  • 莱昂内尔问我工作情况如何,不过我怀疑他只是想探听一些可能对他自己司有帮助的消息。
    Lionel asked me how things were going at work, but I suspect he was just fishing for information that might be helpful to his own company.
  • 由芬兰主办的1952年奥运会是如此成功,以致于它被认为是奥运史上最了色的一届。
    Finland rose so well to the task of hosting the games that the 1952 Helsinki Olympiad has been generally looked back on as the most successful of them all.
  • 对这件事情,人们都支吾其词,不敢发表意见,因为从司的角度看,这件事是办不得的。
    There was considerable hemming and hawing over this, since from the point of view of the corporation is was most undesirable…
  • 用这些产品进行临床试验的四家司严格按照多个步骤的程序从红细胞中提取血红蛋白后,再进行纯化和稳定处理,最后只剩下血红蛋白。
    The four companies in clinical trials with these products use stringent multistep processes to extract hemoglobin from red cells, then purify and stabilize it, so only hemoglobin is left.
  • 拉斯普廷,格里高利·埃费默维奇1872?-1916俄国农民医生,其迷人的性格以及为沙皇王子医好了血友病使其在尼古拉二世宫中大受宠爱。由于其行为淫荡,缺乏知识,王贵族们因怕他毁了王室而暗杀了他
    Russian starets whose magnetic personality and relative success in the treatment of the czarevich's hemophilia gained him favor in the court of Nicholas II. He was assassinated by noblemen who feared that his licentious manner and ignorance would undermine the monarchy.
  • 纽约州西威姆斯坦市的一家小进出口司估计,利用iphone该司每月可节省1200-1500美元。
    A small import/export house in West Hemp stead, N.Y., estimates that the company saves from $1,200 to $1,500 per month with the IPhone.
  • 我们已将有关情况电告贵司,现随函寄上发电副本。
    We have telegraph to you to that effect, and the copy of the wire is enclosed herein.
  • 教育的过程应该是资源的重新分配,起到社会平衡的作用,以让人民在平的起跑线上追求生命的立足点,还是延续子靠父荫的传承过程,继承上一代的优势以强化下一代的竞争能力?对此,我们应该有清楚的思考。
    Herein is much for the public to chew on. Should education enable people to begin their life's race on a level field from a common starting line by granting each a fair share of the resources available, or should it allow some of them to benefit from their parents' power and influence to win the competition?
  • 他有权提名,并於取得参议院的意见和同意後,任命大使、使及领事、最高法院的法官,以及一切其他在本宪法中未经明定、但以後将依法律的规定而设置之合众国官员;国会可以制定法律,酌情把这些较低级官员的任命权,授予总统本人,授予法院,或授予各行政部门的首长。
    and he shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, Judges of the supreme Court, and all other Officers of the United States, whose Appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by Law: but the Congress may by Law vest the Appointment of such inferior Officers, as they think proper, in the President alone, in the Courts of Law, or in the Heads of Departments.
  • 司法令(第50章)第145节(下称“第145节”)规定,在新加坡注册的司,需要最少两名董事,而其中一名必须是常住新加坡的董事(下称常驻董事)。
    Section 145 of the Act (hereinafter referred to as "Section 145") provides that every company incorporated in Singapore shall have at least two directors, one of whom shall be ordinarily resident in Singapore (hereinafter referred to as the "resident director").
  •  第二条 本办法所称合格境外机构投资者(以下简称合格投资者),是指符合本办法规定的条件,经中国证券监督管理委员会(以下简称中国证监会)批准投资于中国证券市场,并取得国家外汇管理局(以下简称国家外汇局)额度批准的中国境外基金管理机构、保险司、证券司以及其他资产管理机构。
    Article 2. Qualified Foreign Institutional Investors (hereinafter referred to as "QFII" which can be a single or a plural, as the case may be) are defined in this Regulation as overseas fund management institutions, insurance companies, securities companies and other assets management institutions which have been approved by China Securities Regulatory Commission (hereinafter referred to as "CSRC") to invest in China's securities market and granted investment quota by State Administration of Foreign Exchange (hereinafter referred to as "SAFE").
  •   (ii)对建立世界知识产权组织(以下简称“本组织”)约中所述的知识产权国际局(以下简称“国际局”)作关于筹备修订会议的指示,但应适当考虑本联盟国家中不受第十三条至第十七条约束的国家所提的意见;
    (ii) give directions concerning the preparation for conferences of revision to the International Bureau of Intellectual Property (hereinafter designated as "the International Bureau") referred to in the Convention establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (hereinafter designated as "the Organization"), due account being taken of any comments made by those countries of the Union which are not bound by Articles 13 to 17;
  • 第四条国家商检部门根据对外贸易发展的需要,制定、调整并布《商检机构实施检验的进出口商品种类表》(以下简称《种类表》)。
    Article 4 The State Administration for Commodity Inspection shall, in the light of the needs in the development of foreign trade, make, adjust and publish a List of Import and Export Commodities Subject to Inspection by the Commodity Inspection Authorities (hereinafter referred to as the List of Commodities).
  • 为履行对《消除对妇女一切形式歧视约》的承诺,推动《提高妇女地位内罗毕前瞻性战略》的实现,在世妇会召开之际,中国政府依据国民经济和社会发展规划,结合妇女发展现状,参照《行动纲领》草案,制定和颁布了《中国妇女发展纲要》(1995-2000年)(以下简称《妇女纲要》),确定了到本世纪末妇女在参政、就业、劳动保护、教育、卫生保舰脱贫、法律保护等方面的任务和11项目标,这标志着中国政府执行第四次世界妇女大会《北京宣言》和《行动纲领》后续行动的正式启动。
    In order to fulfill the commitment to CEDAW and accelerate the implementation of the Nairobi Forward-looking Strategies, before the convening of FWCW, the Chinese government formulated and promulgated the Program for the Development of Chinese Women (1995-2000) (hereinafter referred to as the Program). The Program is worked out in light of the national plan for the economic and social development and the present situation of women's development, and by reference to the draft BPFA. It sets out tasks and 11 objectives in the field of women's political participation, employment, labor rights protection, education, health care, poverty alleviation and legal protection.
  • 他们被开谴责为异教徒并被处以火刑。
    They were denounced as heretic and burned at the stake.
  • 司6月10日电报关于高级砂糖100英担订单已收到,并予以确认。
    We confirm herewith your telegraphic order of the 10th June, for 100 cwt. of the best sugar.
  • 兹寄上本司的订单,请立即发运100包一等品美利奴羊毛。
    Herewith we have pleasure in hand you an indent for immediate shipment of 100 bales of al merino wool.
  • 司6月10日电报关于高级砂糖100英担订单已收到,并予以确认。
    We confirm herewith y our telegraphic order of the 10th June, for 100 cwt. of the best sugar.
  • 英国人引以自豪的传统之一是有获得正审判的权利.
    One of the glories of the British heritage is the right to a fair trial.
  • 英国人引以自豪的传统之一是有获得正审判的权利。
    One of the glory of the british heritage is the right to a fair trial.
  • 悲剧剧本;悲剧式主人
    Tragic plays; the tragic hero.
  • 跟小说中的主人发生共鸣
    Identify with the hero of a novel
  • 芬尼传说中的元2世纪和3世纪保卫爱尔兰的一帮勇士中的一个
    One of a legendary group of heroic Irish warriors of the second and third centuries a.d.
  •  首先,我对在这场斗争中英勇牺牲的解放军指战员、武警指战员和安干警的同志们表示沉痛的哀悼!
    First of all, I should like to express my deep grief over the officers and men of the People's Liberation Army, the People's Armed Police Force and the Public Security Police who have died heroically in this struggle.
  • 在一九九七年,本港检获鸦片及四号海洛英等鸦片类毒品共169.5斤,而在一九九六年则为309.1斤。
    During 1997, 169.5 kilograms of opiate drugs, comprising opium and No.4 heroin, were seized, compared with 309.1 kilograms in 1996.
  • 她对这部小说中的女主人很同情。
    She identified with the heroine of the novel.
  • 作者在几个短短的自然段中描绘了女主人的性格特点。
    The author characterized his heroine in a few short paragraphs.
  • 故事从女主人的死继续往下展开。
    The story follows on from the death of the heroine.
  • 那小说作者在书的结尾让他的女主人自杀了
    The novelist made his heroine commit suicide at the end of the book
  • 这位女主人给描绘得那么栩栩如生,真切动人,仿佛我真的见过她似的。
    Now, his heroine is so lifelike that I feel that I have met her.
  • 作者把女主人的性格刻划得很细腻。
    The author did a good job of touching off the character of the heroine.
  • 我们对我们的女主人除了如实描写,根本没想要把她写成别的样子。
    The last thing we wish is to make our heroine seem anything other than what she was.