  • 用涂料…着色,染色于,染
    To color with pigment.
  • 我有时还会客户出出主意,谈谈什么样的旅行更适合他们,还要准备回答成堆的问题。
    Sometimes I advice people on what kind of holiday tours will be suitable for them and get ready to answer piles of questions.
  • 他们过去常常在夏天帮那个农民将干草耙成堆,留牛在冬天吃。
    In the summer, they used to help the farmer to rake up the dried grass into piles for the cattle to eat during the winter.
  • 桥墩,墩从河岸延伸至水面以上的平台,由桩或柱子支撑,用来船或艇保证安全、保护和提供通道
    A platform extending from a shore over water and supported by piles or pillars, used to secure, protect, and provide access to ships or boats.
  • 据意大利当地报纸报道,一对意大利姐妹本周当面将她们20年前偷走的日记还了日记主人--保罗·麦卡特尼,这位前披头士乐团成员。
    Two Italian sisters who 20 years ago pilfered a diary belonging to Paul McCartney have been rewarded this week with a face-to-face meeting with the ex-Beatle, Italian newspapers report.
  • 要是他们要什么你就总是什么,到头来你只会是自取其咎。
    If you always give them everything they want, you will be piling up trouble for yourself later!
  • 你不能我服用药片吗?
    Can not you give me pill?
  • 你不能我服用药片吗?
    Could not you give me pill?
  • 我的那些新药丸真是药到病除。
    Those new pill you give me work like a charm.
  • 这座纪念碑是献所有在战争中牺牲的人的。
    This pillar is a monument to all those who died in the war.
  • 我的手指让汽车门夹住了。
    I shut my finger in the car door, ie between the door and the door-pillar.
  • 我的那些新药丸真是药到病除.
    Those new pills you gave me worked like a charm.
  • 给我一个枕头
    Get me a pillow.
  • 我一个枕头了吗?
    May I have a pillow?
  • 可以给我个枕头吗?
    May I have a pillow, please?
  • 我一个枕头和毛毯。
    May I have a pillow and a blanket, please?
  • 你看你能船领航吗?
    Do you think you can pilot a ship?
  • 指挥官他的飞行员发去“干得好”的消息。
    The commander messaged"well done" to his pilots.
  • 昨天我丈夫买了一支领带别针。
    I bought a tie pin for my husband yesterday.
  • 他的手指门夹住了。
    He pinched his finger in the door.
  • 他给植物打了顶。
    He pinched the top of the plants off.
  • 吝啬的,过分节俭的不情愿钱或花钱的;过分吝啬的
    Unwilling to give or spend money; penny-pinching.
  • 我来一杯菠萝汁吧。
    I'll have a pineapple, please.
  • 我很渴,请我半品脱的啤酒。
    I'm rather thirsty. bring me half a pint of beer, please.
  • 我原以为约翰尼会同意把房子卖我,不料到就要成交的最后一刻,有人出了更高的价钱,使我快买到手的房子落空了。
    I thought Johnny would agree to sell us the house but I was pipped at the post by a more generous offer from someone else.
  • 请给我一些香烟。
    Some pipe tobacco, please.
  • 我讲了一个关于吹笛者和丢失的孩子的故事。
    He told me the story about a piper and the lost children.
  • 我准备既出钱又出力,不仅在贵校授课,而且还要捐一笔款子你们。
    I’m going to dance and pay the piper, not only teaching in your school but also giving you a subscription.
  • 他们浪费了我们好几个小时,最後才把那份表格我们.
    We were pissed around for hours before they finally gave us the right form.
  • 他们浪费了我们好几个小时,最后才把那份表格我们。
    We are pissed around for hour before they finally give us the right form.
  • 他们浪费了我们好几个小时,最後才把那份表格我们。
    We is pissed around for hour before they finally give us the right form.
  • 谁在乱动我的手稿?全弄得乱七八糟的。
    Who's pissing about with my manuscripts? They're all out of order.