  • 当我们越过一些阶段看现在,我们看到了一个近乎残酷的讽刺:人们不必离开家,就能够而且经常在网上与另一半球的人们建立关系,可是,这却是以人们再也没有时参加身边的社会活动为代价的,而这些活动却能培养他们在其村庄和城镇的社会意识。
    And when we fast-forward to today we see an almost cruel irony in that people can and often do develop on-line relationships with folks on the other side of the globe without leaving their homes, but at the expense of the time that would have otherwise been available for involvement in other activities which might foster a sense of community in their villages, towns and cities.
  • 从前生活在纽约州的好战的印第安族人;在美国独立革命期,易洛魁族联盟是英国的同盟。
    any member of the warlike North American Indian peoples formerly living in New York state; the League of Iroquois (or Five Nations) were allies of the British during the American Revolution.
  • 以没有规律的隔停止并开始。
    stopping and starting at irregular intervals.
  • 非永久的;不定期的;部分时
    Not permanent; irregular; part-time
  • 按等距或任意距的独立变量值获取一函数的数值。
    To obtain the values of a function for regularly or irregularly spaced distinct values of an independent variable.
  • 质点其空延伸和内部的运动和结构(如果存在的话)与某个具体问题无关的物体
    A body whose spatial extent and internal motion and structure, if any, are irrelevant in a specific problem.
  • 公布许多核机密被视为这一战略基本的一个部分,因为这表明了一个全新的全球格局,在这样一个格局中,核技术突然无可挽回地跌价了,真正的安全在于这样一个集体认识:没有人可以将武器的研制推到人类知识界限之外。
    Releasing many of America's nuclear secrets was seen as an essential part of this strategy.,since it would signal a new global order in which nuclear know-how was suddenly and irreparably devalued and real security would lie in the collective knowledge that nobody was able to push weaponry beyond the known boundaries.
  • 的确,信息的迅速传播和技术进步孕育着势不可挡的社会变革,但这一切并不能在一夜之变成财富和成就。
    True, social changes bred of ever faster liow of information and advances in technology are irresistible today, but they do not always translate into wealth or success overnight.
  • 这听起来有点不负责任,但这却拉近了我们之的关系,而此时有些母亲和女儿的关系却搞得很糟。
    It may sound irresponsible, but it kept us close when other mothers and daughters were floundering.
  • 目前美国有230万成年人饱受躁郁症之苦。这种病的症候主要是歇性的抑郁和狂躁,出现反常的情绪高涨或者兴奋。
    Manic-depression, which affects about 2.3 million American adults, involves episodes of depression and mania, states of abnormally high mood or irritability.
  • 随著时一分一分地过去,她变得更加不耐烦。
    As the minute tick away, she become more and more irritate.
  • 并不奇怪,这不过是大狗小狗饱狗饿狗之的一点特别有趣的争斗,一个不大不小的缺口,一种又痒又痛的矛盾。
    No, it is not strange at all, but merely a particularly interesting example of a fight between large and small dogs, between well-fed and ill-fed dogs. It is not a big rift, but neither is it small; it is at once an irritating and painful contradiction.
  • 4英里路根本不值一提,冉迪只能活几个月了,我不值得浪费时为这4里路而感到恼怒生气,于是我不再抱怨了。
    Four miles was nothing -- certainly not a space or time worth wasting in anger and irritation when he had only months to live. So I stopped complaining.
  • 爱萨克·牛顿爵士说时是绝对存在的,无论宇宙存在与否它都存在。
    Sir Isaac Newton said that time was absolute, that it occurred whether the universe was here or not.
  • 两国之存在着涉及那个岛屿归属的领土争端。
    The two countries had a territorial dispute over which one owned the island.
  • 这个电报,曾经取得当时中派的同情,孤立了蒋介石。
    The telegram won the sympathy of the intermediate sections and served to isolate Chiang Kai-shek.
  • 没有这些条件,中势力就会动摇起来,或竟变为顽固派向我进攻的同盟军;因为顽固派也正在极力争取中派,以便使我们陷于孤立。
    If these conditions are lacking, the middle forces will vacillate or even become allies of the die-hards in the latter's attacks on us, because the die-hards are also doing their best to win over the middle forces in order to isolate us.
  • 坚持这种有理、有利、有节的斗争,就能发展进步势力,争取中势力,孤立顽固派,并使顽固派尔后不敢轻易向我们进攻,不敢轻易同敌人妥协,不敢轻易举行大内战。
    By keeping to this kind of struggle, waged on just grounds, to our advantage and with restraint, we can develop the progressive forces, win over the middle forces and isolate the die-hard forces, and we can also make the die-hards think twice before attacking us, compromising with the enemy or starting large-scale civil war.
  • 我们的任务,是坚持地猛力地执行中央“发展进步势力”、“争取中势力”、“孤立顽固势力”这三项唯一正确的方针,用以达到克服投降危险、争取时局好转的目的。
    Our task is persistently and vigorously to carry out the threefold policy laid down by the Central Committee, which is the only correct policy, namely, to develop the progressive forces, win over the middle forces and isolate the die-hard forces, for the purpose of averting the danger of capitulation and bringing about a turn for the better in the situation.
  • (八)在发展进步势力,争取中势力,孤立顽固势力的斗争中,知识分子的作用是不可忽视的,顽固派又正在极力争取知识分子,因此,争取一切进步的知识分子于我们党的影响之下,是一个必要的重大的政策。
    8. In our struggle to develop the progressive forces, win over the middle forces and isolate the die-hard forces, we must not overlook the role of the intellectuals, whom the die-hards are doing their utmost to win over;therefore it is an important and indeed an essential policy to win over all progressive intellectuals and bring them under the influence of the Party.
  • 分成或者分隔成隔或者孤立的单元。
    divided up or separated into compartments or isolated units.
  • 没有被隔;没有被分成隔或者孤立的单元。
    not compartmented; not divided into compartments or isolated units.
  • 其次,即便是年龄较大的孩子也会因自己房的电视和电脑变得孤立。
    Even giving big kids their own TVs and computers invites isolation.
  • dtm在不同的传输流之保持完全的隔离,产生的开销很少。
    DTM maintains full isolation between the different transmission streams and produces little overhead.
  • 半衰期放射性样品的原子核经历一半放射性衰变所需要的时
    The time required for half the nuclei in a sample of a specific isotopic species to undergo radioactive decay.
  • 以色列与约旦之、约旦河以西的一片区域;主要居民是巴勒斯坦人。
    an area between Israel and Jordan on the west bank of the Jordan river; populated largely by Palestinians.
  • 在以色列控制西岸期,他曾三次遭到以方拘禁。
    He was imprisoned three times by Israeli when it controlled the West Bank.
  • 基辛格的成就包括:恢复美国与中华人民共和国的关系,通过在巴以战争(1973)交战双方进行"穿梭外交"调停停火。
    Among Kissinger’ s achievements were the restoration of U.S.relations with the People’ s Republic of China and the arrangement by“shuttle diplomacy”of a cease fire between the Israelis and the Arabs in the Arab Israeli War of 1973.
  • 截至一九九九年年底,已有43内地注册成立的企业透过发行h股在香港联交所挂牌上市,集资总额超过560亿元。
    At end-1999, 43 Mainland-incorporated enterprises had been listed on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong through the issuance of H-shares, raising a total of more than $56 billion.
  • 仓房将被用来给新战士分发枪支。
    The storeroom is to be used for issuing guns to the new soldiers.
  • 狗在哪里?它在另一房里。
    Where is the dog? It is in the other room.
  • 当它开着的时它是很惹人喜爱的
    It was lovely while it lasted.