| - 快乐的宗教歌曲演唱(尤其在圣诞节期间)。
singing joyful religious songs (especially at Christmas). - 如晋代陆机《平复帖》、王珣《伯远帖》、顾恺之《洛神赋图卷》,隋代展子虔《游春图卷》,唐代韩滉《五牛图卷》、杜牧《张好好诗卷》,五代顾闳中《韩熙载夜宴图卷》,宋代李公麟《临韦偃牧放图卷》、郭熙《窠石平远图》、张择端《清明上河图卷》等,均是人间瑰宝。
These included, from the Jin Dynasty, Lu Ji's "Ping fu tie", Wang Xun's "Bo yuan tie" and Gu Kai Zhi's "Luo shen fu tu juan"; from the Sui Dynasty, Zhan Zi Qian's "You chun tu juan"; from the Tang Dynasty, Han Huang's "Wu niu tu juan", Du Mu's "Zhang hao hao shi juan"; from the Five Dynasties, Gu Hong Zhong's "Han xi zai ye yan tu juan"; from the Song Dynasty, Li Gong Lin's "Lin wei yan mu fang tu juan", Guo Xi's "Ke shi ping yuan tu", Zhang Ze Duan's "Qing ming shang he tu juan" and so on-all gems of art without exception. - 此项工作数十年坚持不懈,近年还从市场上以巨资购回宋代张先《十咏图卷》,元代迺贤《城南詠古诗》,明代沈周《仿黄公望富春山居图卷》,清代石涛《高呼与可图卷》等,尤其前两件是溥仪以赏溥杰为名从宫中盗出而流散民间的,今日复归宝藏。
Unremitting though this attempt at recovery has been, however, there have been further exertions in recent years to acquire such works as Zhang Xian's "Shi yong tu juan" (Song Dynasty), Nai Xian's "Cheng nan yong gu shi" (Yuan Dynasty), Shen Zhou's "Fang huang gong wang fu chun shan ju tu juan" (Ming Dynasty), Shi Tao's "Gao hu yu ke tu" (Qing Dynasty). The first two were in fact spirited out of the palace by Puyi on the excuse of bestowing them on his brother Pu Jie; they fell into the hands of others and are only now returned to their rightful place in the Palace Museum collection. - 看看在英女皇登基50周年纪念和世界杯球赛期间,年轻人们对自己国家的态度就知道了。"
It will be interesting to see how the Jubilee and the World Cup have affected young people's attitudes to their country." - 劳资审裁处隶属司法机构。审裁处以快捷廉宜、非法院式的方法,仲裁雇主与雇员之间的各类纠纷,这些纠纷不属于小额薪酬索偿仲裁处专责审裁的范围。
The Labour Tribunal is part of the Judiciary and provides a quick, inexpensive and informal method of adjudicating various types of disputes between employees and employers which are not within the exclusive jurisdiction of the Minor Employment Claims Adjudication Board. - 那最后3英里要花很长时间才走完。
The last three miles took the longest time to do it by a jugful. - 你们得把公共汽车的时间表固定下来,不要老是把行车时间变来变去。
You must stop juggling the bus-times around and settle on a fixed timetable. - 你们得把公共汽车的时间固定下来,不要老是把行车时间变来变去。
You must stop juggling the bustimes mound and settle on a fixed timetable. - 谢谢您,我通常喜欢吃浇汁排骨,这道菜时间长吗?
Thank you. I usually like a good juicy steak. Will it be long? - 雷雨过后我们发现了一棵树干裂开了的树;他们从裂开了的西瓜正中间掰下了大块多汁的西瓜。
after the thunderstorm we found a tree with a split trunk; they tore big juicy chunks from the heart of the split watermelon. - 前总统克林顿和莱温斯基搞的白宫丑闻,就在报章上详详尽尽报道了很长的一段时间。
Many of us will no doubt still remember the juicy details on president Bill Clinton’s affair with Monica Lewinsky in the American media. - 六月在五月与七月之间。
June is between May and July. - 他房间乱七八糟地堆放着衣服、报纸和啤酒瓶。
His room was a jumble of clothes, newspapers and beer bottles. - 这是跳线电缆和回形针导线之间的混乱状态。
it was a tangle of jumper cables and clip leads. - 拱,穹隆在天花板和墙之间形成交汇点的弯曲表面
A curved surface forming a junction between a ceiling and a wall. - 通过添加smartjunction服务器在透明方式下扩展您的web空间,如第6章所述
Expand your web space in a transparent fashion by adding smart junction server as describe in chapter6 - 介质网关是一种连接,它将为语音和传真一类的介质提供电路交换网和包交换网之间的通道。
Media gateways will be the junctions that provide a path between circuit-switched and packet networks for such media as voice and fax. - 机会,时机一个有利的或合适的时间或时机;机会
A favorable or appropriate time or juncture; an opportunity. - 第二个转变是处于两个不同的战争过程之间的,这是一九三七年秋季(卢沟桥事变后)的事情。
The second change in strategy took place in the autumn of 1937 (after the Lukouchiao Incident), at the juncture of the two different wars. - 中国共产党在革命斗争中的伟大的历史成就,使得今天处在民族敌人侵入的紧急关头的中国有了救亡图存的条件,这个条件就是有了一个为大多数人民所信任的、被人民在长时间内考验过因此选中了的政治领导者。
The Party's great historic achievements in its revolutionary struggles have provided the prerequisite for the survival and salvation of China at this critical juncture when she is being invaded by a national enemy; and this prerequisite is the existence of a political leadership enjoying the confidence of the vast majority of the people and chosen by them after long years of testing. - 那间屋子里满是破烂儿。
The room is full of junk. - 或者,你可能注册了太多的日常服务项目,诸如占星预测、新闻服务、征友等等,因而你的电子信箱中塞满了大量的"垃圾信件",要从电子信箱中找到重要信件就可能需几小时时间。
Or,you might be signed up for so many daily services,such as horoscopes,news services,or personals,that your mailbox is so filled up with “ junk mail” ,that finding the important e? mails through your mailbox might take hours. - 邓:如果戈尔巴乔夫在消除中苏间三大障碍,特别是在促使越南停止侵略柬埔寨和从柬埔寨撤军问题上走出扎扎实实的一步,我本人愿意跟他见面。
Deng: If Gorbachev takes a solid step towards the removal of the three major obstacles in Sino-Soviet relations, particularly if he urges Vietnam to end its aggression in Kampuchea and withdraw its troops from there, I for my part will be ready to meet him. - 顺便问一下,我们什么时间到堪萨斯?
And by the way, what time will we get to Kansas? - 中国希望印巴两国继续进行和平谈判,争取用和平的、政治的办法解决彼此间的争议。
As far as their disputes such as the problem of Kashmir are concerned, because peace is to be valued most, it is China’s hope that India and Pakistan will continue to work to bring about a political settlement of the problem peacefully and resolve their disputes. - 第四次去康复中心,我准备绕过凯瑟琳的房间,可是博另有想法。
On our fourth visit,I was ready to bypass Katherine's room,but Beau had other plans. - 时钟敲响两点半,说明我们的15分钟到了,此时凯瑟琳的手慢慢滑落到膝上,博转身走出房间。
As the clock chimed half past two,marking the end of our fifteen minutes,Katherine's hand gently slid back into her lap,and Beau turned to walk out the door. - 自那以后,每个星期一我和博照例去接待室外,还专门探视112号的查利和埃玛,去114号房间陪凯瑟琳坐着。
Every Monday thereafter,Beau and I made our rounds to the hospitality room,stopping to make special visits in room 112 to visit Charlie and Emma,and in room 114 to sit with Katherine. - 我默许了,可是我心里想着当天下午晚些时候的商务会谈,因此我决定把陪凯瑟琳的时间从往常的15分钟缩短到5分钟。
I acquiesced,but since I had a business meeting later in the afternoon with which I was preoccupied,I decided to cut short our usual fifteen minutes with Katherine to five. - "我同房间的人,除了其他活动外,还喜欢玩桥牌。"
My roommates are very keen on bridge cards among other things. - 肯想把这间屋子漆成绿色,但他的妻子却决定要刷成粉红色的,他在这件事上没有发言权。
Ken wanted to paint the room green but his wife had already chosen pink and he had no say in the matter. - 肯恩:我们去喝点什么吧.车站隔壁有个酒吧间。
Ken: Let us go and have a drink. There is a bar next door to the station.