  • 增强国内安全不但能让美国更强大,而且能在很大程度上使美国变得更好:研究、防范生化恐怖活动的工作能改善众卫生状况;
    Homeland security will make America, not only stronger, but in many ways better. Knowledge gained from bioterrorism research will improve public health?
  • 雷神司负责本国安全的高级副总裁雨果·波萨说:"我们今天拥有的是你所不希望看到的:到处都是彼此独立的数据库。
    "What you don't want is what we have today, independent databases all over the place, " says Hugo Poza, senior vice president for homeland security at Raytheon.
  • 贫民院用费维持的来容纳贫穷人或无家可归的人的地方
    An establishment maintained at public expense as housing for the homeless.
  • 通过记录在案和同意定居长期耕种而从美国用土地中获得的土地。
    land acquired from the US public lands by filing a record and living on and cultivating it under the homestead law.
  • 申请产权以正常或合法的方式提出的对某事物的要求,尤指矿工或定居移民用桩围起的一块共土地
    Something claimed in a formal or legal manner, especially a tract of public land staked out by a miner or homesteader.
  • 在我们家乡共汽车可以带你去任何地方。
    The buses can get you anywhere in our hometown.
  • 在我们家乡乘共汽车到某个地方很方便。
    It's easy to get anywhere in our hometown by bus.
  • 对一个不愿开性别的同性恋男人的蔑称。
    a negative term for a homosexual man who chooses not to reveal his sexual orientation.
  • 开声明自己的同性恋行为。
    to state openly and publicly one's homosexuality.
  • 我司已迁至横滨市本町2丁目23番地,日本海上大楼三楼办
    We have removed our office to the third floor of the nippon kaijo building, No.23, nichome, honcho, yokohama.
  • 香港艺穗节于一九八二年创办,该节日已由原来每年一度的开艺术节,发展为一个全年举办活动的组织,为本港的新进艺术家提供砥励演艺技巧和创作的机会。
    The Hong Kong Fringe Festival has developed since 1982 from an annual open arts festival into a successful year-round operation which gives Hong Kong's emerging artists the opportunity to hone their skills and create new works.
  • 一天的诚实劳动所获的平报酬
    Honest wages for an honest day's work.
  • 开诚布地;坦诚地;坦率地
    In an open and honest manner
  • 徐:我们和香港华润运输仓储有限司关系很好。
    We have very good connections with the China Resources Shipping and Storage Co. Ltd. in Hongkong.
  • 研究人员已特许檀香山的资本风险司---美国生物技术司---使用他们的技术。
    The researchers have licensed their technology to venture capital company ProBio America Inc. based in Honolulu.
  • 同时,据报告,若干艘美国船只在旧金山与火奴鲁鲁之间的海上被水雷击中。
    In addition, American ships have been reported torpedoed on the high seas between San Francisco and Honolulu.
  • 依照法律服兵役和参加民兵组织是中华人民共和国民的光荣义务。
    It is the honourable duty of citizens of the People's Republic of China to perform military service and join the militia in accordance with the law.
  • 这是他办室的老传统:每一个任新市长都要在市广场举行的仪式上,从他的前任手中接过市长标志。
    It was an ancient and honourable tradition of his office that each new Mayor should receive his insignia from his predecessor at a ceremony held in the town square.
  • 当前台湾社会价值观念的混淆,媒体的恶性竞争,少部分民众的动辄聚众抗争,教育、医疗资源的分配不、过度浪费都是事实,社会福利的日趋浮滥更成了政客骗取选票的最佳利器。
    The current confusion over the value system, unhealthy media competition, a small group of people who take to the streets over the slightest dispute, unfair distribution of resources for education and health care, and waste of public funds, are all undeniable facts. The promise of better welfare benefits has become the most effective means for politicians to hoodwink voters.
  • 我们步行到园去吧。
    Let's hoof it to the park.
  • 末班共汽车已经开走了,我们只好走回家。
    The last bus have go so we have to hoof it home.
  • 款冬一种菊科低矮的多年生欧亚草本植物(款冬款冬属),原产于北美部分地区,长有蒲英状花序和巨大的蹄状基生叶
    A low perennial Eurasian herb(Tussilago farfara) in the composite family, naturalized in parts of North America and having dandelionlike flower heads and large, hoof-shaped basal leaves.
  • 末班共汽车已经开走了, 我们只好走回家.
    The last bus had gone so we had to hoof it home.
  • 英国广播司通过卫星与澳大利亚电视实行联播。
    The bbc is hooked up with Australian television by satellite.
  • 他看到阻街女郎搬入隔壁寓时,吓了一跳。
    He was surprised to see hooker moved into the next apartment.
  • 司派了一个人来装电话。
    The company sent a man to hookup the telephone.
  • 6月20日英国一家杂志布了一项调查结果,表明三分之二的英国年轻人为自己身为英国人而感到惭愧,其中的部分原因是如今国内横行的暴力和流氓犯罪活动。
    Two out of every three young Britons feel ashamed of their nationality, in part because of violence and hooliganism, according to a magazine survey published on Thursday.
  • 这种新式轿车被大吹大擂地介绍给了
    The new sedan was introduced to the public with much hoopla.
  • 共汽车司机向走到马路上的人鸣喇叭。
    The bus driver hooted at the man who stepped onto the road.
  • 那房子正好离路很近。
    The house was just a hop and jump from the road.
  • 杰夫:在参加20里竞走的这群姑娘中,有两个中国姑娘,走在前面的是夺标大热门人物刘宏宇,后面的是王丽萍。
    Jeff: Among the girls, who participated in the walking race, two girls were from China. Walking at the front was the hot figure Liu Hongyu, who was hopeful to be the champion. Following her was Wang Liping.
  • 希望我有一天也能开一家司。
    Hopefully I can open a company one day.