  • 二者不能相比。
    There is no comparison between the two.
  • 够比较或者值得比较。
    able to be compared or worthy of comparison.
  • 和其他那些人比起来,她的才很突出。
    Her talents stand out in comparison with the others.
  • 不可进行比较;不适合比较或者缺少可以比较的特点。
    such that comparison is impossible; unsuitable for comparison or lacking features that can be compared.
  • 龙虾与海鳗两者完全不相比。
    There 's absolutely no comparison between lobster and eel.
  • 比较的缺乏进行比较的共同特质的
    Lacking a common quality on which to make a comparison.
  • 车厢间隔里没有别人, 我正好伸胳膊伸腿舒坦一下.
    Since there was no one else in the compartment I was able to spread myself.
  • 人类智慧的各种机能
    the compartments of the human mind
  • 你不如此划分你的生活。
    You cannot compartmentalize your life like this!
  • 力范围内,我必定全力以赴。
    within the compass of education.
  • 这位作家尝试的超过了他的才完成的限度。
    This writer attempts more than his talents can compass.
  • 政府不阻止一个独来独往的恐怖分子滥杀无辜,一个充满同情心的邻居却可阻止悲剧的发生。
    The government cannot stop a lone terrorist from killing. However, a compassionate neighbour can.
  • 依我看,有类似约翰纳薛教授的背景,或患有比他更轻微的精神病,但在学术上有优异表现的人才,有一天如果够在我们的学府任教,我们才骄傲的说新加坡是一个真正有爱心的社会。
    The day that the likes of John Nash, or those with lesser mental ailments, are allowed to teach in our educational establishments because of their merits, will, in my view, be the day that we can proclaim proudly that Singapore is truly a compassionate nation.
  • 之所以说c++是一种杂合语言,是因为它支持与c语言的向后兼容力。
    the reason C++ is hybrid is to support backward compatibility with the C language.
  • 而且,它还具有向下兼容性,使得以往在dos、windows3.x下开钱的各种应用软件,甚至可以不加任何修改,就在windows95中照常运行。
    Moreover, it has downward compatibility which makes all application software developed for DOS and windows3.x run even without any modification.
  • 而且,它还具有向下兼容性,使得以往在dos、windows3.x下开钱的各种应用软件,甚至可以不加任何修改,就在windows95中照常运行。
    Moreover, it has downward compatibility which makes all application software developed for DOS and windows 3. x run even without any modification.
  • 你一点也不用怕,ieee802.5委员会已经找到大幅度提升性同时保持与现有已安装的令牌环网群体相兼容的方法。
    Never fear, the IEEE 802.5 committee already found a way to deliver a substantial performance increase while maintaining compatibility with the installed base.
  • 它们还可以做出其他选择,并不是所有的选择都彼此包容。
    There are other alternatives, and not all of them are compatible.
  • 社会再不在它统治下生活下去了,就是说,它的存在不再同社会相容了。
    Society can no longer live under this bourgeoisie, in other words, its existence is no longer compatible with society.
  • 以前,为了架构一个具备兼容力的软件,两个公司唯一可以执行的方式是,就使用同样的规范达成协议,然后基于该协议架构软件并测试。
    In the past, to build compatible software, two companies only had to agree to use the same specification, and then test their software.
  • 在使用任何发布api的功之前,调用者有责任在一个或多个操作入口站点或兼容的注册中心上注册用户,并建立用户信任状。
    Before using any of the publisher API functions, the caller is responsible for signing up with one or more Operator Sites or compatible registries and establishing user credentials.
  • 而对于使用该软件的企业来说,好处在于够极大地缩短了识别特定服务是否与您的软件兼容的工作过程。
    For businesses that use software, the benefit is greatly reduced work in determining which particular bindings exposed by a business partner are compatible with the software used in-house.
  • 该软件通过查询您所指定的那些商业实体,并定位那些已经发布了与您的软件相兼容的电子商务服务的商业实体,来实现这个功
    It did this by looking up each business you identified, and located those that had already advertised support for electronic commerce services that are compatible with your own.
  • 要是我的同胞居里夫人从未对自己说过“我不知道”,她可会在一所私立女子中学给一些来自有钱人家的孩子教授化学,或会做一份不同于此但也完全受人尊敬的工作来了此一生。
    Had my compatriot Marie Sklodowska Curie never said to herself "I don t know", she probably would have wound up teaching chemistry at some private high school for young ladies from good families, and would have ended her days performing this otherwise perfectly respectable job.
  • 香港回归一周年庆典时,我曾经说过,香港的回归是香港历史的一个重大转折,每个香港人,都在经受这一历史转折所带来的时代变化的检验。只有顺应这一历史转折,真正认识当家作主的责任,才以主人翁的姿态去认真谋划香港的发展和未来。
    At the first anniversary of Hong Kong's return, I said that this important turn of history had put every Hong Kong compatriot to a test, and only those who could comply with the historical changes and had a genuine understanding of their new responsibilities could seriously get down to the shapingof Hong Kong's future role as masters of their own house.
  • 一名警察迫使人服从法律。
    A policeman can compel obedience to the law.
  • 政府可采取步骤强制遵守法律。
    The government may take steps to compel compliance with the law.
  • 我们这样做,即占领全国、一面倒和自力更生,不但可以立于坚固的基础之上,而且才有可迫使帝国主义就我之范。
    By doing so, that is, by occupying the whole of China, leaning to one side and relying on ourselves, we can not only lay a solid foundation for ourselves, but also compel the imperialists to yield to us.
  • 船舶发生海损事故造成或者可造成海洋环境重大污染损害的,中华人民共和国港务监督有权强制采取避免或减少这种污染损害的措施。
    If a vessel is involved in a marine accident which has caused, or is likely to cause, a serious pollution damage to the marine environment, the Harbour Superintendency Administration of the People's Republic of China shall have the power to compel action to avoid or minimize such a pollution damage.
  • 如果我们够在思想上提出正确的革命理论,对于他们的反革命理论给以坚决的打击;如果我们在政治上采取适合时宜的策略步骤,对于他们的反共反进步政策给以坚决的打击;如果我们采取适当的军事步骤,对于他们的军事进攻给以坚决的打击;那末,就有可限制他们实施反动政策的范围,就有可逼迫他们承认进步势力的地位,就有可发展进步势力,争取中间势力,而使他们陷于孤立。
    If in the ideological sphere we can put forward correct revolutionary theory and strike hard at their counter-revolutionary theory, if in the political sphere we adopt tactics suited to the times and strike hard at their anti-Communist and anti-progressive policies, and if in the military sphere we take appropriate measures and strike back hard at their attacks, then we shall be able to restrict the effective range of their reactionary policy and compel them to recognize the status of the progressive forces, and we shall be able to expand the progressive forces, win over the middle forces and isolate the die-hard forces.
  • 他被迫表示自己无为力。
    He had been compelled to express a nonpossumus.
  • 这个国家可会被迫放慢经济发展的速度。
    It is possible that this country should be compelled to throttle down economic growth.