  • 租车司机有权收取小费,一般大约为车费的15%坏包括过桥费及行李费)。
    Cab drivers are entitled to tips, generally about 15% of you fare (without the bridge tolls and luggage fees).
  • 我想跟你打个商量。你到市区去一趟,我给你付租车费。
    I’ll make a deal with you. You make the trip downtown and I’ll give you your cab fare.
  • 今天,无论我是坐租车,还是接受他人的服务,我总是尽量地多为他人考虑。
    Today, whenever I am in a cab or being waited on, I always try to be as considerate as possible.
  • 我们计划在他开完了会之后,坐租车去中国城,吃我们最爱吃的东西,然后去看一场电影。我特别盼望这次旅行。
    After his meeting, we planned to take a cab to Chinatown and have our favorite food and see movie, I was dying with expectation.
  • 当然也可以在街上叫租。因为在大多数城市里叫租并非十分便当,所以可翻一下电话号码簿里的黄页打电话到租汽车公司,让他们派车到你处。
    Of course, he can also stop a cab on the street, but that's not easy in many cities, it's actually easier to call a taxi company listed in the Yellow Pages of a telephone directory and ask them to send a cab to your door.
  • 另外,其他便衣刑警——尤其夜勤人员——已经对遭遇麻烦的租车司机加强注意。
    In addition, other plainclothes anti-crime cops—especially those on the night shift—have been increasingly on the lookout for cabbies in trouble.
  • 招呼一辆出租汽车
    Hail a cabdriver.
  • 发前船长将船舱的灯光调暗。
    The captain dimmed the cabin lights before takeoff.
  • 内阁迅速做了反应。
    Like a shot the cabinet responded.
  • 让史密斯先生席所有的内阁会议。
    Have Mr Smith present at all cabinet meetings.
  • 产于印度和东印度群岛的一种树,其木材坚硬芳香,因其细木工艺而享有盛誉,其深红色的心材可用来作染料木。
    tree of India and East Indies yielding a hard fragrant timber prized for cabinetwork and dark red heartwood used as a dyewood.
  • 电线电缆口联营公司
    Electric Wire& Cable Export Corporation
  • 以电报开出信用证
    To cable( wire) a credit
  • 捐献出全部
    Donated the whole caboodle.
  • 所有的人都跑来向我进攻。
    The whole caboodle came out and fell upon me.
  • 雷角加拿大的纽芬兰西南顶端卡伯特海峡的一个突
    A promontory of extreme southwest Newfoundland, Canada, on Cabot Strait.
  • 他的席给予了公司一定的威望;音乐给演增添。
    Her presence lends a certain cachet to the company; The music added a lot to the play; She brings a special atmosphere to our meetings; This adds a light note to the program.
  • 主席在会上开门见山地提了他的观点。
    The chairman cut the cackle and brought his idea up at the meeting.
  • 我开始讲话时听众中发一些格格笑声。
    There is a few cackle from the audience when I begin to talk.
  • 对所有这些作反应而现的是一些不协调的新词汇术语及其解决方案,如“ip交换”、“抄近道路由”以及对一类叫做第3层交换机的产品的关注。
    What's emerged in reaction to all of this is a cacophony of new buzz words and solutions, including "IP switching", "cut through routing", and a new focus on a class of products known as Layer 3 switches.
  • 果隙,细隙仙人球上的小的,特殊的,衬垫状区域,从该处可长毛丝、倒钩、刺、分支或花
    A small, specialized, cushionlike area on a cactus from which hairs, glochids, spines, branches, or flowers may arise.
  • 电脑辅助设计和小规模版业随著日新月异的个人电脑而改进。
    Cad and desktop publishing continue to be improved with ever new and faster PCs.
  • 电脑辅助设计和小规模版业随著日新月异的个人电脑而改进。
    Cad and desktop publishing continue to is improved with ever new and faster pcs.
  • 第一类是那些需要由应用程序(如cad/cam)共享大文件输的用户。
    In the first category are users that need to share large files output by applications such as CAD/CAM.
  • 完全终止的在乐章或乐曲结尾指由第五音到主音的和声或和弦的
    Designating a cadence or chord progression from the dominant to the tonic at the end of a phrase or piece of music.
  • 他的话以一种美妙的声调表现来,而那种北平腔的悦耳声调具有优美音乐的抑扬顿挫。
    His words come out with a beautiful cadence, and the musical tones of the Peking accent have a graceful musical rise and fall.
  • 我们常常把花儿种在一块土地上,使它们看来好象是一个圆圈,一颗星,或几个英文字母。当我们看见这样种起来的花儿生长到旁边去时,我们惶骇了,象看见一个美国西点军官学校的学生走队伍外时那样地惶骇,我们开始拿剪刀去剪裁它们了。
    We often plant flowers and lay them out on a plot so that they resemble either a circle, or a star, or different letters of the alphabet, and we are horrified when some of the flowers so planted get out of line, as we are horrified when we see a West Point cadet march out of step, and we proceed to cut them down with scissors.
  • 一百个干部有九十九个做得好,有一个干部乱子,也可以把事情搞坏。
    Even if ninety-nine out of a hundred cadres do well and only one cadre makes a mistake, he can still spoil our efforts.
  • "警察来了,把那些吵吵嚷嚷的青年人从咖啡馆里撵了去。"
    The police came and ejected the noisy youths from the cafe room.
  • 咖啡馆老板借助宜人的气候,将桌椅拿来摆在人行道上。
    Cafe owner capitalizes on the good weather by putting tables and chairs out on the pavement.
  • 在小酒店外晒着太阳用餐,他们能从简单中品味其中最大的乐趣。
    Make the most of the simple pleasure to be had from basking in the sunshine outside a cafe.
  • 他们走自助餐厅,穿过广场。
    They walk out of the cafeteria, and across the piazza.