  • 错的不能变成对的。
    Wrong never comes right.
  • 2.1986年看见哈雷慧星的千百万人当中,有多少人够长寿到足以目睹它在二十一世纪的回归呢?
    2. Of the millions who saw Haley’s comet in 1986, how many people will live long enough to see it return in the twenty-first century.
  • 木星一土星区域有适合这种慧星存在的合适温度。它距离太阳比古比皮带和奥尔特云都要近。这两者是大多数慧星可形成的地方。
    The Jupiter-Saturn region would have been just the right temperature for such a comet, which is much closer to the sun than the Kuiper Belt or Oorl Cloud where most comets probably formed.
  • 总的来说,彗星的冰物质可不是地球上水的主要来源。但在该领域,目前尚很少有肯定的认识。
    In short, icy cometary material probably has not been important in providing water for the earth's oceans, but there is little sure knowledge in this field.
  • 陨星水和彗星水的混合也不可提供地球上的全部水源,因为这种混合水与现在的海水相比,仍然有着较高的氖含量。
    A mixture of meteoritic water and cometary water would not work either because this combination would still contain a higher concentration of deuterium than is found in the oceans.
  • 那车舒舒服服地坐五个人。
    The car will sit five people comfortably.
  • 他们相当富有,因此买得起这座房子。
    They're comfortably off, so they can afford the house.
  • 她现在已相当富有有了,买得起一部新车了。
    She’s comfortably off now, so she can afford a new car.
  • 一旦你自如地活动,我们就接你回来。
    We look forward to having you back as soon as you can comfortably get around.
  • 这提高了新加坡作为全球性大都会的地位,一个东西方够和睦共处的城市。
    This has enhanced Singapore's position as a global city where East and West live and work comfortably together.
  • 如此一来,中国人将更流畅自在地与西方进行接触,加速向西方国家学习的步调;
    They will be able to interact more freely and comfortably with the West, and learn more quickly from the Western countries.
  • 我失业了,而就业服务中心的那个告诉我这一地区的失业人数可还要继续增长——他的安慰反而增加了我的痛苦。
    I was out of work and the man at the Job centre told me that unemployment is likely to continue to rise in the area-he's right. Job's comforter.
  • 而更难可贵的是,林瑞生议员的动议也获得两位反对党领袖的支持。面对共同挑战时,反对党议员放下政治分歧,支持“动员全国团结一致的目标”,这种成熟的政治风范教人深感欣慰。
    What is especially worth mentioning was a motion by Mr Lim Swee Say, MP for Tanjong Pagar GRC, who called on all Singaporeans to unite together to overcome the situation. This motion won the support of the two opposition members in Parliament, whose manifestation of political maturity in such adverse times is truly comforting to us all.
  • 你不将你们的床叫“软舒”床,因为该商标已注册。
    You cannot call your bed ' Soften Comfy ' - it is a registered trademark.
  • 幽默感看出、享受或表达有趣的、喜剧性的、离奇的或荒谬的东西的
    The ability to perceive, enjoy, or express what is amusing, comical, incongruous, or absurd.
  • 可能还有一些要来。
    Perhaps more are coming.
  • 他不支配这样大笔的款子。
    He can't command so large a sum of money.
  • "爱因斯坦确是位伟大的人物,他博得人人的尊敬。"
    Einstain was really a great man who is able to command everyone's respect.
  • 我不支配这笔款子。
    I cannot command the sum.
  • 他运用英语的力令我吃惊。
    His command of english surprised me.
  • 你能背诵十诫吗?
    Can you recite the Ten Commandants?
  • 一个看到周围的很多东西的建筑结构。
    a structure commanding a wide view of its surroundings.
  • 这座塔使人看到全城的景致。
    The tower affords a commanding view of the city.
  • 具有某种优势的地方或位置,特别指够居高临下观察或全面观察的地方。
    place or situation affording some advantage (especially a comprehensive view or commanding perspective).
  • 达赖肆意编造谎言,违背和践踏这一戒条,这只向世人暴露其打着宗教旗号进行分裂祖国活动的本来面目。
    The Dalai Lama's wanton fabrication of lies and his violation and trampling of this commandment serve only to expose him in all his true colors: He is waving the banner of religion to conduct activities aimed at splitting the motherland.
  • “妄语戒”是佛教的根本戒条之一,达赖肆意编造谎言,违背和践踏这一戒条,这只向世人暴露其打着宗教旗号进行分裂祖国活动的本来面目。
    One of the fundamental commandments of Buddhism forbids the spreading of falsehoods. The Dalai Lama's wanton fabrication of lies and his violation and trampling of this commandment serve only to expose him in all his true colors: He is waving the banner of religion to conduct activities aimed at splitting the motherland.
  • 他的眼睛眺望得又远又广。
    Far and wide his eye commands.
  • 我们希望收到您的订单。
    We hope favour with your esteemed commands.
  • 谁统治世界岛谁就主宰全世界。
    Who rules the worldisland commands the world.
  • 接到并被希望遵循指示或命令。
    receive and be expected to follow directions or commands.
  • 我们希望收到您的订单。
    We hope to be favour with your esteemed commands.
  • 节日法定或习俗上够停止通常的商业活动来纪念或庆祝某一特定事件的日子
    A day on which custom or the law dictates a halting of general business activity to commemorate or celebrate a particular event.