  • 知趣,守本知道自己的社会身份,依传统行事
    To recognize one's social position and act according to traditional decorum.
  • 通过减少胃酸泌来治疗胃溃疡的药物(商标是tagamet)。
    a drug (trade name Tagamet) used to treat peptic ulcers by decreasing the secretion of stomach acid.
  • 国民党威信在逐渐下降(这是它的特务政策和在敌后破坏抗日工作的结果),其组织基础也有了部削弱。
    The prestige of the Kuomintang is decreasing (a result of its policy of employing secret agents and its sabotage of anti-Japanese efforts behind the enemy lines) and its organizational foundation has been somewhat weakened.
  • 使用三部密钥解密和加密进行安全的存储
    ? Secure store with 3-part key decrypt/encrypt
  • 可以独立地修改三层密钥的每一部,但要想对钱包中存储的信息进行解密就需要用到每一部
    Each portion of the 3-layer key can be changed independently, but each of them is required in order to decrypt wallet-stored information.
  • 我们献身于这一领域的一部,那完全是我们应该做的。
    We have come to dedicate a portion of that field...It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.
  • 我们来到这里,奉献那个战场上的一部土地,作为在此地为那个国家的生存而牺牲了自己生命的人的永久眠息之所。
    We have come to dedicate a portion of that field as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live.
  • 我没有付期应付的款。
    I default on the installment payment.
  • 投机子的反水:革命高涨时(六月),许多投机子乘公开征收党员的机会混入党内,边界党员数量一时增到一万以上。
    The defection of the careerists. During the revolutionary upsurge (in June), many careerists took advantage of the Party's open recruitment of members and sneaked into the Party, with the result that the membership in the border area rapidly rose to more than ten thousand.
  • 他不能分辨邪正。
    He is defective in moral sense.
  • 不完美的;有缺陷的或不充的。
    not perfect; defective or inadequate.
  • 发育不全,成形不全由不完全发育而导致的某器官或组织的全部或部缺失
    Defective development resulting in the absence of all or part of an organ or tissue.
  • 我认为这些次品可为两类,我们应该为它们别规定不同的赔偿率。
    I think such defects fall into two types and we should work out different penalty rates for them.
  • 辩护律师提出理由认为证据不充.
    The defence argue/argues that the evidence is weak.
  • 分遣人员防守关隘。
    Men were detached to defend the pass.
  • 应参加诉讼的当事人的不参预应该被包括在内作为一宗诉论或诉案的一部的一方。原告、被告或诉讼的案件不履行法律责任
    Omission of a party, plaintiff, defendant, or cause of action that should have been included as a part of an action or a suit.
  • 防化兵担负防化保障任务,由防化、喷火、发烟等部()队组成。
    The chemical defense corps, responsible for chemical defense operations, is composed of chemical defense, flame-throwing and smoke-generating units.
  • 不要对他人的意见和感情给予过的尊重
    Don't give undue deference to the opinions and feelings of others.
  • 中国科学地析了国际形势的发展趋势和特点,认为经过全世界人民的共同努力,新的世界大战不仅可以推迟,而且有可能避免。
    China's scientific analysis of the development trends and characteristics of the international situation has produced the conclusion that with the concerted efforts of people throughout the world, a new world war can not only be deferred but it can possibly be avoided as well.
  • 给认为不充的东西加强。
    supplement what is thought to be deficient.
  • 十月份赤字增加是由于进口货品普通增加——跃升百之二十三,创下294亿的记录。
    The widening of the deficit in October came from across-the-board increases in imported goods, which jumped by 23% to a record $29. 4 billion.
  • 山巅被东方的天际衬托得轮廓格外明。
    The mountain was clearly defined against the eastern sky.
  • 一组定义或区一个特定项的特性。
    The collection of characteristics that define or distinguish a specified item.
  • 插入一个表面,标明数或者位置的小标记。
    small markers inserted into a surface to mark scores or define locations etc..
  • 所以目前对于各项具体政策的研究和解决,是十必要的。
    It is therefore most necessary for us to examine and define our concrete policies now.
  • (生物学)其特点用来定义较高一级门类的类学类目。
    (biology) the taxonomic group whose characteristics are used to define the next higher taxon.
  • 那座山在东方天空的衬托下显得轮廓明.
    The mountain was sharply defined against the eastern sky.
  • 在天空的衬托下显得轮廓明的丘陵
    Gentle hills that were defined against the sky.
  • 在字(词)处理技术中,一份资料的规定部
    In word processing, a defined section of a document.
  • 运算符的优先级决定了存在多个运算符时一个表达式各部的计算顺序。
    Operator precedence defines how an expression evaluates when several operators are present.
  • 对一年的开始,长度和如何割的计时制度。
    a system of timekeeping that defines the beginning and length and divisions of the year.
  • 它还解释说,道德涉及是非以及是非之间的区
    It also defines a moral as concerned with right and wrong and the distinctions between them.