Chinese English Sentence:
  • 火柴点燃时,发光和热。
    As the match burns, heat and light are given off.
  • 燃料如果被燃烧,就放热。
    If the fuel is burnt, just heat is let out.
  • 打嗝从胃里通过嘴有声音地排(气体);打(嗝)
    To expel(gas) noisily from the stomach through the mouth; burp.
  • 打嗝从胃部通过嘴有声音地排气体;打嗝
    To expel gas noisily from the stomach through the mouth; burp.
  • 野兔从洞里闪来,猎狗飞快地紧追不舍。
    The hare shot from its burrow and the hound made after it at top speed.
  • 兔子从洞里窜了来,两只狗在后面拼命追赶。
    The rabbit shot from its burrow and two dogs made after it at top speed.
  • 走读生凡拟在校用午餐者希于10时前通知总务管理员,今天你在家吃午饭还是去吃饭?
    Non-resident students who wish to lunch in should inform the Bursar before ten o'clock.
  • 隔壁房间里突然爆发一阵笑声。
    There was a burst of laughter in the next room.
  • 爆发大笑,使…爆发大笑
    To burst or cause to burst into laughter.
  • 太阳突然出来了。
    The sun burst through.
  • 突然出现在门边
    Burst out of the door.
  • 他突然出了一身汗。
    He burst out in perspiration.
  • 她突然了一身冷汗。
    She burst out in perspiration.
  • 人群中爆发一片欢呼声。
    The crowd burst into cheers.
  • 太阳又破云而出。
    The sun burst forth again.
  • 山谷突然现在眼前。
    The valley burst into view.
  • 突然从她囗中发一声尖叫。
    A scream burst from her lips.
  • 在20世纪60、70年代,身处皇家生活圈的玛格丽特公主开始接触迅速发展的反正统文化,她与演员伊丽莎白·泰勒、理查德·伯顿和舞蹈演员鲁道夫·努列耶夫交朋友,入迪斯科舞厅,参观伦敦附近的群居村。
    Throughout the '60s and '70s the princess kept one heel in the royal world and one in the mushrooming counterculture -- making friends with Elizabeth Taylor, Richard Burton and dancer Rudolf Nureyev -- hitting discotheques and visiting a commune near London.
  • 故而大声喊:“祖龙休拨坑灰火”。
    That was why in his poem he cried out, ''Emperor Qin, desist! Burn not the books, bury no more scholars!''
  • 他用又手捂住脸,试图控制住自己不哭来。
    Burying his face in his hands, he tried to control his weeping.
  • 当我作为外交学院外交学专业的学生,埋头在图书馆拜读中国外交史上那些精彩的历史片段时,怎么也没有想到会有一天和"为打开中美关系大门作了历史性贡献"(江主席语)的基辛格博士面对面地访谈。
    When I was a diplomacy major burying myself in the interesting parts of China's Diplomatic History in the library of Foreign Affairs College,I never thought that I would one day interview Dr.Kissinger the man who“made historic contribution to Sino U.S.relations”(President Jiang's words).
  • 当我作为外交学院外交学专业的学生,埋头在图书馆拜读中国外交史上那些精彩的历史片段时,怎么也没有想到会有一天和“为打开中美关系大门作了历史性贡献”(江主席语)的基辛格博士面对面地访谈。
    When I was a diplomacy major burying myself in the interesting parts of China's Diplomatic History in the library of Foreign Affairs College,I never thought that I would one day interview Dr.Kissinger-- the man who “ made historic contribution to Sino- U.S.relations” (President Jiang's words).
  •  他是深通世故的,他不会不懂得这个道理,不论哪一个,如果有一粒宝石要卖,把它埋在一袋小麦里带到市场总不是最好办法,虽然小麦是极有用的;聪明的办法莫过于把这粒宝石摆在最显眼的地方。
    He had too much worldly wisdom not to perceive that whoever wishes to sell a precious jewel does not bring the treasure to market most profitably by burying it in a sack of wheat, however useful the grains of wheat may be, but better by exposing it at the forefront.
  • 公共汽车发了噼啪声熄火了。
    The bus spluttered out.
  • 主要是公共汽车和租车。
    Buses and taxis, mainly.
  • 公共汽车和租车空档慢转时噪音很大。
    Buses and taxis tick over rather noisily.
  • 那士兵看见一支枪从矮树丛伸来。
    The soldier saw a gun jutting out from a bush.
  • 他们在冰封的湖面上用树枝标一条安全通道。
    They bushed out a safe way across the frozen lake.
  • 海伦是一位色的钢琴家,但她倾向于深藏不露,不愿在公开场合演奏。
    Helen is an excellent pianist but she tends to hide her light under a bushel and won't play in public.
  • 机警的食肉型哺乳动物,嘴巴和耳朵突,尾巴多毛;多数为掠食者且不成群捕食。
    alert carnivorous mammal with pointed muzzle and ears and a bushy tail; most are predators that do not hunt in packs.
  • 我们看见人们忙碌地进进
    We saw people moving busily in and out.
  • 他事情太忙,不能看演
    He was too busily occupied to go to the show.