  • 邮递员我们留下一封信。
    The postman left a letter for us.
  • 邮差你送来这封信。
    The postman has left this letter for you.
  • 你不可再延後他回信。
    You must not postpone answering his letter any longer.
  • 恐怕我们不得不推迟约会,这会您带来不便,真抱歉。
    I'm sorry to inconvenience you, but we have to postpone our appointment, I'm afraid.
  • 他说他渴得能喝下10壶茶,幸好女仆没照他的话去做,只他烧了一壶茶。
    He said he was so thirsty he could drink 10 pots of tea. Fortunately the maid did not take him at his word and only made him one pot.
  • 请送给我一壶咖啡。
    Please bring me a pot of coffee.
  • 我肯定那店老板我称土豆时 扣了分量.
    I'm sure the shopkeeper gave me short measure when she weighed out the potatoes.
  • 乔治:好,波特先生,我……我……这样好的机会我想我应该激动得跳起来,但我……我只是……我想你能不能我二十四小时让我考虑一下?
    George: Well,Mr.Potter,I...I...I know I ought to jump at the chance,but I...I just...I wonder if it would be possible for you to give me twenty? four hours to think it over?
  • 波特:你不想住镇上最豪华的住宅吗?不想你太太买许多漂亮衣服吗?不想一年去纽约出几次差吗?或者间或去欧洲看看。
    Potter: You wouldn’t mind living in the nicest house in town,buying your wife a lot of fine clothes,a couple of business trips to New York a year,maybe once in a while Europe.
  • 所以,我每个学生做了一个装"油炸弹子"的小袋作为礼物送他们。
    So, as my gift to them, I made each of my students a little pouch for carrying their fried marbles.
  • 我让我的小儿子来买二磅李子,可你只了他一磅半。
    I sent my little boy for two pounds of plums and you gave him a pound and a half.
  • (交接待员300英镑兑换旅行支票)早安,我想换300镑的旅行支票。10镑一张的换200镑,5镑一张的换100镑。谢谢!
    (Hands over 300 to the clerk at the counter for traveler's cheques.)Good morning.I want 300 pounds worth of traveler's cheques, two hundred in ten-pound and one hundred five-pound cheques, please.
  • 我一个满意汉堡和一个大包薯条。
    One quarter pounder and one large fry, please.
  • 再给你倒杯茶好吗?
    Can I pour you another cup of tea?
  • 给她斟一杯酒。
    Pour her a glass of wine.
  • 我再你斟点酒好吗?
    May I pour you some more wine?
  • 要我现在您倒些咖啡吗?
    Shall I pour you some coffee now?
  • 我再您斟点酒,好吗?
    Shall I pour you some more wine?
  • “你从不和我说话,我你干了三个星期,而你什么也没教我。”我撅着嘴说。
    "Well, you've never talked to me. I've worked for three weeks, and you have not taught me anything," I said with a pout.
  • 球一个有力的踢。
    he gave the ball a powerful kick.
  • 但是如果用微小的燃料电池手机提供电源的话,你就可以一口气打上100个小时的电话。
    But with a micro fuel cell powering your phone, you could make calls for 100 hours straight.
  •  好几年前,一名主管公关部门的银行高级执行员问我,要怎样证明人家看,公关部的工作不是可有可无的?
    Some years ago, a senior bank executive incharge of public relations (PR) asked me for advice on how to justify the activities of his PR department.
  • 好几年前,一名主管公关部门的银行高级执行员问我,要怎样证明人家看,公关部的工作不是可有可无的?
    Some years ago, a senior bank executive in charge of public relations (PR) asked me for advice on how to justify the activities of his PR department.
  • 这种教育确实有效,不能不我留下深刻印象。
    I can't help but be impressed with the practicability of this education.
  • 中国人民旺盛的精力、对工作的认真态度、对自己国家和文化的自豪、务实的精神和快速增长的经济,你们的祖母和我留下深刻的印象。
    But your grandmother and I were very impressed by the energy of the Chinese people, their work ethic, their pride in their country and culture, their practicality, and the rapid development of the Chinese economy.
  • 实行供给制
    To practice the"supply system"
  • 在工作上他慷慨予我帮助。
    He was showered with praise.
  • 对获胜者予高度赞扬
    Bestowed high praise on the winners.
  • 采取预防措施;予预防的建议
    Taking precautionary measures; gave precautionary advice.
  • 提前予忠告;我要做些预防措施以使他离开。
    gave precautionary advice; I would take precautionary steps to keep him away.
  • 显贵人物)领路的人,前驱职责是为互不认识的人作介绍或在队列中引领重要人物的官员
    An official whose duty is to make introductions between unacquainted persons or to precede persons of rank in a procession.
  • 任务指派的等级,决定任务在使用系统资源时的优先次序。
    A rank assigned to a task that determines its precedence in receiving system resources.