  • 应允许独立的法律顾问充当各方当事人的代理人,有关的程序不得强行规定强制当事人本人庭以增加额外负担。
    Parties shall be allowed to be represented by independent legal counsel, and procedures shall not impose overly burdensome requirements concerning mandatory personal appearances.
  •  (3)国际局应版月刊。
    The International Bureau shall publish a monthly periodical.
  • 必须鼓励科学进步,而不是于官僚主义的企图利用科学。
    One has to encourage science, not to try to harness it with bureaucracy.
  • 他相信普通人看重身而不仅仅是地位:他们趋附贵族而不能容忍官僚。
    He believes that the common people defer to birth but not to mere position: they dearly love a lord but they can’t stand a bureaucrat.
  • 不幸的是一个机构的结构,会随着时间推移而僵化,最后滋生官僚主义。
    Unfortunately, an organization structure can get fossilized over time and develop into a highly bureaucratic institution.
  • 一些党员领导干部的形式主义、官僚主义作风和弄虚作假、铺张浪费行为相当严重,有些腐败现象仍然突
    Formalism, the bureaucratic style of work, falsification, extravagance and waste are still serious problems among some leading cadres in our Party, and corruption is still conspicuous in some places.
  • 这种命令主义的错误,在党的基层组织和基层干部中表现得较为突,但是,下面的命令主义错误,往往是同上级领导机关的主观主义和官僚主义的领导分不开的。
    Mistakes of authoritarianism are more glaring among the grass-roots Party organizations and their cadres, but mistakes of this kind in the lower organizations are often inseparable from the subjectivist and bureaucratic methods of leadership employed by the leading bodies above them.
  • 其他如查田工作、经济建设工作、文化教育工作、新区边区的工作,一切工作,如果仅仅提任务而不注意实行时候的工作方法,不反对官僚主义的工作方法而采取实际的具体的工作方法,不抛弃命令主义的工作方法而采取耐心说服的工作方法,那末,什么任务也是不能实现的。
    Nor can we accomplish our tasks in any other field, for instance, in checking up on land distribution, or in economic construction, or culture and education, or our work in the new areas and the outlying districts, if all we do is to set the tasks without attending to the methods of carrying them out, without combating bureaucratic methods of work and adopting practical and concrete ones, and without discarding commandist methods and adopting the method of patient persuasion.
  • 当然,对这次学生在游行中提的我们国家中确实存在着的一些弊端,诸如官僚主义、机构臃肿、不正之风等,要重视,要注意解决。
    As for the failings such as bureaucratism, overstaffing, official misconduct and so on, to which the students drew attention in their marches and demonstrations, we shall try to overcome them.
  • 这种官僚主义常常以“党的领导”、“党的指示”、“党的利益”、“党的纪律”的面貌现,这是真正的管、卡、压。
    This kind of bureaucratism often masquerades as "Party leadership", "Party directives", "Party interests" and "Party discipline", but actually it is designed to control people, hold them in check and oppress them.
  • 应该缩小领导机关,减少领导机关的层次,尽可能地把多余的工作人员腾来派到下层去,使留在领导机关的工作人员必须亲自处理实际工作,防止领导机关官僚化的危险。
    The number of staff and of organizational levels of leading bodies should be reduced. The leading bodies should send as many of their surplus working personnel as possible to lower bodies and let the remaining personnel handle practical work themselves, so as to guard against the danger of bureaucratism.
  • “罪孽呀罪孽!有些学子竟这样对一个市民言不逊!
    “Out upon these graceless scholars who dare to address a burgher in such a manner!
  • 防盗警报器一响,警卫就放了警犬。
    The guard loosed the dogs when the burglar alarm went off.
  • 强盗卡住她的脖子,不许她叫声来。
    The burglar choked off her scream.
  • 警方其不意地抓住了夜贼。
    The police caught the burglar unawares.
  • 窃贼对那个小孩大打手,拳头雨点般地落在他的身上。
    The burglar rained down blows upon the child.
  • 夜盗警钟发的响亮的警报信号。
    a loud warning signal produced by a burglar alarm.
  • 我们假日外时,窃贼曾进入屋内。
    Burglar has broken in while we are away on holiday.
  • 那人瞥见小偷从窗户爬来。
    The man glanced the burglar climbing out of the window.
  • 使盗贼的现失败的警告装置。
    a warning device that is tripped off by the occurrence of a burglary.
  • 产以后几个月内就用于干的水果餐桌酒饮料;产于法国南部勃艮底。
    dry fruity red table wine drunk within a few months after it is made; from southern Burgundy in France.
  • 他将像埋驴一样被埋葬,要拉去扔在耶路撒冷的城门之外。
    He shall be buried with the burial of an ass, drawn and cast forth beyond the gates of Jerusalem.
  • 伯克编的《贵族姓名录》和1963年《名人录》放在突的地方。
    Prominent were Burke's Peerage and the 1963 Who's Who.
  • 但是,正当詹姆斯开始对自己的职责产生怀疑、并决定退培训时,伯克委派给他一项特殊任务--去根除一名"鼹鼠"(即长期潜伏的双重间谍)。
    But just when James starts to question his role and decides to wash out,Burke taps him for a special assignment to root out a mole.
  • 和沉闷的人一起度过的一个乏味的晚上;对于一些乏味任务的缓冲作用;一乏味的戏;他对角色能胜任但乏味的表演;不能吸引与会者注意的差劲的演讲者;写一封长信是一件多么让人厌烦的工作-埃德蒙·伯克;火车上的单调时光;蟋蟀无聊的鸣叫-马克·吐温;别人的梦想是非常令人乏味的。
    a boring evening with uninteresting people; the deadening effect of some routine tasks; a dull play; his competent but dull performance; a ho-hum speaker who couldn't capture their attention; what an irksome task the writing of long letters is- Edmund Burke; tedious days on the train; the tiresome chirping of a cricket- Mark Twain; other people's dreams are dreadfully wearisome.
  • 音乐节目,综艺节目,杂耍在滑稽剧或滑稽说唱团演的幕间表演的杂耍和音乐娱乐节目
    Vaudeville or musical entertainment presented between the acts of a burlesque or minstrel show.
  • 我就认识这么一对。丈夫身材魁梧,曾是一名运动员,而她却是一位娇弱文静的小家碧玉,甚至不愿意门上饭馆。
    I know of one couple: He is a burly ex-athlete. Meanwhile, his wife is petite, quiet and a complete homebody. She doesn't even go out to dinner.
  • (使)暴燃使产生带有巨热和发强光的燃烧
    To burn or cause to burn with great heat and intense light.
  • 一块煤炭从火中掉来,烧坏了地席。
    A coal fell from the fire and burned the mat.
  • 从门内射出的灯光
    A light burning over the door.
  • 大多数松木燃烧时都发断裂声。
    Most pine snaps as it burns.
  • 燃烧气体放热量的加热器。
    a heater that burns gas for heat.