  • 用手语进行交流的人。
    someone who can use sign language to communicate.
  • 教练员要有善于与人沟通的力。
    A coach should be able to communicate easily with others.
  • 它的功自然是交流。
    Its function is surely communication.
  • 通讯和娱乐功也在迅速增加。
    Communication and entertainment features are multiplying.
  • 在通信技术中,系统不工作的时间。
    In communications, a period when a system cannot function.
  • 工欲善其事必先利其器,华语是新加坡年轻官员打通中国大门必备的交际工具,但当我们检视在现行国民型教育体系下造就的华族年轻官员的华语文力,是否在实习交流过程中满载而归?
    CL is a pre-requisite communicative tool for these young civil service officials to understand China. Yet generally speaking, their command of English is far better than CL.
  • 从公报上不难看出,两国的外交部长要在一周的会谈中达成协议是不可的。
    It was clear from the communique that no agreement was likely to emerge from the week-long talks between the foreign ministers of the two countries.
  • 有穷的共产主义,同样也不有穷的社会主义。
    There can be no communism with pauperism, or socialism with pauperism.
  • 为之献身的最崇高的理想是共产主义。
    The noblest ideal to which one can devote oneself is Communism.
  • 共产主义够是贫穷的吗?
    How could a communist society be poor?
  • 他能变痛苦为快乐。
    He can commute pain for pleasure.
  • 经常乘坐公共汽车的人可用一张月票折偿每日的车票。
    Regular bus travelers may commute a single monthly payment for daily tickets.
  • 花20元就在这里买一张月票。
    For 20 dollars you can pick up a commuter's pass here.
  • 够被压缩或者变得更紧密。
    capable of being compressed or made more compact.
  • 请尽可简洁地陈述一下你的病情;他写得简洁但是很明了。
    Please state your case as succinctly as possible; he wrote compactly but clearly.
  • “虽然电脑发展的潮流在向着结构紧凑和低成本方向发展,但是也不可很快每个人都拥有属于自己的电脑。”
    "Despite the trend to compactness and lower costs, it is unlikely everyone will have his own computer any time soon."
  • 运动员的成就与作家的成就不相提并论。
    The achievements of an athlete and a writer are not comparable.
  • 没有一匹马的速度比得上他的马。
    No horse has a speed comparable to that of his.
  • 力不相上下的钢琴家;汽车可以根据耗油量相互比较。
    pianists of comparable ability; cars comparable with each other in terms of fuel consumption.
  • 无人能比得上他。
    No one can be comparable to him.
  • 运动员的成绩与作家的成就不相提并论。
    The achievements of an athlete are not comparable to/with those of a writer.
  • 农业是随后在人类发展过程中直到我们这个机器时代再没有仟何事物与之相比的一个进展。
    Agriculture was a step in human progress to which subsequently there was nothing comparable until our own machine age.
  • 我希望入贵校选读应用语言学及比较文学。
    I should like to enter your university to take such courses as Applied Linguistics and Comparative Literature.
  • 此处列举这份清单,目的是要让你比较研究,心智刺激的主要来源有哪些。
    The list is here presented for the purpose of enabling you to make a comparative study of the major sources of mind stimulation.
  • 香港与内地所以够建立具优势夥伴关系,是因为双方各有所长:内地的市场庞大,资源丰富;
    The basis of the winning partnership between Hong Kong and the Mainland lies in the excellent match of the respective comparative advantages of the two economies.
  • 我们今天用小型挖土机所干的活,若是用镐和铲子,十几个人得花四个月才完成。
    It would have taken a dozen men with picks and shovels four months to do what we've done today, with this comparatively small earth-moving machine.
  • 不能测量或比较的
    Impossible to measure or compare.
  • 他们的才根本不相比。
    Their competency doesn't begin to compare.
  • 他的跳投不和你的相比。
    His jump-shot can not compare wit yours.
  • 你不拿这个去比那个。
    You can not compare this to that.
  • 他的跳投不和你的相比。
    His jump shot can not compare with yours.
  • 在这方面很少作家和他相比。
    Few writers can compare with him in that respect.