  • 藨草属植物长在水里或沼泽地里的藨草属草本植物,有玻璃状的叶子和成簇的,常是褐的小穗状花序
    Any of various aquatic or wetland herbs of the genus Scirpus, having grasslike leaves and usually clusters of small, often brown spikelets.
  • 香根莎草一种莎草属莎草,尤指欧洲的长莎草,具有粗糙边缘的叶子、红的小穗状花和芳香的根部
    Any of various sedges of the genus Cyperus, especially C. longus of Europe, having rough-edged leaves, reddish spikelets, and aromatic roots.
  • 食用大量的柑橘、黄水果和蔬菜,如菠菜。
    Eat lots of oranges and yellow fruits and vegetables such as spinach.
  • 澳大利亚南部和塔斯马尼亚岛的纺锤形竖直灌木,有白到玫瑰或紫红的花。
    spindly upright shrub of southern Australia and Tasmania having white to rose or purple-red flowers.
  • 在纺成纱线或者织成布匹之前就染
    dyed before being spun or woven into cloth.
  • 一种含铁的黑尖晶石。
    a dark-colored spinel containing iron.
  • 结暗红、可食果实的带刺树木。
    spiny tree having dark red edible fruits.
  • 一个有特的棕榈攀缘植物属,生长于热带和亚热带森林,茎常多刺。
    distinctive often spiny-stemmed palms found as climbers in tropical and subtropical forest.
  • 绒毛绣线菊一种产于北美东部生有下侧为铁锈的叶子和成串的呈玫瑰紫的穗形小花的木本植物(绒毛绣线菊绣线菊属)
    A woody plant(Spiraea tomentosa) of eastern North America, having leaves with rusty down on the undersides and spikelike clusters of small, rose-purple flowers.
  • 热带海洋腹足动物,螺旋状的壳彩美丽。
    tropical marine gastropods having beautifully colored spiral shells.
  • 大角斑羚,大羚羊一种大非洲羚羊(大角斑羚或巨大角斑羚),皮淡褐或灰,角盘扭成螺旋状
    Either of two large African antelopes(Taurotragus oryx or T. derbianus) having a light brown or grayish coat and spirally twisted horns.
  • 捻角羚两种非洲大羚羊(大弯角羚羚羊属或小弯角羚羚羊属)之一,长有带白细长竖纹的棕皮毛,而且雄性有螺旋形弯曲的长角
    Either of two large African antelopes(Tragelaphus strepsiceros or T. imberbis) having a brownish coat with narrow, white vertical stripes and, in the male, long, spirally curved horns.
  • 你们干得都很出, 要坚持下去!
    You're all doing a splendid job; keep up the good work!
  • 我们队表现出, 赢了那场比赛.
    Our team gave a splendid account of themselves to win the match.
  • 一片壮丽的景出现在我们眼前。
    A splendid view burst upon our sight.
  • 我们希望他们用更大的努力增产节约,希望他们更出地完成自己的任务。
    We hope that they will exert great efforts to increase production and practise economy and splendidly accomplish their task.
  • 或许,如果我有视力,我也会像其他大多数女人一样——也对个人服装的式样和剪裁很感兴趣,以使人群中的华丽彩有更多的吸引力。
    But perhaps if I had sight I should be like most other women-- too interested in styles and the cut of individual dresses to give much attention to the splendor of color in the mass.
  • 我们不可能有比他更出的代言人了。
    We couldn't have had a better spokesman.
  • 我曾经获得富布赖特奖学金,在美国认识了他们的一些顶尖学生。依我看,和他们比较,成都最优秀的学生绝不逊
    Yes, even by the standards of some of the top American students I met in US when I had a stint there under Fulbright sponsorship, I would say the best students at Chengdu are no laggards.
  • 我有一卷彩色胶卷。
    I've got a spool of color film.
  • 我有一卷彩色胶卷。
    I have get a spool of color film.
  • 我有一卷彩色胶卷。
    I have got a spool of color film.
  • 新大陆热带玫瑰的琵鹭。
    tropical rose-colored New World spoonbill.
  • 我们还会研究有关兴建其他大型设施的建议,其中包括兴建一个新的体育馆,一个新的水上活动中心,以及一个多媒体主题公园。这类设施本身既是具有特的游览胜点,又可供举办各种文娱康体活动。
    We will further develop proposals for other major facilities which will be both unique attractions in themselves as well as venues for cultural, entertainment or sporting events, including a new sports stadium, a new centre for water-sports and a multi-media theme park.
  • 有斑点,成斑驳用点作标记或使斑驳杂
    To mark or mottle with spots.
  • 斑驳的有不同深浅或颜的斑点或大片污渍的
    Spotted or blotched with different shades or colors.
  • 一种美丽的通常栽培的植物,有黄褐、往往有紫斑点的花。
    a showy often-cultivated plant with tawny yellow often purple-spotted flowers.
  • 使事物有污点或染上颜的行为。
    the act of spotting or staining something.
  • 他离开学校参加了舞台剧《地上天堂》的演出工作,但是,他后来的演艺生涯并未步入正轨,东拍一部商业片,西在舞台剧中担任个小角
    He left school to work in the play Heaven on Earth, but his subsequent acting career was spotty, with a commercial here and a small theatrical role there.
  • 生长于澳大利亚的一种植物,花呈红或黄;其嫩根和多汁的叶子可食用。
    coarse sprawling Australasian plant with red or yellow flowers; cultivated for its edible young shoots and succulent leaves.
  • 黄瓜藤一种有卷须的、一年生攀缘或蔓生植物(香瓜属葫芦科黄瓜或胡瓜),因其结有可食用的圆柱形果实而被广泛培植,该果皮呈绿且有松脆的白果肉
    A tendril-bearing, climbing or sprawling annual plant(Cucumis sativus) widely cultivated for its edible cylindrical fruit that has a green rind and crisp white flesh.
  • 使用喷雾剂就可以使水果改变其颜
    Fruit can be discoloured by the use of spray.