  • 只要我一天的健康,我会使皇帝的荣华变得荒谬可笑。
    Give me health a day, and I will make the pomp of emperor ridiculous.
  • 我们要想一想,我们人民究竟做了多少事情呢?
    We should ponder the question: What have we really done for the people?
  • 他时间,去安静地思索自然界中永恒的神秘:空中的小鸟,阳光下的蜜蜂,青山上的花朵。
    Give him quiet time to ponder the eternal mystery of birds in the sky, bees in the sun, and flowers on the green hill.
  • 瑞德他的女儿买了一匹小马来骑。
    Rhett bought his daughter a pony to ride on.
  • 父亲答应送男孩一匹小马做圣诞礼物。
    The father promised a pony to the boy for Christmas Day.
  • (罗马天主教)拥有100多名显著主教的,罗马教皇提建议和选举新教皇的罗马教廷枢机主教团的一员。
    (Roman Catholic Church) one of a group of more than 100 prominent bishops in the Sacred College who advise the Pope and elect new Popes.
  • 小乖乖去拿手套我。
    Be a poppet and get my gloves.
  • 赛尔福公司然后将这些复制的胚胎以低温储存起来,在需要秧苗的时候将这些胚胎植人地里以售木材公司。
    The company then stores the copies cryogenically, popping them into the ground when needed to produce seedlings that then are sold to timber companies.
  • 他(布什总统)应该把他的幕僚长叫进来,递他一封只有一句话的信:亲爱的约翰:辞职吧。老头子。或者,更好的办法是,苏努努争取机先自行递上辞呈。
    He(President Bush) should call in his chief of staff and hand him a one- sentence letter: Dear John: Please quit. Yours, Poppy. Or, better yet, Sununu should beat his boss to the punch and hand in his resignation.
  • 无论是通过增进一朵鲜花的价值、一首完美的诗歌,还是通过挽救一个灵魂,他均留世界比他所得到的更美好的东西。
    who has left the world better than he found it, whether by an improved poppy, a perfect poem, or a rescued soul;
  • 他(布什总统)应该把他的幕僚长叫进来,递他一封只有一句话的信:亲爱的约翰:辞职吧。老头子。或者,更好的办法是,苏努努争取机先自行递上辞呈。
    He (President Bush) should call in his chief of staff and hand him a one- sentence letter: Dear John: Please quit. Yours, Poppy. Or, better yet, Sununu should beat his boss to the punch and hand in his resignation.
  • 他在门廊等,妈妈他端去一盘食物。
    Mother brought a plate of food to the porch where he waited.
  • 可滤过的能通过一定微孔尺寸的
    That can pass through a given pore size.
  • 请给我三包碎猪肉。
    Three pork chops, please.
  • 两块油炸猪肉。。
    Two pork cutlets, please.
  • 我再你一份猪肉香肠好吗?
    Can I offer you another helping of pork sausage?
  • 要是你喜欢喝粥,我们可以叫萨拉你做麦片粥。
    We can ask Sarah to make porridge for you, if you like.
  • 我们驶进港口装补品。
    We ran into port for supplies.
  • 预示做或出记号或预兆
    To be or give a sign or portent of.
  • 你记得搬运工小费了吗?
    Did you remember to tip the porter?
  • 我该侍者多少小费?
    How much should I tip the porter?
  • 这位行李员会把您的行李您搬上来。
    The porter will bring up your luggage.
  • 我把袋子交脚夫搬运。
    I gave the porter my bags to carry.
  • 我让一个行李员我提行李。
    I got the porter to carry my baggage.
  • 旅馆的门卫可以你叫计程车.
    The hotel porter will call a taxi for you.
  • 证券的β因素一种数学手段,对某有价证券或某种定股票的回报率与整个市场回报率相比的敏感性进行测量。这种高程度敏感性表明其价位处于中度或高度易变状态
    A mathematical measure of the sensitivity of rates of return on a portfolio or a given stock compared with rates of return on the market as a whole. A high degree of such sensitivity indicates moderate or high price volatility.
  • 这位老人坐好让人他画像。
    The old man sit for his portrait.
  • 孩子的妈妈让她的宝宝坐好他拍照。
    The mother asked her baby to sit for his portrait.
  • 那幅油画画上最后一笔,然后走了出去。
    He put his finishing stroke to the portrait and went out.
  • 学生人数增加学校造成许多问题。
    The increase in student numbers pose many problem for the schools.
  • 你应该在适合他们的最佳位置上他们摆好姿势。
    You should pose them for their picture in the best position to suit them.
  • 约翰的未婚妻要他她画像,而总是摆着一副矫揉造作的姿势。
    John's fiancee wanted him to paint her, and always in a chocolate-box pose.