  • 希望有一天我能像你一样开一家司。
    Hopefully I can open a company like you one day.
  • 二是希望通过给代表团提供这样一次机会,使得美国众能够看到一幅今日中国民主的真实画像,进一步增进两国人民之间的友谊。”
    Second, such an opportunity given to the delegation will hopefully show the US public a genuine picture of China's democracy and further promote the friendship between the two peoples.]]
  • 中国政府部门受到的增强透明度的压力及其采取的一些增强透明度的措施,但愿能使它们逐渐认同”开性“原则,并由经济政策的透明进而达致政治决策的透明。
    The pressure the Chinese government gets from the WTO and the measures it adopts to make its policy more transparent, will hopefully help it identify gradually with the principle of “openness”, which should extend from economic to political decisions.
  • 假如贵司需要其他推荐信的话,请和台板木器司的董事长霍瑞斯·格林先生或第一银行的弗兰克·默斯先生联络。
    If you wish further references, please communicate with Mr. Horace Greene, the president of the Taipan Woolen company, or Mr. Frank Morse of the First Bank.
  • 一大群孩子在办大楼里到处奔跑。
    A horde of children ran over the office building.
  • 牛用角把老母牛从牛群中顶了出去。
    The young bull horned the old cow out of the herd.
  • 校长修改校规,引起师生的愤。
    The principal stirred up a hornet's nest by changing the school rules.
  • 我们只得住在一套可怕的小寓房子里。
    We had to live in a horrid little flat.
  • 梦工厂市场部负责人特里-普雷斯接受《纽约邮报》采访时说,早在9·11事件发生之前,司就已经计划将这部影片的放映期从2001年圣诞节改为2002年2月份,以便缓解一下票房压力。
    DreamWorks' marketing chief, Terry Press, tells the New York Post that even before Tuesday's horrific events, the studio had planned to move the film from Christmas 2001 to Feb. 2002, in order to give it some breathing space at the box office.
  • 正如马克预料的那样,苏姗被重新乘共汽车的想法吓坏了。
    Just as Mark predicted,Susan was horrified at the idea of taking the bus again.
  • 吉姆每天把大部分午饭时间用来与办室的几个女孩鬼混。
    Jim spends most of his lunch hour every day horsing around with some of the girls from the office.
  • 一九九七年香港花卉展览在沙田园及沙田大会堂举行,为期10日,参加的本地及海外园艺组织逾70个,到场参观人数逾45万人次。
    More than 70 local and overseas horticultural organisations took part in the 1997 show held at Sha Tin Park and Sha Tin Town Hall. It attracted more than 450000 visitors over its 10 days.
  • 司把汽车当做抵押品。
    The company took the cars as hostage.
  • 接着威利斯在diehard(1989)“猛虎威龙”一片中扮演了一个失意的纽约警察,影片讲述了一伙国际恐怖主义分子绑架洛杉矶办大楼正在举办圣诞节“派对”的全体职工,当时,与他不和的妻子也在其中。威利斯与这群恐怖分子展开了机智灵活的斗争。
    Then came Die Hard (1989), in which Willis played a low-key New Yorkcop who ingeniously takes on a group of international terrorists who have taken hostage the corporate L.A. office where his estranged wife is attending a Christmas party.
  • “如果你想继续做世界领袖,就从减少全身负荷开始,”克莱斯勒司董事长雅科卡上星期对霍普金斯大学毕业生说。“负债的人不能做领袖。掌握借条的人才能发号施令;另外那个人叫做人质。”
    "If you want to continue being leaders in the would, start by getting some of that debt off your backs," Lee Iacocca, chairman of the Chrysler Corporation, told graduates of Johns Hopkins University last week. "Debtors can't be leaders. It's the guy holding the I.O.U.'s who calls the shots; the other guy is called a hostage."
  • 我们回到寓时,天已经黑了。
    It was dark when we made our way back to the hostel.
  • 她是服务于日本航空司的空服员。
    She is an air hostess with JAL.
  • 明显的谎言;然的敌意;众智慧的结晶。
    an overt lie; overt hostility; overt intelligence gathering.
  • 开的敌意破坏了气氛;明显好奇的注视。
    her unconcealed hostility poisoned the atmosphere; watched with unconcealed curiosity.
  • 国际奥委会让北京圆了主办2008年奥运会的梦想,同时更为全球无数大司提供了商机。
    The International Olympics Committee made Beijing's dream of hosting the 2008 Games a reality - and gave a boost to many business leaders around the world.
  • 很多大司把其网站外包给托管司,因为这些司提供管理服务,负责安全,更新软件和提供网站监视服务等。
    Many large companies outsource their Web sites to hosting companies because those companies offer management services, taking care of security, updating software and providing site-monitoring services.
  • 在海德公园饭店。
    at the Hyde Park Hotel.
  • 天气愈来愈热了,园里的人开始脱去衣服。
    People in the park began to shed their clothes as it got hotter and hotter.
  • 我们办室的规矩非常严,甚至在最热的天气里也得穿着外套上班。
    It is still very formal in our office; we can’t work in our shirt sleeves even in the hottest weather.
  • 伦敦的共汽车每小时零分开出一趟。
    The London bus departs every hour on the hour.
  • "从早上八点到下午四点,近郊的共汽车每小时正开出一班。"
    From 8 a.m. to 4 a.m. the suburban buses leave every hour on the hour.
  • 最高每小时为七十里。
    Maximum is 70 kilometers per hour.
  • 在几个星期的时间里,那家汽车司就解雇了八千四百名工人以工时计算,是该司整个劳动力的五分之一。
    In a matter of weeks, the automobile plant laid off8, 400 workers-- one fifth of its hourly work force.
  • 部办大楼部办所在地
    The building in which such a department is housed.
  • 新大楼将有足够地方,容纳现时坚伟大楼和大部分在外租用地方办的人员。
    The space provided will be able to accommodate offices presently housed in Caine House and a large portion of leased accommodation.
  • 迄一九九八年底,约有280万人居于新市镇。新市镇设有各类社区及康乐设施,包括学校、街市、购物中心、园、游憩用地,以及便捷的交通连系。
    At the end of the year, about 2.8 million people were housed in the new towns, enjoying a wide range of community and recreational facilities, including schools, markets and shopping centres, parks and open spaces and convenient transport links.
  • 十二月十七日举行的"良好工作场所整理日"是重点活动之一,这个活动获得雇主和雇员热烈支持,参加的司和机构数以百计。
    The 'Good Housekeeping Day' held on December 17 was one of the key programmes launched with good support from employers and employees and attracted hundreds of corporations and organisations.