Chinese English Sentence:
  • 大学生们讲授哲学。
    He lectures to undergraduates on philosophy.
  • 希刺克厉夫和他的仆人迈着烦躁的懒洋洋的脚步,爬上了地窖的梯阶:我认为他们走得并不比平常快一秒钟,虽然炉边已经撕咬和狂吠闹得大乱。
    Mr Heathcliff and his man climbed the cellar steps with vexatious phlegm: I don't think they moved one second faster than usual, though the hearth was an absolute tempest of worrying and yelping.
  • 我给父母打了电话。
    I phoned my parents.
  • 他可以打电话你吗?
    Can he phone you?
  • 你该我打个电话才是!
    You may have phone me!
  • 我明天会打电话你。
    I will phone you tomorrow.
  • 马上打电话给医生。
    Phone the doctor at once.
  • 计划改变,星期六晚打电话你。
    Plan changed phone Saturday night.
  • 他家里打个电话试试。
    Try phoning his home number.
  • 我昨天晚上打电话你,可是没有人接电话,你出去了吗?
    I tried to call you up last night, but no one answered the phone. Were you out?
  • 你给谁打电话呢?
    Who are you phoning?
  • 对不起,没你打电话。
    Sorry for not phoning you.
  • 贝克先生打电话那家餐馆。
    Mr. Bakon is phoning the restaurant.
  • 我们整天一筹莫展,每隔一两个小时就兽医打电话,了解最新情况。
    We wrung our hands for the rest of the day,phoning every couple of hours for an update.
  • 肥料包括烘肥以及氮、磷和钾化合物等任何大量的自然或合成原料,撒于土壤上或翻入土壤中以增加其供植物生长的能力
    Any of a large number of natural and synthetic materials, including manure and nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium compounds, spread on or worked into soil to increase its capacity to support plant growth.
  • 保留手稿但可出版商一份影印件
    Kept the original but sent a photocopy to his publisher.
  • 这是有关合并的文件,这些是影印本,如果您要正本,我可以拿您。
    Here are the documents related to me merger. These are photocopies, but if you would like the originals, I could bring those too.
  • 我们校队照了个相。
    We photographed the school team.
  • 我要不要把这张照片留你?
    Shall I leave you this photograph?
  • 别动,我给你照像。
    Stand still while I photograph you.
  • 给…摄影,给…拍照
    To make a photograph or movie of.
  • 让我你看我度假的照片。
    Let me show you my holiday photographs.
  • 他看了我妻子的照片。
    I showed him the photographs of my wife.
  • 我们还干活的农民照了像。
    We also took photographs of the farmers at work.
  • 这小孩辅导物理。
    He tutored the child in physics.
  • 医生认为病人服泻药的时候到了。
    The doctor think it is time that he physic the patient.
  • 我已请医生我仔细检查过了。
    I have had myself carefully examined by physicians.
  • 医生给他吃药。
    The physician administered the medicine to him.
  • 每年颁化学、物理学、生理学和医学、文学、经济学或者和平方面突出贡献的奖金。
    an annual award for outstanding contributions to chemistry or physics or physiology and medicine or literature or economics or peace.
  • 请给我一张馅饼。
    Please give me a piece of pie.
  • 那就我来一块南瓜馅饼吧。
    Then a piece of pumpkin pie, please.
  • 他送他女儿一只猪形储蓄罐。
    He gave his daughter a piggy bank.