  • 这家工厂的旧机器迟早被淘汰.
    The old machinery in this factory will be phased out sooner or later.
  • 这些改变有的立即实现,还有的则在几年内逐步实现。
    Some of these changes will come immediately; others will be phased in over a period of a few years.
  • 从现在起,北京市进入一个以筹办奥运为特色的加速发展时期,对顺利完成"十五"计划,实现首都"新三步走"发展战略,产生极大的推动作用。
    From now on, Beijing will see a period of rapid development, and the preparation for the Olympic Games will greatly facilitate the implementation of the 10th "Five-year Plan" and the "Strategy of Three-phased Development" for Beijing.
  • 在ibm操作系统vse中,程序段从某子库移到虚拟存储器,并控制权移交给该程序段。
    In VSE, to bring a program phases into virtual storage from a sublibrary and pass control to this phases.
  • 土地平整及基础建设工程,于一九九九年年中开始分期实施,预期于二零零三年或之前完成。
    Site formation and infrastructure works will be implemented in phases commencing in mid-1999 for completion by 2003.
  • 军澳新市镇的发展始于一九八二年,发展计划分三期进行。
    The development of Tseung Kwan O new town, which started in 1982, is divided into three phases.
  • 气象仪大气现象的映像,如云,投射到一个圆顶内侧的一种光学装置
    An optical device designed to project images of atmospheric phenomena, such as clouds, on the inside of a dome.
  • 菲尔永远不能成为一名职业落袋撞球运动员,因为观众只要稍微有一点声响,就会使他完全分散注意力。
    Phil will never make a professional snooker player because the slightest noise from the audience put him completely off his game.
  • 我现在不接受他的决定。我等待他自己觉醒。
    I shall not accept that decision of his now. I shall wait and appeal from Philip drunk to Philip sober.
  • 这期间,癌症也即夺走菲利普父亲的生命。
    Meanwhile, Philip's father was dying of cancer.
  • 奥迪恩:我认为这场转变需15~20年的长时间。
    MR. PHILIP A. ODEEN: I think the transformation will take 15 years, 20 years, a long time.
  • 这位哲学家展望来后世的需求。
    The philosopher looked on ahead to the wants of posterity.
  • 经营理念:“每个人的积极性都调动起来。”
    BUSINESS PHILOSOPHY: "Everyone counts."
  • 1963年扬做完她的第二部电视节目后,便开始其非凡的精力投入到菲尼克斯和洛杉矶的各种天主教慈善事业中,其间只偶尔出演了一些角色。
    After a second TV show ended in 1963, Young devoted her formidable energies to various Catholic charities in Phoenix and L.A., taking only occasional roles.
  • 打电话告诉你测验的结果。
    I'll phone the result of the test to you.
  • 1.对于表演者的表演固定于录音制品的情况,表演者应有可能制止未经其许可而为的下列行为:对其尚未固定的表演加以固定,以及已经固定的内容加以复制。
    1. In respect of a fixation of their performance on a phonogram, performers shall have the possibility of preventing the following acts when undertaken without their authorization: the fixation of their unfixed performance and the reproduction of such fixation.
  • 用留声机播放音乐。
    Music will be played on a phonograph.
  • 1990年以来,美国联邦贸易委员会已经97家涉嫌虚假减肥广告的公司送上了法庭。共获得赔偿金5千万美元,用于赔偿消费者损失以及其他经济补偿。
    The FTC has brought 97 lawsuits since 1990 against companies it accused of marketing phony weight-loss products, winning $50 million in restitution to consumers and other financial remedies.
  • 含有大量磷的生铁,用于制钢,通过一种处理磷除去。
    pig iron containing a high percentage of phosphorus; used in making steel by a process that removes the phosphorus.
  • 字模板照相排版机中版面的字蚀刻出来的部件
    A device in a photocomposition machine on which the characters used in composition are etched.
  • 将此合同影印6份本。
    Make six photocopy of the contract.
  •  第五十二条本法所称的复制,指以印刷、复印、临摹、拓印、录音、录像、翻录、翻拍等方式作品制作一份或者多份的行为。
    Article 52 The term "reproduction" as used in this Law means the act of producing one or more copies of a work by printing, photocopying, copying, lithographing, making a sound recording or video recording, duplicating a recording, or duplicating a photographic work or by other means.
  • 一幅图象放到一种(照相)媒体上的过程。
    The process of placing an image on a(photographic) medium.
  • 照相凸版制版法通过照相似地影像传送到一个印板或其它表面,从而复制图表资料的过程
    The process of reproducing graphic material by transferring the image photographically to a plate or another surface, which is then etched for printing.
  • 法庭允许照片作为证据。
    The court agreed to admit the photographs as evidence.
  • 黑影照片不用照相机,通过物体和胶卷或感光纸接触并暴光而产生的图像
    An image produced without a camera by placing an object in contact with film or photosensitive paper and exposing it to light.
  • 2000年,政府建立国民体质监测系统,计划国民体质监测指标纳入国家社会发展综合评价指标体系。
    In 2000, the Chinese government set up a people's physique monitoring system, planning to include the people's physique monitoring targets in the state's comprehensive social development appraisal targets.
  • 皮特先生和夫人在那里吗?
    Will Mr. Pi Te and wife be there?
  • 他说她在皮特先生领导下工作。
    He speaks she will work under leader of Mr. Pi Te.
  • 他们码头伸出到湖中。
    They projected the pier out into the lake.
  • 一个钉子我们的车胎扎了一个洞。
    A nail pierced the tire of our car.
  • 萨拉到巴黎作互访住在皮埃尔处,而皮埃尔明年来苏格兰就住在她那里。
    Sarah is going on an exchange to Paris to stay with Pierre, and he is coming to stay with her here in Scotland next year.