  • 小汤米的大哥现时,恶汉拔腿就溜。
    When little Tommy's brother showed up, the bully turned on his heel.
  • 舷门船舷上供人入的开口
    An opening in the bulwark of a ship through which passengers may board.
  • 他们开始骚动时,就被赶来了。
    When they began to cause a disturbance, they were given the bum's rush.
  • 首相的一位助手曾在1970年从唐宁街被赶来。
    One of the Prime Minister's assistants was given the bum's rush out of Downing Street in 1970.
  • ”流浪汉心中自忖。然而就在这瞬间,一种羞愧感忽然油然而生。于是,他的手没有伸去,而是把自己的脸藏了起来。
    But instead of reaching out his hand, the bum was overcome by a sudden bout of shame and hid his face.
  • 当他的客人,一个曾经流落街头的流浪汉,紧紧地拥抱着他时,富人感到这是他有生以来最令他感到满足的拥抱,他眼中滚了泪水。
    Tears filled the man's eyes as his guest, a lowly bum off the street, held him in the most satisfying embrace he had ever received.
  • 我们正开着车往前走,突然路上闪一人。
    We were just bumming along when a man appeared on the road.
  • 砰然作响发砰一声的猛击或猛撞
    A sudden loud blow or bump.
  • ,隆起一个小的突起或肿块;隆起
    A small lump or swelling; a bump.
  • 我们听到隔壁房间发一声撞击声。
    We heard a bump in the next room.
  • 事物平滑的表面现裂缝或其他不规则的痕迹。
    something irregular like a bump or crack in a smooth surface.
  • 他们砰嘡一声碰到柱子上,于是乘客猛地飞奔而
    Bump, they come against the post, and out flies the fare like bricks.
  • 匪徒们威胁说,要是他不说密电码藏在哪儿,就要把他干掉。
    The gangsters threatened to bump him off if he did not tell them where the secret code was hidden.
  • 绑匪们威胁说,如果吉姆不把收藏秘密文件的地点说来,便要把他干掉。
    The kidnappers threatened to bump Jim off if he did not tell them where the secret papers were hidden.
  • 我正门的时候碰上他了。
    I bumped into him on the way out.
  • 卡车司机:将会有可供电脑驾驶的机动车一辆接一辆高速行驶的“智能”车道现。
    Truckers: There will be “smart” lanes that enable computer-driven vehicles to travel bumper to bumper at high speeds.
  • 在你看来,停车时把汽车的保险杆部分突在人行道上似乎是微不足道的,但就法制观念而言,这仍旧是一种犯法的行为。
    Parking with your car bumper overhanging the pavement may seem trivial to you, but in the eyes of the law it is still an offence.
  • 很多传统的司机在汽车保险杆上贴一些能反映其教育背景、政治观点、或者婚姻状况的标语以自娱,内容从“耶鲁法律学院”到“如果你富有,我是单身”等等,不一而足。
    More conventional drivers satisfy themselves with bumper stickers that reveal their educational back-ground, political opinions, or marital status, from 'Yale School of Law' to 'If you're rich, I'm single'.
  • 类似事物一再撞击发的声音。
    being or resembling the noise of things striking or bumping together repeatedly.
  • 他认为,汉堡包里的肉饼是好东西,但面包圈不可取。1972年,他版了第一本书--《阿特金斯医生的减肥革命》,使他的理论上变成一场饮食革命。
    The hamburger patty is good, the hamburger bun bad, according to the teachings of Atkins, who has turned his philosophies into a dieting revolution, starting with his first book, "Dr. Atkins Diet Revolution," in 1972.
  • 马赫先生从抽屉里拿一条链子,链子一头挂着一串钥匙。
    From the drawer Mr Mach took out a chain, with a bunch of keys dangling at its end.
  • 他为什么要把那个男孩撵去?
    What did he bundle the boy out for?
  • 她从口袋里掏一束传单。
    She produced from her pocket a bundle of handbills.
  • 爸爸在我作文里找一大堆拼写错误。
    Dad find a bundle of spelling mistake in my composition.
  • 嘿,你的差错使工程推迟了一个月。现在你休想一笑了之。
    Well, your bungling has set the project back a month. Now try laughing that off!
  • 看见导弹从一个掩体发射
    Watched the missile launch from a bunker.
  • 这个设施的内部部署有特种卫兵及特种装备,以监视任何弹药流掩体以外的可能。
    Inside that facility are special guards and special equipment to monitor any leakage that might come out of the bunker.
  • 一位妇女在打开盒子后连忙追了来,脸上流着泪:"我收集了许多小兔子,但在洪水中全丢了。
    One woman ran out to find us after opening her box,tears rolling down her face. "I collected bunny rabbits,and I lost them all in the flood.
  • 斯迈思先生于1922年4月12日,星期四,生于肯塔基州巴丁县的邦廷,当时经济形势不稳定。
    Mr. Smythe was born in Bunting, Bradin Couaty, Kentucky, on Thursday, April 12,1922, at a time when economic conditions were unsettled.
  • (夜晚)可以发声音被人听见的浮标。
    a buoy that can be heard (at night).
  • 您如果有月票的话,每次上车就不必买票了,但您得向乘务员示月票。
    If you have a monthly pass, you don't have to pay the fare each time when you get on the bus, bur you'll have to show it to the conductor.
  • 漱或起泡的声音。
    utter with gargling or burbling sounds.