  • 愿你的一生满爱心,慷慨宽厚。
    Have a loving,bountiful life.
  • 弗雷古斯堪的纳维亚神,掌管和平、好天气、富裕和裕的粮食;弗雷娜的兄弟
    The Norse god who dispenses peace, good weather, prosperity, and bountiful crops; the brother of Freya.
  •  有些国家为了促进出口业务,有时会实行一种奖励补助办法,萨依认为“这些都是赠给我们国家的礼物”;由此可以清楚地看到。流行学派以单纯价值理论为评判事物现象的依据时,会发生怎样的错误,用生产力理论来评判这类现象就可以得出正确结论,假定法国因为看到它的工业没有能获得分发展,认为应实行百分之二十五的保护税才能使工业获得保障,而英国方面对于它的出口商却给了百分之三十的补助,这种出于英国方面的“礼物”对法国将发生什么影响呢?
    In to what mistakes the prevailing economical school has fallen by judging conditions according to the mere theory of values which ought properly to be judged according to the theory of powers of production, may be seen very clearly by the judgment which J. B.Say passes upon the bounties which foreign countries sometimes offer in order to facilitate exportation; he maintains that 'these are presents made to our nation.' Now if we suppose that France considers a protective duty of twenty-five per cent sufficient for her not vet perfectly developed manufactures, while England were to grant a bounty on exportation of thirty per cent, what would be the consequence of the 'present' which in this manner the English would make to the French?
  • 这个时期是骑士和贵妇时代,斥浪漫爱情。但300年后的维多利亚女王时期,妇女受到的教育却是让她们自认为不如男人,她们的日记中写自己的词语经常是“智力低下”、“脑子里空空荡荡”、“判断力差”。
    This era of knights and fine ladies spawned romantic love, but 300 years later Victorian women were so programmed to believe themsel ves inferior to men that in their diaries they often wrote of their ‘vacant bra in’ and ‘poor judgment’.
  • 开始时他做杂货生意,后来扩经营范围,兼营鞋类。
    Starting as a grocer, he branched out into the sale of footwear.
  • 就因为我不懂得一些华人的风俗习惯,我的同事就把我归类为“非华人”,我不知道这理由是否分。
    I wonder if my colleague is justified in branding me "non-Chinese" because of my oblivion to Chinese folk practices.
  • 当他在利亚姆后面踏着明亮的塑料三轮车的时候,他的母亲韩丹转向布伦达,用磕磕绊绊的英语说:“现在他才是一个真正满笑声的孩子呢。”她指的是笑笑的乳名。
    As he pedaled a bright plastic tricycle behind Liam, his mother turned to Brenda. Referring to Shao-Shao's nickname Han Dan said in halting English, “Now he really is a laughing boy.
  • 简婚前满喜悦的激动心情在一天夜里受到严重打扰,她醒来十分恐慌地看见一个陌生的丑女人正在试戴她的婚纱,然后又将它撕成碎片。
    Jane's happy excitement before the wedding is interrupted one night when she awakens in horror to see a strange, ugly woman trying on her bridal veil and then tearing it to pieces.
  • 史密斯先生今年在几个重要案件中当辩护律师。
    Mr Smith held several important briefs this year.
  • 充满光的;明亮的
    Filled with light; bright.
  • 凯蒂的脸满了柔和与愉快的表情,显示她内心平静。
    Katie's face is full of the soft brightness which indicates a peaceful heart.
  • 她的眼睛里满了同情的泪水。
    Her eyes brimmed over with sympathetic tears.
  • 装满,注满填到边沿
    To fill to the brim.
  • 满,充盈满到边沿
    To be full to the brim.
  • 满了少女的喜悦。
    She was filled to the brim with girlish glee.
  • 满满一杯;我是个大傻瓜;满了好奇心的孩子;热泪盈眶。
    a brimful cup; I am brimful of chowder; a child brimming over with curiosity; eyes brimming with tears.
  • 眼泪满的或漫溢的。
    filled or brimming with tears.
  • 伊尔莎:(她眼中满了泪水)那我们怎么办?
    Ilsa: (Her eyes are brimming.) But what about us?
  • 采摘绿色的橄榄,用盐水浸泡;用甘椒填橄榄较罕见。
    olives picked green and pickled in brine; infrequently stuffed with e.g. pimento.
  • 噩耗传来,母亲心中满悲痛,不觉涕泗纵横。
    When the sad news came, the mother’s heart was charged to overflowing, and forced into her eyes a banquet of brine.
  • 优美的音乐使她眼中满泪花。
    The beauty of the music brought tears to her eyes.
  • 助选人员说,根据他私人的民意测验,他可能在选举团投票时得到几乎压倒台性的胜利,满信心的布什对他的敌对手仍不放松。
    With aides saying his private polls showed he may be on the brink of an electoral-vote landslide, the confident Bush did not let up on his rival.
  • 她是个年逾中年的妇女,但她的精力沛使大家惊异。
    She is an elderly woman whose brio astounds everyone.
  • 沛的精力令人惊异。
    Her brio astounds everyone.
  • 我们应该把统一战线发展实起来,把民众加进去。
    We should all develop and broaden the united front and draw in the masses of the people.
  • 政府的目标是扩阔学生的视野,使他们具备所需的知识、技能和正确的态度,日后能追求终身学习,造福社会,兼且生活实。
    The objectives are to broaden students' perspective, equip them with the knowledge, skills and attitude to pursue life-long learning and make positive contributions to the community, while leading a full life as individuals.
  • 因为现在成立的统一战线,还不是一个实的坚固的统一战线。
    For in its present state it is not yet broadly based or consolidated.
  • 抗日需要一个实的统一战线,这就要把全国人民都动员起来加入到统一战线中去。
    Resistance to Japan requires a broadly based united front, and hence all the people should be mobilized to join it.
  • 康托尔,埃迪1892-1964美国演艺人员,尤以其在滑稽歌舞和百老汇巡回演出中满活力的瞪眼表演而出名
    American entertainer known especially for his energetic, goggle-eyed performances in vaudeville and Broadway reviews.
  • 花椰菜十字花科的一种草本植物(芸苔属甘蓝或花椰菜),与洋白菜和花茎甘蓝有联系,生有白色未分发育的花朵和有大的可食的花头
    An herb(Brassica oleracea var. botrytis) in the mustard family, related to the cabbage and broccoli and having a whitish undeveloped flower with a large, edible head.
  • 这把刷子可以作漆刷。
    This brush can go for a paintbrush.
  • 问题起因:过度烫发或染发,护发不分,或过勤地梳理头发,使用质次的梳子或发刷。
    Causes Over-perming or coloring, insufficient conditioning, or too much brushing or backcombing, especially with poor quality combs or brushes.