  • “他们”是“上流社会人物”,是“达官显贵”。他们你一点施舍,动员你去服役,让你去打仗,调教你,“说起话来像上层社会那样咬文嚼字”,事实上他们“全是骗子”。
    "They" are "the people at the top", "the higher-ups", the people who give you the dole, call you up, tell you to go to war, fine you, "talk posh", "are all twisters really".
  • 我不能借给你钱。
    I am not in a position to lend you money.
  • 我肯定把他的地址你了。
    I am positive that I gave you his address.
  • 董事会予肯定答复。
    The board gives a positive reply.
  • 他像鬼缠住了似的。
    He acted like one possessed.
  • 能把所有物转让他人的权利。
    possession with the right to transfer possession to others.
  • 对物质利益与高度评价的人。
    someone with great regard for worldly possessions.
  • 他们的东西全抢走了。
    They were robbed of all their possessions.
  • 你的财产保险了吗?
    Have you taken out insurance on your possessions?
  • 他把他的所有财产都留了他的女儿。
    he left all his worldly possessions to his daughter.
  • 他把他不用的东西推我保管。
    He unloaded his possessions on me to be stored.
  • 他们的父亲没有把自己的遗产平分几个儿子。
    their father's possessions were inequitably divided among the sons.
  • 你能借我十美元吗?
    Could you possibly lend me 10 dollars?
  • 我没有可能借你这麽多钱。
    I can't possibly lend you so much money.
  • 他可能会我们一些香槟。
    He possibly can give us some champaign.
  • 信件寄特定的人或者组织的邮件
    Postal material for a specific person or organization.
  • 他兄弟写了一张明信片。
    He wrote a postcard to his brother.
  • 汤姆每年都寄玛丽一张明信片。
    Tom mails Mary a postcard every year.
  • 她寄我一张明信片要你的地址。
    She sent me a postcard asking for your address.
  • 她没有你明信片,对吗?
    She did not give you any postcard, did she?
  • 她没有你明信片,对吗?
    She do not give you any postcard, do she?
  • 如果有时间,请我寄一张明信片。
    Please drop a postcard to me if you have time.
  • 你到上海以后我发张明信片。
    Send a postcard to me when you arrive in Shanghai.
  • 有空就我写封短信或寄张明信片。
    Drop me a line or a postcard when you get a minute.
  • 请您在同函的明信片上写明最方便的访问时间寄还我?
    Will you send me the postcard enclosed, perhaps indicate on it the time most convenient for my visit?
  • 请拿风景明信片我看看。
    Please show me some postcards.
  • 支票将寄给银行。
    The cheque will be posted to the bank.
  • 那张海报贴上去没几个小时就让人偷走了。
    The poster only stayed up a few hours, before it was stolen.
  • 由于这些法规禁止公司为香烟制作商业电视广告——只留他们推销雪茄烟和烟斗用烟的权力,所以他们将重点放到制作广告画上了,尽管这些公司已同意不再试图招揽新的青年吸烟者,而只把对象局限于成年人。
    Since the rules prevented companies from producing commercials for cigarette leaving them only with the right to push cigars and pipe tobacco the stress has been on poster advertising, even though the companies have agreed not to attempt to bring in new young smokers, but restrict themselves to adults.
  • 这些洞窟开凿的原意,只是为参禅修炼提供一个静穆的场所。大概谁也不曾料到会后人留下一座如此辽阔而恢宏的艺术宫殿。
    It was originally designed only as a Buddhist sanctuary, but, probably to no one's expectation, what was left to the posterity would be such a splendid and majestic legacy as a palace of art.
  • 他把一封信交邮递员。
    He gave the postman a letter.
  • 邮差我留下什么信件吗?
    Did the postman leave anything for me?