  • 为了这次演,他们整整忙了一个月。
    They busily occupied themselves for a full month in producing this show.
  • 只要资金可以自由入,外商就会来投资。
    With the free flow of funds, foreign businessmen will invest there.
  • “迈克,你逃了没有?”
    "Mike, did you bust out?"
  • 我坐著观看家庭主妇们匆匆地进超级市场。
    I sit watch housewives bustle in and out of the supermarket.
  • 人们匆匆忙忙地入。
    People were bustling in and out.
  • 人人都在匆忙地进进
    Everyone was bustling in and out.
  • 从拜伦那里,他们引伸一种伦理体系,其中的两条金科玉律:憎恨你的邻人,爱上邻人的老婆。
    From Byron they drew a system of ethics in which the two great commandment were to hate your neighbour and to love your neighbour's wife.
  • 旁边另一个看见此事的人克雷格·布卢知道抓已经来不及了--但他立即想到把卡车的车号记住--不几分钟警察就抓住了汉森。
    Bystander Craig Blue knew it was too late for that? ? but thinking quickly,he memorized the truck's license plate number and police arrested Hanson within minutes.
  • 注意在上述代码中,最大的十六进制值只会在char,byte以及short身上现。
    Notice in the above code the maximum possible hexadecimal values for char, byte, and short.
  • utf-8的编码要求是,在传送的xml数据前加上一个可选的三位字符顺序标志(byteordermark,bom)。这个bom不需要包括解码所需要的信息,但需要告诉接收程序在数据中现的双字节对中的字符顺序。通过进一步的分析就可以知道接收到的xml文档中包含的是ascii字符还是unicode字符。bom不需要实现这个分析。对于操作入口站点(operatorsite)而言,在处理接收的消息前,去除bom是安全的。
    Unicode UTF-8 allows data to be transmitted with an optional three-byte signature, also known as Byte Order Mark (BOM), preceding the XML data. This signature does not contain information that is useful for decoding the contents; but, in the case of UTF-8, tells the receiving program that the rest of the text is in UTF-8. Its presence makes no difference to the endianness of the byte stream as UTF-8 always has the same byte order. The BOM is not part of the textual content, and it is safe for Operator Sites to remove the BOM prior to processing messages received.
  • atm每48字节数据就有5字节开销,这意味着对数据而言只能使用带宽的90.5%,因此155mbpsatm连接线路实际上只提供140mbps数据,而且这还是未考虑lane环境中常见的进bus和lecs中的附加信息流量的情况。
    ATM's 5 bytes of overhead per 48 bytes of data means that it can only use about 90.5 percent of its bandwidth for data -- so a 155Mbps ATM connection is really only supplying 140Mbps of data -- and that's before taking into account the additional traffic to and from the BUS and LECS found in a LANE environment.
  • 遏制政策的妙处就在:它提供制订政策的人一个似乎易于遵行的指导原则,告诉他们什么重要,什么不重要;什么是威胁,什么不是;资源应在何处使用,应有尽在何处撙节。可是冷战过去以后,还没有新的口号现。
    The beauty of containment was that it provided a seemingly easy guide for policy makers, telling them what was important and what was not, what was a threat and what was not,where they should put their resources and where they should not. But with the passing of the cold war, no new byword has come along.
  • 对不起,国航111航班的机票全部售了。
    Sorry, the tickets for Flight CA 111 are sold out.
  • 1957年4月29日,蜜雪儿菲佛生于美国加里佛尼亚的桑塔安纳。当她荣获了橘子郡小姐(missorangecounty)及洛杉矶小姐两项桂冠,赢得了少女时代的首次荣耀。
    Born April 29. 1957, in Santa Ana. CA. Pfeiffer got her first taste of fame in her late teens, when she won both the Miss Orange County beauty contest and then the title of Miss Los Angeles.
  • 考克斯委员会主席克里斯-考克斯(rca)和民主党党员诺姆-迪克斯(d.wa)在向美国参议院防止核泄漏政府事务小组陈述时指:报告中有关“美国国家安全以及与中华人民共和国的军事/商务考虑”不能解释成对中华人民共和国的控告,而是对美国政府允许中国“获取其信息和技术,包括国家安全机密”的披露。
    In their presentation to the Senate Governmental Affairs Subcommittee on Nonproliferation, both Chairman Chris Cox [R-CA] and Ranking Democrat Norm Dicks [D-WA] urged that their Committee Report, "US National Security and Military/Commercial Concerns with People's Republic of China" (US National Security and Military/Commercial Concerns with the People's Republic of China, Report of the Select Committee, committed to the Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union, and "declassified", in part, pursuant to House Resolution 9, as amended, 106th Congress, 1st Session, http://www.house gov/coxreport/) not be interpreted as an indictment of the People's Republic of China[PRC] -- but rather an Indictment of the United States Government for allowing the PRC to "acquire information and technology, including sensitive national security secrets."
  • 我们走路还是坐租车?
    Shall we walk or take a cab?
  • 过10分钟会有一辆租汽车到那儿。
    A cab will be there in ten minutes.
  • 我们坐租车去再乘地铁回来好吗?
    Shall we take a cab there and come back by subway?
  • 我需要一辆出租车。
    I need a cab.
  • 能为我叫一部租车吗?
    Please call a cab for me.
  • 你在找出租车吗?
    Are you looking for a cab?
  • 我要坐出租车去。
    I want to take a cab.
  • 当心那辆出租车!
    Oh, watch out for that cab!
  • 租汽车,有什么事吗?
    Yellow Cab. Can I help you?
  • 能为我叫一部租车吗?
    Can you call me a cab, please?
  • 能为我叫一部租车吗?
    Could you call me a cab, please?
  • 发信号停止;针对租车或者租车司机。
    signal to stop; of cabs or cab drivers.
  • 请派一辆租车来假日饭店。
    Please send a cab to the Holiday Inn now.
  • 请你派一辆租车到中央戏院前入口处,好吗?
    Could you send one cab to the front entrance of the Central Theater?
  • 一位消防员急中生智,将司机从燃烧的车里拉来。
    With great presence of mind a fireman pulled the driver away from the burning cab.
  • 每天早晨他们一起乘车走完这段路,然后马克再乘租车返回办公室。
    Each morning they made the journey together, and Mark would take a cab back to his office.
  • 租汽车司机答应,不管有多大困难也要准时把我送到机场。
    The cab driver promised to get me to the airport on time come hell or high water.