  • 《社会分工论》
    De la division du travail social
  • 夺秒地工作以便在最后期限到来前交出手搞
    Worked against time to deliver the manuscript before the deadline.
  • 看来其他部也将在15天的限期内完成。
    It looks as if the rest will be finished before the15-day deadline too.
  • 这次比赛出现两次平局,在第二个四之一场的第五钟宾州队第一次将比拉平。
    Pennsylvania produce the first of the game's two deadlock at 5:00 of the second quarter.
  • 她爱得疯狂;极为昏暗;非常认真;非常聪明;过地嫉妒。
    she was madly in love; deadly dull; deadly earnest; deucedly clever; insanely jealous.
  • 美国人十害怕癌症,但对心脏病更是恐惧。
    Americans fear cancer with a deadly terror, but they fear a heart attack even more.
  • 道路规划设计中充考虑噪声扰民问题,在必要路段建设隔声屏障、降噪结构和低噪路面。
    The motorway planning will give full consideration of traffic noise, at the proper sections, noise-deafening wall, noise-deafening structure and low-noise road surface will be adopted.
  • 假若认为耳聋有趣, 这种幽默感十不当.
    If you think deafness is funny, you've got a very misplaced sense of humour.
  • 分牌,发牌
    To deal cards to.
  • 谁来分发钱?
    Who will deal the money?
  • 荒淫的,只研究排泄物和泌物的功能。
    dealing pruriently with excrement and excretory functions.
  • 析学逻辑学关于析的一个
    The branch of logic dealing with analysis.
  • 他是个知识子,待人接物无不极其诚实公正。
    He's an intellectual and as straight as a die in all his dealings.
  • 红利将分发给投资者.
    The profits will be dealt out among the investors.
  • 母亲给每个人三粒糖果。
    Mother dealt three candies each.
  • 给每个孩子三个三明治。
    She dealt each child three sandwiches.
  • 老板给每个人发纪念品。
    My boss dealt out souvenirs to everyone.
  • 这笔钱必须要公平配。
    The money must be dealt out fairly.
  • 那笔钱分摊不均。
    The money was not dealt out fairly.
  • 母亲把食物给孩子们。
    The mother dealt the children the food.
  • 士兵们将粮食给缺粮的人。
    The soldiers dealt out rice to the needy.
  • 老师把书发给全班同学。
    The teacher dealt the books to the class.
  • 系主任是在傍晚时回来的。
    The dean returned in the late afternoon.
  • 区分
    Draw a dear dividing line between
  • 中国需要并十珍惜一个长期的国际和平环境,特别是良好的周边环境。
    China needs and cherishes dearly an environment of long-term international peace, especially a favorable peripheral environment.
  • 其次,要经过以村子、屋子为单位的群众大会去做经济建设的宣传,在宣传中要把革命战争和经济建设的关系讲得十明白,要把改良群众的生活,增加斗争的力量,讲得十实际。
    Furthermore, we must conduct propaganda for economic construction at village or household meetings, explaining dearly how it is related to the revolutionary war and discussing in the most practical terms how to improve the livelihood of the masses and increase our strength for the struggle.
  • 从一九二一年到七大共二十四年,这个期间我们党犯了一次右倾机会主义错误,三次“左”倾机会主义错误,特别是第三次“左”倾机会主义错误,差不多把我们的革命力量搞光了,革命根据地有百之九十垮了,受了很大的损失,花了很大的代价。
    In the 24 years from 1921 to the convening of the Party's Seventh National Congress, our Party made Right opportunistic mistakes once and "Left" opportunistic mistakes three times. The "Left" opportunistic mistakes made the third time practically ruined our entire revolutionary force--90 percent of the revolutionary base areas collapsed, which was disastrous and cost us dearly.
  • 大部分的人都怕死。
    Most people dread death.
  • 美国过依赖进口石油,主要由于里根总统相信最好的能源政策就是没有政策。可是地方上的政客们在促成此项挫败也是劣绩昭彰,甚至连意识形态的托词都不用。
    America's unhealthy dependence on imported foreign oil stems mainly from President Reagan's belief that the best energy policy was no policy. But local politicians have made their own egregious contributions to the debacle without even the fig leaf of ideology.
  • (用来指金属)混合了劣等成而品质低劣。
    (used of metals) debased by mixture with an infereior element.
  • 我们刚开始这个计划,当我坚持要服从的时候就会产生严重的歧。
    We had just started on this plan and the sparks used to fly when I insisted on obedience.
  • 莱斯莉的表现证明了她为什么是常规赛和全明星赛中的“最有价值球员”:她在下半场技压群芳,使“火花”队从落后11的情况下追了上来。
    Leslie showed why she was the MVP of both the regular season and the All-Star game with a dominating second-half performance to rally the sparks from an 11 point deficit.