reliable accounting information prepared by enterprises, protecting the owner’s rights and benefits and ensuring preservation and appreciation of state assets. To meet this objective, the National Audit Office will target on some key large and medium sized enterprises which are under restructuring or suffering from losses and intends to prevent the recurrence of the erosion of state assets and intentional turning bank liabilities into bad debts.
  • 本年度教育的经常性开支达380多亿元,占政府经常开支的百之二⑻一。
    This year, the recurrent expenditure on education exceeds $38 billion, which accounts for 21 per cent of the total recurrent expenditure of the Government.
  • 主题艺术品或文学作品中反复体现的、揭示主题的部
    A recurrent thematic element in an artistic or literary work.
  • 娩时的循环,有规律的疼痛。
    a regularly recurrent spasm of pain that is characteristic of childbirth.
  • 教资会会根据评审结果配二零零一至二零零四的三年度内院校经常补助金的部研究经费。
    The findings will be used as the basis for allocating some of the research portion of the institutional recurrent grant for the 2001-04 triennium.
  • 二零零一至零二财政年度,教育方面经核准的政府经常开支和总开支别达476亿元和553亿元,占政府经常开支总额的23.4%和政府开支总额的21.9%。
    Approved government recurrent and total spending on education in the 2001-02 financial year amounted to $47.6 billion and $55.3 billion respectively, representing 23.4 per cent of the Government's total recurrent expenditure and 21.9 per cent of the total government expenditure.
  • 在一九九九至二零零零财政年度,教育方面经核准的经常和总公共开支别达440亿元和551.9亿元,占政府经常开支总额的21.3%和公共开支总额的19%,而高等教育的开支,约占教育开支的三之一。
    Approved public recurrent and total spending on education in the 1999-2000 financial year amounted to $44 billion and $55.19 billion respectively, representing 21.3 per cent of the Government's total recurrent expenditure and 19 per cent of the total public expenditure. Tertiary education accounts for about one-third of the education budget.
  • 医院管理局本财政年度的预计支出约为260亿元,约占整体经常性公共开支百之十三。
    The estimated expenditure of the Hospital Authority for the current fiscal year amounts to $2.6 billion, accounting for 13 per cent of the overall recurrent public expenditure.
  • 在母语教学政策之下,政府依然十重视学校的英语教学,并为采用母语教学的中学提供额外支援:包括为这类学校平均每校增加两名英文科教师、让学校可选择多聘用一名以英语为母语的英文科教师、发放用以聘请文书人员和购买设备的一笔过津贴,以及用以添置设备和图书馆书籍的经常津贴。
    Heavy emphasis continued to be given to the teaching of English in all schools. Secondary schools teaching in Chinese were provided with additional support: an average of two additional English Language teachers for each school, the choice of an additional native-speaking English teacher, a one-off grant for employing clerical staff and purchasing equipment and additional recurrent grants for equipment and library books.
  • 同时,很容易被开的纸板和编织带也极易回收利用。
    The plastic strips and the cardboard are also easy to recycle, all cleanly separated from each other.
  • 建立垃圾类收运处理系统,完善废旧物品回收体系。
    The system for separate collection, transportation and treatment of domestic refuse will be improved, and the system for waste recycle will be well developed.
  • 辅助设施、材料和器具使用可再生材料或再生材料,主要印刷品使用再生纸。
    Part of the supporting facilities, materials and appliances will use recyclable or recycled materials; BOCOG’s main publications will use recycled paper.
  • 踏板车使用标准的镍氢电池作动力,但卡门的研究部门正在研制一种能再次利用其本身大部热量的零排放发动机。
    The scooter is powered by standard nickel and metal hydride electric batteries. However, Kamen's research firm is working on an emission-free engine that recycles much of its own heat.