  • “以杀人为生者必死于刀下,”一位已退休的汽车犯罪调查员墨菲评论说。他曾花九年时调查泰斯塔在纽约和新泽西与偷车集团的关联。
    "Live by the sword, die by the sword," commented John Murphy, a retired auto-crimes investigator who spent nine years of his police career probing Testa's many links to stolen-car rackets in New York and New Jersey.
  • 这种风险,会随着时的推移而淡化。
    Seen from this perspective, real estate investing can be a high risk venture.
  • 但只要亚洲国家吸取教训,坏事可以变成好事,其实现经济振兴不需很长时
    However, as long as Asian countries draw lessons from it, bad things may turn into good ones, and it won't take long to invigorate their economies.
  • 进一步搞活城乡流通,积极开拓农村市场,大力开发和生产灌溉、田作业、农副产品加工等质优价廉、方便实用的农机产品。
    In addition, it is necessary to invigorate the circulation between urban and rural areas, actively explore the rural market, and energetically develop and produce high-quality, inexpensive and practical farm machines for irrigation, farmland operation and the processing of farm and sideline products.
  • 通过增发国债来增加政府财政支出,不仅能够直接增加社会需求,而且能带来工资和利润的增加,刺激个人消费和企业投资,拉动相关产业,接增加社会需求,由此带来的总需求扩张往往数倍于财政支出本身的扩张。
    The increase of fiscal expenditures through additional issuance of treasury bonds can stimulate demand directly and also indirectly by increasing wages and profits, encouraging individual consumption and enterprise investment and invigorating related sectors. The increased fiscal expenditures usually produce a multiplying effect on demand than is otherwise the case.
  • 面对全球范围的日益激烈的新闻竞争,espn有能力将在相当长的一段时内立于不败之地。”
    Confronting increasingly intensive news competition, ESPN is capable to keep its invincible po-sition for quite a long time."
  • 它已成为体育的同义语。面对全球范围的日益激烈的新闻竞争,espn有能力将在相当长的一段时内立于不败之地。”
    Confronting increasingly intensive news competition worldwide, ESPN is capable to keep its invincible position for quite a long time.
  • 在这个期,德国愿意停止反苏,愿意放弃所谓《防共协定》,承认了苏联边疆的不可侵犯,苏德互不侵犯协定就订立了。
    In the meantime, Germany indicated her willingness to stop her activities against the Soviet Union and abandon the so-called Agreement Against the Communist International and recognized the inviolability of the Soviet frontiers; hence the conclusion of the Soviet-German non-aggression treaty.
  • 对美国人来说,朋友和同事之的界限几乎已经模糊到看不见的程度。
    For Americans, the distinction between a friend and a co-worker blurs to near invisibility.
  • 与太阳有关或靠近太阳;尤其指因和太阳同升同落而在第一颗星升起和最后一颗星落下这段时看不见。
    pertaining to or near the sun; especially the first rising of a star after and last setting before its invisibility owing to its conjunction with the sun.
  • 她在昏暗的房里别人看不到她。
    She was invisible in the dusk of the room.
  • 空气虽然看不见,但它占据了空
    Even though air is invisible, air takes up space.
  • 就像您的眼睛看不见苍穹的空一样,在我们这里最成熟的人的眼中上帝还是无形的。
    God is still as invisible to the eyes of the most developped here as the ether of space is to yours.
  • 今天,你也许会说,怀念林肯最真切而又持久的纪念碑无声矗立在那里,在今天,在明天或以后很长的一段时永存于那些热爱解放事业的人的心中。
    Today when you say perhaps that the well-assured and the most enduring memorial to Lincoln is invisibly there today, tomorrow, and for a long, long time yet to come. It's there in the hearts of lovers of liberty.
  • 如以后要求优先权,任何国家的主管机关可以规定其期应自该商品在展览会展出之日开始。
    If, later, the right of priority is invoked, the authorities of any country may provide that the period shall start from the date of introduction of the goods into the exhibition.
  • 非自觉地排尿(通常在夜)。
    involuntary urination (usually during sleep).
  • 粉刷房就要把钢琴搬出去。
    Painting the room involved moving out the piano.
  • 在适当的时提建议需要人的睿智。
    Giving advice at the right time has to involve a great deal of intelligence.
  • 不要参加那些浪费时的活动。
    Don't involve yourself in activities which waste time.
  • 他逃脱了这件事故;在肝和脾之的额外的连接。
    he escaped involvement in the accident; there was additional involvement of the liver and spleen.
  • 无论赫伯特怎么说你与我们的竞争者之有着瓜葛,我认为你没有必要进行辩护。
    No matter what Herbert says about your involvement with our competitiors, I don’t think you have a case to answer for.
  • 门是朝房里面开的。
    The door opened inward into the room.
  • 衣阿华州参议员哈金今天大吼大叫地加入了民主党总统候选人的竞选,讥笑布什总统有一双政治“泥足”,是一个不关心人民的政客,并将这次选举塑成为特权政府与民有政府之的明显抉择。
    Senator Tom Harkin of Iowa roared into the race for the Democratic Presidential nomination today scoffing at President Bush as a uncaring plutocrat with political "feel of clay" and casting the election as a stark choice between a government for the privileged and a government for the people at large.
  • 伊朗和伊拉克之的战争于1988年8月份结束。
    The war between Iran and Iraq ended in August 1988.
  • 伊朗每隔一段时就会有保守者对女士们无视教规对服装的规定而进行抗议,之后政府就会抓紧对妇女服装的管制。
    Residents say Iran has periodic crackdowns after protests by conservatives that many women are flouting the dress code.
  • 相反,伊拉克计划利用他们的报告来说服我们,使核查人员只能得到伊拉克合法武器的一些无用信息,使我们没有时来搜寻伊拉克的违禁武器。
    Instead, Iraq planned to use the declaration, overwhelm us and to overwhelm the inspectors with useless information about Iraq's permitted weapons so that we would not have time to pursue Iraq's prohibited weapons.
  • 伊拉克政权一直利用外交作为争取时和优势的策略。
    The Iraqi regime has used diplomacy as a ploy to gain time and advantage.
  • 土耳其人头戴着花冠,花冠上的百合花中点缀着蝴蝶花的花瓣,就像湛蓝色的岛屿在绿色的海洋中闪烁不定。
    there were Turk's head lilies and patches of iris , islands of brilliant blue set capriciously in the green sea.
  • 很多爱尔兰人在饥荒期迁徙到了美国。
    Many of the Irish went over to America during the famine.
  • 1100到1500年的爱尔兰语。
    Irish Gaelic from 1100 to 1500.
  • "他得打扫房,这使他感到厌烦。"
    It irks him to have to clean his house.
  • 讽刺的幽默;讽刺性的评论通常接传达着一种故意隐含的意思;讽刺小说;嘲笑;有种苏格兰人的讽刺智慧。
    dry humor; an ironic remark often conveys an intended meaning obliquely; an ironic novel; an ironical smile; with a wry Scottish wit.