  • 页存储器系统中,虚或实总地址中定义包含所需地址的页面的字段(中的内容)。
    That field of the total address(virtual or physical) that defines the page containing the desired address in apaged memory system.
  • wbem由两部组成:一部是被称为超级媒体管理模式(hmms)的对象模型,它定义数据应如何构建;
    WBEM consists of two parts: an object model called HyperMedia Management Schema (HMMS), which defines how data should be structured;
  • uddi编程接口(api)定义了一个统一的方法使商业实体可以在他们的商业注册信息中加入任何数量的类信息。
    The UDDI programming interface (API) defines a consistent way for businesses to add any number of classifications to their business registrations.
  • 在计算机程序设计中,从字符串(例如代表程序的语句)中辨出程序设计语言中所定义的基本语法成。参阅compiler。
    In computer programming, to resolve a string of characters, representing for example a program statement, into its elemental parts as defined by(say) the programming language.
  •  但是当他给这种学说下定义并加以引伸时,简直无法避免从国家的概念和性质开始,这就必然要使所谓“全人类经济”发生实质上的改变;因为现在人类还是在不同的国家下互相开的,各自在它共同力量和利益下结合在一起,各不相谋,而且与那些在天赋自由权的行使上彼此对立的其他同样的社会不同。
    In defining and developing this doctrine he could scarcely forbear to proceed from the idea and the nature of the nation, and to show what material modifications the 'economy of the whole human race' must undergo by the fact that at present that race is still separated into distinct nationalities each held together by common powers and interests, and distinct from other societies of the same kind which in the exercise of their natural liberty are opposed to one another.
  • 器技术性计算定积的仪器
    An instrument for mechanically calculating definite integrals.
  • 此外,尽管初始化部可设置任意数量的定义,但都属于同一类型。
    Also, the initialization portion can have any number of definitions of one type.
  • 区的实现(甚至它的定义)在计算机硬件供应商之间差别颇大。
    Implementations of partitioning -- and even its definitions -- vary widely among computer hardware vendors.
  • 词汇表难懂或专门性的词汇表,具有解释,常置于书后面部
    A list of difficult or specialized words with their definitions, often placed at the back of a book.
  • 一种逐步处理的过程,用于产生实体或表定义,使之:(1)没有重复的类;(2)把同类数值配给属性或列;(3)有特殊的名字;(4)有特殊的和唯一的可识别行。
    A step by step process that produces either entity or table definitions that have:(a) no repeating groups;(b) the same kind of values assigned to attributes or columns;(c) a distinct name;(d) distinct and uniquely identifiable rows.
  • 我们是马克思主义者,马克思主义叫我们看问题不要从抽象的定义出发,而要从客观存在的事实出发,从析这些事实中找出方针、政策、办法来。
    We are Marxists, and Marxism teaches that in our approach to a problem we should start from objective facts, not from abstract definitions, and that we should derive our guiding principles, policies and measures from an analysis of these facts.
  • 但是人道主义有各式各样,我们应当进行马克思主义的析,宣传和实行社会主义的人道主义(在革命年代我们叫革命人道主义),批评资产阶级的人道主义。
    But there are a thousand and one definitions of humanism. What we should do is make a Marxist analysis of it, disseminate and practise socialist humanism (which we used to call "revolutionary humanitarianism" during the years of revolution) and criticize bourgeois humanism.
  • 发展审批地区图为中期图则,虽然与区计划大纲图相类似,但却没有区计划大纲图那么全面和确实,而且最终会被区计划大纲图所取代。
    DPA plans are similar to but less comprehensive and definitive than OZPs. They are interim plans to be eventually replaced by OZPs.
  • 物理学中研究物质的变形与流动的支。
    the branch of physics that studies the deformation and flow of matter.
  • (物理学)由于外力的作用迫使或倾向于使物体的邻接部沿平行于他们的接触面方向发生相对滑动而产生应变。
    (physics) a deformation of an object in which parallel planes remain parallel but are shifted in a direction parallel to themselves.
  • 泛神论,多神教区神和宇宙及其现象的信条
    A doctrine identifying the Deity with the universe and its phenomena.
  • 割南美洲大陆南端和火地岛等岛屿;年被麦哲伦发现;巴拿马运河修建之前环绕南美洲的一个重要水道。
    the strait separating South America from Tierra del Fuego and other islands south of the continent; discovered by Ferdinand Magellan in 1520; an important route around South American before the Panama Canal was built.
  • 以前住在新泽西州、纽约州,和特华拉州、宾西法尼亚州部地区的阿尔冈琴语系的民族的人。
    a member of an Algonquian people formerly living in New Jersey and New York and parts of Delaware and Pennsylvania.
  • 上次找几位同志谈经济工作的时候,我提到要注意政治体制改革,包括党政开和下放权力。
    The last time I talked with some comrades about economic work, I called their attention to the necessity of reforming the political structure, including the need to separate the functions of the Party and the government and to delegate powers to lower levels.
  • 这时,英国代表按事先策划,提出了所谓的“折衷”方案,把中国藏族居住的所有地区划为“内藏”、“外藏”两部,“内藏”包括青海、甘肃、四川、云南等省的藏族居住地区,由中国政府直接管辖;
    When these demands were rejected by the representative of the Chinese government, the British delegate introduced the pre-arranged "compromise" scheme, which divided China's Tibetan-inhabited areas into "inner Tibet" and "outer Tibet." "Inner Tibet," including Tibetan-inhabited areas in Qinghai, Gansu, Sichuan and Yunnan provinces, would be under the jurisdiction of the Chinese government.
  • 设法减肥;发现梳妆台上一些额外的变化;然而另外一本关于纹章学的书或许会被认为是多余的;科技进步使许多技术成为了多余的;在客房睡觉;额外的装饰;让她心满意足是多余的;删除多余的(或不必要的)言语;额外的肋材和其他额外的内部构件;剩余的奶酪发给穷人。
    trying to lose excess weight; found some extra change lying on the dresser; yet another book on heraldry might be thought redundant; skills made redundant by technological advance; sleeping in the spare room; supernumerary ornamentation; it was supererogatory of her to gloat; delete superfluous (or unnecessary) words; extra ribs as well as other supernumerary internal parts; surplus cheese distributed to the needy.
  • 程序运行时文件中增加或删除的记录的百比。参阅activity。
    The percentage of records on a file that are added or deleted during a run.
  • 如果日期不清楚,报文可能会被错或当成旧报文而被自动删除。
    If that isn't addressed, messages may be incorrectly sorted or deemed old and automatically deleted.
  • 在字(词)处理技术中,一种增强显示屏上字符亮度的功能,通常在文本操作,诸如删除、复制以及移动字(词)或字符时,使操作者能完全了解执行命令时文本中哪些部受影响。
    In word processing, a facility which intensifies the characters on the display screen. Usually used in such text operations as deleting, copying and moving words or characters, to make the operator fully aware of which portions of the text will be affected when the command is executed.
  •  第五十二条发明或者实用新型专利申请的说明书或者权利要求书的修改部,除个别文字修改或者增删外,应当按照规定格式提交替换页。
    Rule 52 When an amendment to the description or the claims in an application for a patent for invention or utility model is made, a replacement sheet in prescribed form shall be submitted, unless the amendment concerns only the alteration, insertion or deletion of a few words.
  •  第四十一条说明书中写有对附图的说明但无附图或者缺少部附图的,申请人应当在国务院专利行政部门指定的期限内补交附图或者声明取消对附图的说明。
    Rule 41 Where the description states that it contains explanatory notes to the drawings but the drawings or part of them are missing, the applicant shall, within the time limit specified by the Patent Administration Department under the State Council, either furnish the drawings or make a declaration for the deletion of the explanatory notes to the drawings.
  • 布于印度得里附近的一种印地语。
    a form of Hindi spoken around Delhi.
  • 这位教授深深地、从从容容地吸了一口他那支五钱一支的雪茄烟。
    The professor took a long, deliberate drag on his fivecent cigar.
  • 推定经过细心析得出的结论或判断
    A judgment or decision reached after deliberation.
  • 他在这件事的计虑,充反映了他的老谋巨滑。
    it was the deliberation of his act that was insulting.
  • 轻率的,冲动行事的行动过着急并缺乏应有考虑的,或以之为特点的
    Acting with or marked by excessive haste and lack of due deliberation.
  • 宗教界人士享有充的参政议政权利。
    Religious personages enjoy full rights to participate in the deliberation and administration of state affairs.