  • 汽车在路上流水般地行驶。
    Cars stream along the highway.
  • 他们绕道拐上33号高速路。
    They fetched about onto Highway 33.
  • 路在这渐次地弯向南方。
    The highway swings south here.
  • 她的土地朝着高速
    Her property fronts on the highway.
  • 济南黄河公路桥
    Huanghe River Highway Bridge at Jinan
  • 公路运输规章
    rules and regulations of highway transportation
  • 这座大楼紧靠着路。
    The building abuts on the highway.
  • 工厂在路的那一边。
    The factory is beyond the highway.
  • 洪水冲坏了公路。
    The flood washed out the highway.
  • 这公路有十米宽。
    The highway is ten metres wide.
  • 这条路通往那条路。
    The road gives onto the highway.
  • 部队沿公路而行。
    The soldiers marched along the highway.
  • 卡车沿着公路行驶。
    The truck rolled along the highway.
  • 把公路的弯曲处修直
    Iron out the curves in the highway
  • 高速路巡逻,有什么事吗?
    Highway patrol. May I help you?
  • 第十九条 在山区、丘陵区、风沙区修建铁路、路、水工程,开办矿山企业、电力企业和其他大中型工业企业,在建设项目环境影响报告书中,必须有水行政主管部门同意的水土保持方案。
    Article 19 When the construction of a railway, highway or a water project is carried out, a mining or electrical power enterprise or any other large or medium-sized industria1; enterprise is established in a mountainous, hilly or sandstorm area, the environmental impact statement for the project must include a water and soil conservation programme approved by the department of water administration.
  • 捻角山羊,螺角山羊一种体大、野生的喜马拉雅山羊,(马可山羊),皮毛呈红棕色,角状如弯曲的螺旋,羊有长鬃
    A large, wild Himalayan goat(Capra falconeri) having a reddish-brown coat, spirally curved horns, and a long mane in the male.
  • 位于喜马拉雅山脉印度东北的一个国。
    a principality in the Himalayas northeast of India.
  • 第七,这样的和平将使所有人能够在海上不受阻碍地自由地航行;
    Seventh, such a peace should enable all men to traverse the high seas and oceans without hindrance;
  • 我们所有的希望都取决于司的成功。
    All our hopes hinged on the company's success.
  • 新疆维吾尔自治区(简称新疆)地处中国西北边陲,亚欧大陆腹地,面积166.49万平方里,占中国国土面积六分之一,陆地边境线5600里,周边与八个国家接壤,是古丝绸之路的重要通道。
    The Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region (also called Xinjiang for short), situated in the border area of northwest China and the hinterland of the Eurasian Continent, occupies an area of 1.6649 million sq km, accounting for one sixth of Chinese territory. It has a land border of 5,600 km bounded by eight countries. It was an important section of the ancient Silk Road.
  • 装船后,我到保险司去投保。
    After loading the goods on board the hip, I go to the insurance company to have them insured.
  • stryker司成长的最大动力源泉是它的膝盖和胯骨植入物买卖。这项业务在布朗接任时并不存在。
    Stryker's biggest growth engine is its knee-and hip-implant business,which didn't exist when Brown came aboard.
  • 我们雇用了一家广告司来推销我们的产品。
    We hired an advertising company for help to sell our product.
  • 我们委托一家广告司替我们推销新软件。
    We hired an advertising company to help us sell our new software.
  • 出租马车用于开出租的单马力交通工具
    A one-horse vehicle for public hire.
  • 彼得为司雇佣了一名送信跑腿的人。
    Peter hired a leg man for the company.
  • 司下周要再雇些男工。
    The company's hiring more men next week.
  • 但是戴尔很快就恢复了元气,再次从外界雇用了最优秀的工程师,这次对设计apple司的powerbook(强力笔记本电脑)的设计组实施了强有力的打击。
    But Dell quickly recovered by again hiring a top gun from outside, this time raiding the group that designed Apple's PowerBooks.
  • 不能投保的风险是不能转移给保险司的,比如司经营而不盈利的风险,雇用的员工不负责任,提升的管理人员不能胜任等。
    An uninsurable risk is one that cannot be shifted to an insurance company. For example, companies run the risk of not making a profit, hiring irresponsible employees, and promoting incompetent managers.
  • 这不只适用于在开支及雇佣方面有愈来愈多自主权的高级务员,也适用于其属下人员,甚至包括那些与众有直接联系的前线人员。
    This applies not only to senior civil servants, who will increasingly have management autonomy over spending and hiring. It also applies down the line, to the front-line staff who deal directly with the public.
  • 本人充满活力,做事果断,乐于从事各方面的工作,对贵司非常感兴趣,觉得自身素质符合贵司招聘职员的要求。
    I am a very energetic and determined individual who enjoys a variety of tasks. I am very interested in your organization and feel that my personal characteristics may be a match with the qualities you look for when hiring a new employee.