  • 配剋英國帝制度量衡係統的種乾燥容積或容量單位,相當於8誇脫或大約554。8立方英寸
    A unit of dry volume or capacity in the British Imperial System equal to8 quarts or approximately554.8 cubic inches.
  • 配剋美國海關係統的乾燥容積或容量單位,相當於8誇脫或大約537。6立方英寸
    A unit of dry volume or capacity in the U.S. Customary System equal to8 quarts or approximately537.6 cubic inches.
  • 誇脫英國度量體係中的體積或容量單位,用於測量液體和固體,相當於美製液量中的1。201誇脫或美製幹量中的1。032誇脫(1。136升)
    A unit of volume or capacity in the British Imperial System, used in liquid and dry measure, equal to1.201 U.S. liquid quarts or1.032 U.S. dry quarts(1.136 liters).
  • 厄羅伯曾用於西班牙語國傢的測量液體的單位,容量不,但量酒類時約等於16。2公升(17誇脫)
    A liquid measure formerly used in Spanish-speaking countries, having varying value but equal to about16.2 liters(17 quarts) when used to measure wine.
  • 每小時響次而不是每刻鐘響
    Ring the hours but not the quarters, ie ring on the hour but not at quarter or half past or quarter to
  • 經季節性調整與對上季度比較的本地生産總值在九九九年第季已回覆0.6%的實質增長,第二季和第三季同告上升2.2%,第四季再上升3.4%。
    On a seasonally adjusted quarter-to-quarter comparison, GDP already reverted to a 0.6 per cent increase in real terms in the first quarter of 1999, and posted further growth at 2.2 per cent in both the second and third quarters, and 3.4 per cent in the fourth quarter.
  • 經季節性調整後與對上季度比較,本地生産總值在二零零年第及第二季分別實質下跌0.5%及1.4%,其後第三季稍稍回升0.3%,但第四季則再度縮減0.2%。
    On a seasonally adjusted quarter-to-quarter comparison, GDP fell by 0.5 per cent and 1.4 per cent respectively in real terms in the first two quarters of the year, rebounded slightly by 0.3 per cent in the third quarter, but contracted again by 0.2 per cent in the fourth quarter.
  • 你衹需放進衣物,再投入二角五分硬幣,個二角五分硬幣可烘十分鐘。
    Just throw your clothes in and put in some quarters. A quarter lasts ten minutes.
  • 同某人住在起(指較長時間的居住)
    Quarter oneself upon sb.
  • 年前同期比較,二零零年第及第二季本地生産總值雖然仍錄得溫和的實質增長,增幅分別為2.2%及0.8%,但在第三及第四季已告回落,分別下跌0.4%及1.6%。
    GDP registered modest increases by 2.2 per cent and 0.8 per cent respectively in real terms in the first two quarters of 2001 over a year earlier, before receding to declines of 0.4 per cent in the third quarter and 1.6 per cent in the fourth quarter.
  • 由於有更多企業精簡人手和裁減員工,令總就業人數未能追上勞工供應的增長,因此,經季節性調整的失業率由第及第二季的4.5%飆升至第三季的5.3%,第四季再升至6.1%。
    As total employment growth fell behind labour supply growth upon more extensive corporate downsizing and lay-offs, the seasonally adjusted unemployment rate leaped from 4.5 per cent in both the first and second quarters to 5.3 per cent in the third quarter and further to 6.1 per cent in the fourth quarter.
  • 現實情況是當今世界衹有四分之的人口生活在發達國傢,其他四分之三的人口是生活在發展中國傢,或者叫不發達國傢。
    As things stand, only one quarter of the present world population lives in developed countries, while the other three quarters are in the developing or so-called underdeveloped countries.
  • 由於整體經濟狀況逐步改善以及就業情況漸趨穩定,本地消費開支在九九九年第二季回升,在第三季及第四季更進步增強。
    As overall economic conditions progressively improved and as the employment situation gradually stabilised, local consumer spending resumed positive growth by the second quarter of 1999 and strengthened further in the third and fourth quarters.
  • 現在是十點一刻。
    It's a quarter past 10.
  • 個二角五分硬幣可烘十分鐘。
    A quarter lasts ten minutes.
  • 請給我四分之磅糖果。
    A quarter of sweets please.
  • 現在五點差一刻。
    It is a quarter to five.
  • 因此,失業人數上升,股市下挫,物業市道也較諸高峰期大幅下降,旅遊業的生意也大跌。香港今年第季經濟出現負增長,經濟睏境在未來幾季會持續下去。
    Therefore, unemployment has risen, stock prices have fallen and property market has declined very substantially from the peak. Tourism has also fallen off sharply, Hong Kong's economy recorded negative growth in the first quarter. The economy will continue to be difficult for a number of quarters to come.
  • 還不到一刻鐘。
    It isn't the quarter yet.
  • 現在是五點一刻。
    It's a quarter past five.
  • 現在是一點一刻。
    It's a quarter past one.
  • 現在是十點一刻。
    It's a quarter past ten.
  • 誇德隆有四分之黑人血統的人
    A person having one-quarter Black ancestry.
  • 他以五十秒跑了四分之哩。
    He has done the quarter in 50".
  • 現在是一點一刻。
    It 's a quarter past one.
  • 現在是差一刻兩點。
    It's a quarter of two now.
  • 半夜以後;兩點過
    Past midnight; a quarter past two.
  • 時至今日,已增至全球總産量的四分
    Today, they account for a quarter.
  • 季度出版次的期刊。
    a periodical that is published every quarter.
  • 這可能是為個簡單的决定,諸如,上學時帶雨衣或者延遲場足球賽事,也可能是為個重要的决定,諸如,飛機的空中航綫轉移到無霧的機場,像這樣的决定每天都要有很多。為了幫助决定者,氣象員可以提供過去或將來的信息。
    It might be a simple decision to take a rain coat when going to school or to delay the start of a football match, or it might be a more important one to divert an airliner to a fog-free airport. Millions of decisions like these are made every day, and to help decision-makers the weathermen can provide information about the past or the future.
  • 四分之一磅茶葉。
    A quarter of a pound of tea.
  • 現在是差一刻兩點。
    It 's a quarter of two now.