| - 宪法限制作者对其作品的独占权的原因在于贯穿于整个宪法的单一而统一的主题:分权。
The reason the Constitution limits the recipient of the monopoly power to authors resides in the single, unifying theme of the entire constitutional enterprise: the decentralization of power. - 应该分散的不分散,在上者叫做包办,在下者叫做无自动性,这也是在任何上下级关系上特别是在游击战争的指挥关系上所不许可的。
If decentralization is not effected where it should be, that means monopolization of power by the higher levels and lack of initiative on the part of the lower Ievels, neither of which can be tolerated in the relationship between higher and lower levels, especially in the command of guerrilla war fare. - 我们历史上多次过分强调党的集中统一,过分强调反对分散主义、闹独立性,很少强调必要的分权和自主权,很少反对个人过分集权。
Historically, we ourselves have repeatedly placed too much emphasis on ensuring centralism and unification by the Party, and on combating decentralism and any assertion of independence. And we have placed too little emphasis on ensuring the necessary degree of decentralization, delegating necessary decision-making power to the lower organizations and opposing the over-concentration of power in the hands of individuals. - 分散政治权力并实施地方分权
Decentralize and localize political authority. - 伪装,假象设计好的分散对方注意力的虚假行为
A deceptive action calculated to divert attention from one's real purpose. - 他考虑了几分钟才做决定.
He spentseveral minutes in thought before deciding. - 小数点後的头两位数分别表示十分位和百分位.
The first twofigures after the decimal point indicate tenths and hundredthsrespectively. - 用小数来表示分数
Express a fraction as a decimal. - 十进位计算制导致数学这一重要分支的产生。
The decimal system of counting led to the important branch of mathematics. - 尾数对数的小数部分。如在对数2。95424中,尾数是0。95424
The decimal part of a logarithm. In the logarithm2.95424, the mantissa is0.95424. - 疾病使大部分人死亡.
Disease has decimated the population. - 最后以投票的方式解决了分歧。
the voted settled the argument decisively. - 中国政府冷静分析形势,果断作出增加投入,扩大国内需求,开拓国内外市场和保持人民币汇率稳定等重大决策,有力地促进了国民经济稳定增长。
The Chinese government, based on a calm analysis of the situation, has decisively taken a number of important measures, such as increasing investment, stimulating domestic demand, and more vigorously exploring domestic and overseas markets. These measures have greatly facilitated the stable growth of the national economy. - 前甲板船甲板的前面部分,通常是主甲板
The forward part of the deck of a ship, usually the main deck. - 一艘船的主甲板上方的建筑部分。
part of a ship above the main deck. - 孩子们穿上最好的衣服,打扮得十分光鲜。
The children were all decked out in their Sunday best. - 操舵处有甲板的小船上船尾的一个区域,低于甲板上的其它部分,在那里驾驶船
An area in a small decked vessel toward the stern, lower than the rest of the deck, from which the vessel is steered. - 但现在的威胁却来自演员社会,一些向来被他们认为只会照本宣读文人给写下的高雅台词的愚昧分子。
But danger now threatened them from the wind of actors, from the Ignoramuses whom they were wont to regard as barely able to declaim the fine passages written for them by men of letters. - 章节法律书籍、宣言或法案的划分单位,一般要比节或条款大
A division of a law book, declaration, or bill, generally larger than a section or article. - 遗嘱一种关于死后自己的财产如何处理、分配的法律声明
A legal declaration of how a person wishes his or her possessions to be disposed of after death. - 恐怖分子和恐怖主义国家是不会用正式声明的方式透露这些威胁的。
Terrorists and terrorist states do not reveal these threats with fair notice in formal declarations. - 而在java和c++中,则可在整个块的范围内分散变量声明,在真正需要的地方才加以定义。
In Java and C++ you can spread your variable declarations throughout the block, defining them at the point that you need them. - 知识可以分为陈述性知识和程序性知识,知道一架飞机以一个特定的高度进入一个扇区和以另一个高度离开这个扇区,这是陈述性的知识。
Knowledge can be either declarative or procedural. Knowing that aircraft come into a sector at certain altitudes and have to leave the sector at other altitudes is declarative knowledge. - 在其他情况下,则应适用本部分所规定的救济,或如果这类救济不符合国内法,则应作出确认权属的宣告并给予适当补偿。
In other cases, the remedies under this Part shall apply or, where these remedies are inconsistent with a Member's law, declaratory judgments and adequate compensation shall be available. - 公司在年底宣布分发高额股息。
The company declared a large dividend at the end of the year. - 桥牌罚分桥牌中因未能叫牌而被对方减的罚分
Points scored in contract bridge by the opponents when the declarer fails to make a bid. - 完成约定的牌墩数在获得有记分价值的牌墩前应完成的牌墩数,比如打桥牌时叫方认下的前六墩
The number of card tricks needed before any tricks can have scoring value, as the first six tricks taken by the declaring side in bridge. - 我们可以印发一个声明,宣称我们团结一致,以此设法掩盖咱们工会内部的分歧。
We can try to plaster over the disagreement in the union by printing a statement declaring our complete unity. - 兼并破产、减员增效进展较快,至1997年底,试点城市国有企业破产终结675户,兼并企业1022户,分流富余职工169万人。
Much headway was made in merging some enterprises, declaring some bankrupt and increasing efficiency in others by downsizing staff.By the end of 1997, 675 state-owned enterprises in selected experimental cities had gone through bankruptcy procedures and l,022 had been merged with other enterprises, resulting in laying off l .69 million redundant workers. - 她晚年的大部分时间是在家境贫寒却又虚摆排场的情况下度过的。
She spent most of her declining years in genteel poverty. - 商品零售价格下降1.9%,降幅比去年第四季度缩小0.9个百分点。
The retail price was down by 1.9%; the declining rate was 0.9 percentage points lower over that in the last quarter. - 在dec网络中,对正恢复的网点的访问次数超过了最大值的一个分组报文。
In DECNET, a packet that has exceeded the maximum number of visits for the recovering node.