  • 内脏一种动物特别是猪的心、肝及其它可食用的内脏
    The heart, liver, and other edible viscera of an animal, especially hog viscera.
  • 公司股份持有人
    Holder of stocks in a company
  • 公司股份持有人。
    Holder of stock or of share in a company.
  • 持有政府或司债券的人。
    a holder of bonds issued by a government or corporation.
  • 证明持有人有资格在众学校授课的证书。
    a certificate saying that the holder is qualified to teach in the public schools.
  • 她有公司的40%股份.
    She has a 40% holding (ie share) in the company.
  • 他把在这家司的所持股票都卖了。
    sell holdings he has in corporations.
  • 再过两年,外国司占有的份额可以升至50%。
    after two more years holdings could be raised to 50%.
  • 他卖掉了所有远东司的股票
    He has sold all his holdings in the Far East
  • 他卖掉了所有远东司的股票。
    He have sell all his holdings in the far east.
  • 用股份交叉拥有的方法两个司保护了自己未被对方合并。
    The two companys have protected themselves from takeover by a system of cross holdings.
  • 我们要草拟一份合法文件,以将我们的部分股权转移给另一家司。
    We would like to draft a legal document transferring some of our holdings to another company.
  • 由hallgaden投资私人有限司(报业控股与林增的联营司)发行的乌节300债券便拥有宝龙坊的第一法律抵押权。
    Investors of the Orchard 300 bond issued by Hallgaden Investment Pte Ltd ( a joint venture between Singapore Press Holdings and Lum Chang) have the first legal mort-gage rights to The Promenade, a commer-cial property at the heart of Orchard Road.
  • 一九八五年,香港核电投资有限司(新成立的中电控股有限司的全资附属司)与广东核电投资有限司(由中国核工业部全资拥有)成立广东核电合营有限司,在广东省大亚湾兴建和经营核电站。
    In 1985, the Hong Kong Nuclear Investment Company (a wholly-owned subsidiary of the newly formed CLP Holdings Limited) and the Guangdong Nuclear Investment Company (wholly owned by the Chinese Ministry of Nuclear Industry) established the Guangdong Nuclear Power Joint Venture Company, to build and operate a nuclear power station at Daya Bay in Guangdong.
  • 如贵司希望能把握此市场,则应迅速办理我方订购之交货事宜,这一点十分重要。
    If you wish to keep your hold on this market, prompt delivery of order we police with you is essential.
  • 她在司里身居要职。
    She holds a very responsible position in the firm.
  • 每只小塑料筒装2斤。
    A plastic keg holds 2 Kgs.
  • 务员一个有职的人
    One who holds public office.
  • 职在身的务员。
    the official who holds an office.
  • 今年在假日期间,路上因车祸而死亡的人已数以百计。
    The number of people killed on the highways during holidays runs into hundreds this year.
  • 除了中国的众假期外,你每年还有11天的带薪假期。
    You will have 11 holidays with pay each year besides the Chinese general holidays.
  • 这个制造汽车的整体理念是福特司由来已久的传统。
    This holistic philosophy of car making has a long tradition at Ford.
  • 政府致力建立促进众健康的医护制度,让巿民终身享有全面的医护服务,以提升生活质素,令个人潜能得以充分发挥。
    The vision is to create a health care system that promotes health, provides lifelong holistic care, enhances quality of life and enables full human development.
  • 董事长因在荷兰访问。
    The chairman is in Holland on business.
  • 董事长因公去荷兰。
    The chairman is absent in Holland on business.
  • 荷兰曾经同英国争夺海的控制权。
    Holland once competed with England for the mastery of the high seas.
  • 她将与霍利.亨特及安妮.班克罗夫特一道为自己的司执导家庭剧"全家度假去"。
    She will be directing the family drama Home for the Holidays for her company with Holly Hunter and Anne Bancroft.
  • 热烈欢迎开表达敬意或欢迎
    A show of public homage or welcome.
  • 国际司的国内办事处
    the home office of an international firm
  • 在这些领域的竞争将反过来刺激中国国内的服务业,从而使司和消费者有更宽的选择面。
    Competition in this area will, in turn, stimulate China's homegrown services sector, giving companies and consumers an even broader range of choices.
  • 无线保真技术已经被认为对诸如伟利松等大型电话司构成威胁,因为该项技术能使个人制作的网络免于受到大电话司的制约。
    Wi-Fi has been seen as a threat to big phone companies like Verizon because the technology allows homegrown networks to spread outside their control.
  • 在我们政府致力于让国家更安全的同时,我们的国家还会继续依靠那些富有警惕意识的民,依靠他们作耳目,提供帮助。
    And as government works to better secure our homeland, America will continue to depend on the eyes and ears of alert citizens.