  • 我这次写的东西实际上只是一些随意涂鸦的字母和数字,只要想到某个高级专家在为破译这些东西苦思冥想、百思不解的烦躁样子,我就感到十好笑。
    What I had written this time really was just a random jumble of letters and figures. It amused me to think of some high-powered expert tearing his hair trying to decode it.
  • 棱镜可以分解光线。
    A prism decomposes light.
  • 你可以加热来解有机化合物。
    You can apply heat to decompose organic compounds.
  • 使电解用电解来引起
    To cause to decompose by electrolysis.
  • 遭受水解;与水起反应而解。
    undergo hydrolysis; decompose by reacting with water.
  • (核的)蜕变;衰变解、衰变或经历原子核的突变
    To decompose, decay, or undergo a nuclear transformation.
  • 如果你想解一个有机化合物,加热即可。
    If you want to decompose an organic compound , apply heat.
  • 大多数非金属氯化物都可以被水解。
    Most nonmetal chlorides are decomposed by water.
  • 能被生物制剂解的,尤指细菌。
    capable of being decomposed by e.g. bacteria.
  • 物体被蒸馏或用热解的器皿。
    a vessel where substances are distilled or decomposed by heat.
  • 热解化用,高温解由于热量而导致的化合物的解或转化
    Decomposition or transformation of a compound caused by heat.
  • 降解,递降解化合物的递降解,显示出清楚明白的中间生成物
    Decomposition of a compound by stages, exhibiting well-defined intermediate products.
  • 裂,解碎片或几部
    Decomposition into fragments or parts; disintegration.
  • 固溶体的脱溶分解
    decomposition of and precipitation from solid solutions
  • 解(作用)解或裂为部或要素
    Disintegration or decomposition into parts or elements.
  • 辐解由辐射造成的物质
    Molecular decomposition of a substance as a result of radiation.
  • 解的后期阶段而且具有恶臭。
    in an advanced state of decomposition and having a foul odor.
  • (酒)由于发酵期间糖的解而失去甜味的。
    (of wines) not sweet because of decomposition of sugar during fermentation.
  • 生物解有机物质被生物所解,如微生物
    The decomposition of organic material by living organisms, such as microorganisms.
  • 电解电流在电解质内产生的化学变化,尤指
    Chemical change, especially decomposition, produced in an electrolyte by an electric current.
  • 使成堆成堆或团,例如树叶堆积起来解或发酵
    To be in a heap or pile, as leaves for decomposition or fermentation.
  • 腐败生物体的解作用,尤指蛋白南的解作用,由微生物作用所引起,导致腐败发臭的腐烂现象
    Decomposition of organic matter, especially protein, by microorganisms, resulting in production of foul-smelling matter.
  • 无甜味的由于发酵期间糖的解而失去甜味的。用于酒
    Not sweet as a result of the decomposition of sugar during fermentation. Used of wines.
  • 一个元素是一种物质,它的性质不能由任何普通的解方法而改变。
    An element is one kind of substance, and its nature can not be changed by any general decomposition method.
  • 过氧化氢酶一种见于血液和多数活细胞之中将过氧化氢催化解成水和氧气的酶
    An enzyme found in the blood and in most living cells that catalyzes the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen.
  • 锻烧加热(某物质)至一低于熔点或融点的高温,引起水气遗失、变形或氧化以及钙化物和其它化合物的
    To heat(a substance) to a high temperature but below the melting or fusing point, causing loss of moisture, reduction, or oxidation and the decomposition of carbonates and other compounds.
  • 甲胺一种有毒易燃气体,ch3nh2,通过解有机物来制造,合成后用做溶剂,也用在许多产品中,诸如颜料与杀虫剂的制造中
    A toxic flammable gas, CH3NH2, produced by the decomposition of organic matter and synthesized for use as a solvent and in the manufacture of many products, such as dyes and insecticides.
  • 吲哚一种白色结晶化合物,c8h7n,可以从煤焦油中提炼,也可以从许多植物中提炼出来,细菌解肠道中的色氨酸,也可产生此种化合物。它主要被用于制造香水和化学试剂
    A white crystalline compound, C8H7N, obtained from coal tar or various plants and produced by the bacterial decomposition of tryptophan in the intestine. It is used in perfumery and as a reagent.
  • 高铁血红蛋白一种红褐色的结晶有机化合物,当血红蛋白被血的解或被各种氧化药品或有毒物质氧化时,在血中形成,它包含处于正铁状态的铁,不能起到氧的传送者的作用
    A brownish-red crystalline organic compound formed in the blood when hemoglobin is oxidated either by decomposition of the blood or by the action of various oxidizing drugs or toxic agents. It contains iron in the ferric state and cannot function as an oxygen carrier.
  • 我不是什么室内装潢设计师,可室内装潢的大部事情我都能够拿下来。
    I'm not an interior decorator, but I could always turn my hand to most things.
  • 担心举止是否适当和礼貌的人。
    a person excessively concerned about propriety and decorum.
  • 注重优雅或礼仪的
    Unduly sensitive to matters of propriety or decorum.