  • 没有了当诱饵引诱人民追随他们的错误领导的金钱,他们只得求助于讲道,含泪祈求人民重新予他们信心。
    Stripped of the lure of profit by which they induce our people to follow their false leadership, they have resorted to exhortation, pleading tearfully for restored confidence.
  • 人家递他满满一杯绿色的浓饮料。他津津有味地喝下去。
    He was handed a glass filled with a thick, green liquid. It slipped down pleasantly enough.
  • 与愉快;令人愉快的。
    give pleasure to; be pleasing to.
  • 抵押者作出或出抵押的人
    One who makes or gives a pledge.
  • 签署决不泄露秘密的诺言;捐钱慈善事业的诺言
    Signed a pledge never to reveal the secret; a pledge of money to a charity.
  • 保证,发誓予或发誓(例如,自己的话或誓言)
    To give or pledge(one's word or oath, for example).
  • 我们保证对这项事业予道义和物质上的支持。
    We'll pledge moral and material support to the cause.
  • 她将手表留计程车司机作为抵押。
    She leave her watch as a pledge with the taxi-driver.
  • 来宾准备了丰富的食物和饮料.
    The visitors were plentifully supplied with food and drink.
  • 垂规,铅垂线一种装置,如铅垂线,用于从定点标记竖直方向
    A device, such as a plumb line, used in marking the vertical from a given point.
  • 我们已洗碟机接上水管了。
    We've plumbed in the dishwasher.
  • 要是我用现金支付,那管子工会10%的折扣。
    The plumber would offer me a ten per cent discount if I paid him in hard cash.
  • 由于近来阿根廷遭遇严重的经济危机,货币贬值造成该国商品进口数量急剧下降,假发制造厂家也被切断了货源,于是数以百计的贫苦阿根廷人为了糊口,纷纷将自己的头发卖假发制造厂。
    Hundreds of poor Argentines have turned to selling their hair to a wig factory to survive a huge economic crisis, taking advantage of a plunging currency that priced imports out of the market.
  • 新发行的一英镑硬币人造成的麻烦是,你以为你只有一口袋零钱,但实际上,那值好几英镑。
    The trouble with the new pound coins is that you think you've only got a pocketful of small change but in fact it's worth several pounds.
  • 他答应我带回来一口袋苹果和梨,然后他亲亲孩子们,说了声再会,就动身走了。
    He promised to bring me a pocketful of apples and pears, and then he kissed his children goodbye and set off.
  • 谢谢你我修改了诗稿。
    Thank you for touching up my poetry.
  • 如果你能我作一些指点,我将十分感激。
    I'd is grateful if you can give me a few pointer.
  • 托尼,你能我出个点子吗?
    Can you give me any pointers Tony?
  • 如果你能我作一些指点,我将十分感激。
    I'd be grateful if you can give me a few pointers.
  • 如果你能我作一些指点,我将十分感激
    I 'd be grateful if you can give me a few pointers
  • 您能我讲讲怎么找工作吗?
    Can you give me some pointers on how to go about get a job?
  • 可否把你的行李指我们检查?
    Would you mind pointing out your luggage for inspection?
  • 他指着悬崖下边,我们看一些危险的岩石。
    Pointing down to the bottom of the cliff, he showed us the dangerous rocks.
  • 我给警察打电话。
    I'll call the police.
  • 警察这辆停着的车发出违章处罚通知单。
    The policeman ticketed the parked car.
  • 桌子涂上家俱上光剂
    Wiped furniture polish over the table.
  • 这儿有人我擦皮鞋吗?
    Can I have my shoes polished here?
  • 抛光匠作抛光工作的人,如铁抛光的人
    One who does finish work, such as polishing, on iron.
  • 他们要他一些钱,他婉言拒绝了。
    They offerred him some money, which he refused politely.
  • 这位政客把消息泄漏了报界。
    The politician leaked the news to the newspapers.
  • 异花传粉用异花传粉的方式传花粉(花朵)
    To pollinate(a flower) by means of cross-pollination.
  • 请设法我们从河里搞一些被污染了的河水标本来。
    Try to procure us some specimens of the polluted water from the river.