  • 太平洋西南部常見的藍灰鯊魚;獵用或食用魚。
    common blue-gray shark of southwest Pacific; sport and food fish.
  • 這張照片的每個細節都將完美無缺:祖父穿着樸素的工作服,陽光從後面照射着他的白發,孩子的軀體裹在白床單裏,那個黑的金屬支鍋架和挂着窗戶兩側墻上的那些在世界博覽會上買的裝飾盤烘托出了這間簡樸的房間裏的氣氛。
    Every element of the picture was perfect: the grandfather in his plain work clothes, his white hair backlighted by sunshine, the child's form wrapped in the sheet, the atmosphere of the simple home suggested by black iron trivets and World's Fair souvenir plates on the walls flanking the window.
  • 豆腐一種由大豆提煉而成的凝結物,是富含蛋白質的食物,用於作拉或各種烹調食物
    A protein-rich food coagulated from an extract of soybeans and used in salads and various cooked foods.
  • 她面無表情地說她在後院看到緑外星人。
    She say with a straight face she see green spacemen in the back yard.
  • 長有耀眼的純白苞和黃纖維的一種南非種植植物。
    South African plant widely cultivated for its showy pure white spathe and yellow spadix.
  • 生於美國東南部的一種水生植物,具有藍緑的葉子和一個帶有黃小花的、球棒形的佛焰花序。
    aquatic plant of the southeastern United States having blue-green leaves and and a club-like spadix covered with tiny yellow flowers.
  • 淡黃果實呈橢圓形,果肉呈綫狀,似意大利面。
    squash plant bearing oval fruit with smooth yellowish skin and tender stranded flesh resembling spaghetti.
  • 獵獚清澄的褐色眼睛
    The liquid brown eyes of a spaniel.
  • 英國小獚的紅白變種。
    red-and-white variety of English toy spaniel.
  • 和白品種,比英國斯伯林格斯班尼犬略小。
    a red-and-white breed slightly smaller than the English springer spaniel.
  • 小而瘦的獚,耳朵直立,棕到白的身體上有黑的斑點。
    small slender toy spaniel with erect ears and a black-spotted brown to white coat.
  • 茶黑毛的英國品種小獚;由於受查爾斯二世喜歡而得名。
    a toy English spaniel with a black-and-tan coat; named after Charles II who popularized it.
  • 杯中的水是光輝的;海中的水卻是黑的。
    The water in a vessel is sparkling; the water in the sea is dark.
  • 以後也許有一天,希瑟會嚮你伸出援助之手,一隻閃閃發光、塗着粉指甲油的手。
    Then maybe one day she'll reach out with a helping, sparkling, pink? nailed hand.
  • 生長於中東的一種觀賞性植物,目的是觀賞其暗紫的佛煙苞。
    ornamental plant of Middle East cultivated for its dark purple spathe.
  • 一種生長在溫帶濕地和沼澤地的植物,其小的、微緑的花部分被一個白佛焰苞包裹,其漿果呈紅
    plant of wetlands and bogs of temperate regions having small greenish flowers partly enclosed in a white spathe and red berries.
  • 北美東部的一種多年生草本植物,早春生出一氣味難聞、淡紫褐、盔兜形的佛焰苞,在夏季被一簇寬葉圍繞。
    deciduous perennial low-growing fetid swamp plant of eastern North America having minute flowers enclosed in a mottled greenish or purple cowl-shaped spathe.
  • 作為裝飾而養殖的長有白或緑芳香佛焰苞的白鶴芋屬植物。
    any of various plants of the genus Spathiphyllum having a white or green spathe and a spite of fragrant flowers and often cultivated as an ornamental.
  • 任何長有黃苞的水芋屬植物。
    any of several callas of the genus Zantedeschia having yellow spathes.
  • 鮭,大麻哈魚北部海域中鮭屬和大麻哈魚屬的各種大食魚或獵物魚,具有柔嫩粉紅肉,特徵是從鹹水遊到淡水中去産卵
    Any of various large food and game fishes of the genera Salmo and Oncorhynchus, of northern waters, having delicate pinkish flesh and characteristically swimming from salt to fresh water to spawn.
  • 北太平洋地區江河及支流水域中小型的肉質呈紅的鮭魚,是昂貴的食用魚;産卵後死亡。
    small red-fleshed salmon of rivers and tributaries of the north Pacific valued as food; adults die after spawning.
  • 今晚有什麽特色菜?
    What's special for tonight?
  • 我們的特菜是清蒸鮭魚。
    Our speciality is the steamed salmon.
  • 這傢餐廳的特菜是魚湯。
    The speciality of the restaurant is its fish soup.
  • 你們有什麽特色菜?
    What are your specialties?
  • 你們有什麽特色菜?
    What is your specialties?
  • 我們想吃點本地的特菜,請推薦一些。
    We'd like to have some local specialties. Can you make a few suggestions?
  • 這是番茄對蝦,是我店特菜之一。
    Here comes the fried prawn with tomato sauce. It's one of the specialties of the house.
  • 你們有什麽特色菜?
    What 's your specialty?
  • 你們飯館有什麽特菜?
    What's the specialty of the house?
  • 還有一種與畫有關係的特商店。
    There is another specialty related to painting.
  • 你們飯館有什麽特菜?
    What 's the specialty of the house?