  • 他在手枪射击和步枪射击方面的技术我留下了很深的印象。
    Her skills in pistol and rifle shooting impressed me strongly.
  • 例如在棒球运动中,胳膊定调做一个预备的旋转。
    give a preliminary swing to the arm pitching, as in baseball.
  • 你的钱可别他那套乞悯告怜的假话骗走了,他是这一行的老手。
    Don't let him wheedle money out of you with his pitiful stories. He's an old soldier at that sort of thing.
  • 省着你的怜悯留活人吧。
    save your pity for the living.
  • 我们买了一部跑车我们的生活增加一点活力。
    We buy a sports car to put a little pizazz into our life.
  • 例如,必胜客的前任总裁奥尔·冈瑟就曾设立过一项名为“有奖读书”的奖项,它予读够一定数量书籍的孩子一份免费的比萨饼。
    For example, the former president of Pizza Hut Orr Gunther, implemented a program called "book-it". This program rewarded children with a free pizza for reading a certain number of books.
  • java将web页面增加时髦和特色(很像现在搜索引擎、帧和背景所做的那样),你会看到从internet网上获得一些java应用程序。
    Java will add pizzazz and features to Web pages (much as search engines, frames, and backgrounds now do), and you might see a few Java applications available on the Internet.
  • 当李宗仁唐生智战争向湖南发展时,茶陵的小地主向农民求和,有送猪肉农民过年的(这时红军已退出茶陵向遂川去了)。
    When the war between Li Tsung-jen and Tang Sheng-chih spread to Hunan, the small landlords in Chaling tried to placate the peasants, and some even sent them pork as a New Year gift (though by then the Red Army had already withdrawn from Chaling to Suichuan).
  • 跟某人纠缠不已;不某人安生;纠缠某人没完
    Plague the life out of sb.
  • 判给原告损害赔偿金
    Awarded damages to the plaintiff.
  • 原来这个地球你住起来还不够舒服。
    "So this planet is not good enough for you.
  • 天文馆的工作人员还要准备讲稿电台广播。
    The planetarium staff also prepared talks for radio broadcast.
  • 这就是为什么在我们这个星球上,当两个人相爱时,他们如此强烈地爱恋着对方,就常常会送对方戒指,这就是为了纪念yee和lan的行星爱情。
    And that is why,even on this planet,when two people have strong feelings for each other,so much love that they think they'll burst,sometimes they'll give each other rings,in memory of the planetary love of Yee and Lan.
  • 没有,……我什么也没有做。实际上我正准备你们打电话呢。
    No, um...I have not done anything yet. I am just planing to phone you in fact.
  • “哈里顿,把那十几只羊赶到谷仓的走廊上去,要是整夜留在羊圈就得它们盖点东西,前面也要挡块木板。”希刺克厉夫说。
    `Hareton, drive those dozen sheep into the barn porch. They'll be covered if left in the fold all night: and put a plank before them,' said Heathcliff.
  • 他把钱撂在柜台上,叫再他些啤酒。
    He planked the money down on the counter and asked for more beer.
  • 战后,都市规划人员决定它一个拥有购物区和宽阔街道的现代化风貌。
    After the war, the city planners decided to give it a modern look with shopping districts and broad avenues.
  • 听众中安插了演讲人的支持者;他们使劲他鼓掌。
    The speaker's supporters were planted in the audience and applauded loudly.
  • 农民为了使作物长得更好而土壤施化肥或者为了杀死害虫而喷撒农药。
    Farmers add fertilizer to the soil to make plants grow better, or spray poison to kill plant pests.
  • 我们在一个小花园栽植花草。
    We are planting a small garden.
  • 血球容量计,血流比容计一种离心机,用于测定所样血中血细胞和浆细胞的容量
    A centrifuge used to determine the volume of blood cells and plasma in a given sample of blood.
  • 掌握了这些情况,医生们断定可以安全地继续进行治疗。他们库比兹使用tpa(组织血浆酶原激活剂)。这种冲破血栓的药剂也用于治疗心脏病。
    With that information, they determined it was safe to go ahead and give him tPA (tissue plasminogen activator), the same clotbusting drug used to stop heart attacks.
  • “至少也该它涂上点颜色,或者挂上点小小的无花果叶子。……”
    “If one could plaster it over or stick on fig-leaves…”
  • 请给我买张站台票。
    Please buy me a platform ticket.
  • 他站在学校礼堂的讲演台上我们演讲。
    He spoke to us from a platform in the school hall.
  • 不过她却满有兴致地把这段偷听到的话去讲她的朋友听,因为她的个性活泼调皮,遇到任何可笑的事情都会感到兴趣。
    She told the story however with great spirit among her friends; for she had a lively, playful disposition, which delighted in any thing ridiculous.
  • 每个区的其余的决赛入场券则不分组别,根据球队的比赛成绩,予其次的6支最好的球队。
    The remaining playoff spots in each conference are awarded on the basis of win-loss records to the six next-best teams,regardless of division.
  • 我过去总是他们买新玩具来使他们安静。
    I used to get them new plaything to keep them quiet.
  • 我记得七、八岁的时候,每天放学回来,就到她家里去讨那些装便药的纸匣子玩,她有时也我许多药丸的蜡壳。
    I remember when I was seven or eight, I would go to her house after school to ask for the medicine cardboard boxes as playthings. She sometimes gave me several pill containers made of wax.
  • 哈瑟维,安妮1556?-1623威廉·莎士比亚的妻子,她于1582年嫁了这位剧作家
    The wife of William Shakespeare. She married the playwright in1582.
  • 他求他的儿子少他母亲添麻烦。
    He pleaded with his son to be less trouble to his mother.
  • 杰克求他的儿子少他母亲添麻烦。
    Jack pleaded with his son to be less trouble to his mother.