  • 无事可做的间隙
    An interval with nothing to do.
  • 时间间隔或间隙
    A period or interval of time.
  • 四度音程两音调之
    The interval between two such tones.
  • 补充音程特定的音程与全八度音程之
    An interval that completes an octave when added to a given interval.
  • 现在是幕休息的时候。
    It's timr for an interval.
  • 片刻一段很短的时,一会儿
    A short interval of time; moment.
  • 空隙两个物体之的空
    A space between two things; an interval.
  • 隔的时两件事之隔的时
    The interval of time between two events.
  • 休息时我们吃冰淇淋。
    We ate ice cream in the interval.
  • 隔的时在被认为是连续的事件或现象之
    An interval between events or phenomena considered together.
  • 迟到者在休息时方可入场。
    Latecomers will not be admitted until the interval.
  • 横跨一段隔的距离,空或者时
    span an interval of distance, space or time.
  • 恐怕,签合同与交货隔时太长了。
    The interval is too long, I am afraid.
  • 下午将有间晴天气。
    There will be bright interval during the afternoon.
  • 我们在中休息时匆匆喝了点东西。
    We had a quick drink in the interval.
  • 某事物隔了一段时后引起的结果。
    any result that follows its cause after an interval.
  • 他住院一段时以後又回来上班了。
    He returned to work after an interval in hospital.
  • 休息在戏剧、歌剧两幕之的短暂休息
    The interval between two acts of a theatrical performance.
  • 休息时,大家都涌向酒吧。
    When the interval came everyone made for the bar.
  • 在穿孔的连续格式纸上,割线之距。
    In perforated continuous forms paper, the interval between cuts.
  • 当中时一个与另一个出现的时
    The time between one occurrence and another; an interval.
  • 这期的若干年里,我一直一个人。
    I was alone during intervening years.
  • 在其间的几年中
    during the years that intervened
  • 不要让这样的小事介入我们之
    Let such trifle not intervene between us.
  • 那些集团之存在着强烈的敌对情绪,所以我们对调停感到犹豫。
    There was strong feelings between the groups so we hesitated to intervene.
  • 这两个孩子之的争论变得如此激烈以致于他们的父亲不得不出面调停。
    The argument between the two boys became so fierce that Dad had to intervene.
  • 她想调解丈夫和儿子之的争吵,但是被粗暴地推开了。
    She tried to intervene between her husband and son, but she was roughly pushed aside.
  • 调解斡旋于冲突双方或多方之以使它们达成协议、找到解决办法或妥协
    To intervene between two or more disputants in order to bring about an agreement, a settlement, or a compromise.
  • 盘,板,片在动物中的圆形而扁平的盘状结构,如椎
    A round, flattened, platelike structure in an animal, such as an intervertebral disk.
  • 道别时要握手感谢雇主花时对你进行面试。
    Shake hands as you say good-bye and thank the interviewer for spending time with you.
  • 道别时要握手感谢雇主花时面试你。
    A shake hands as you say good-bye and thank the interviewer for spending time with you.
  • 吻合术把独立的或几段管状中空器官接合起来形成一个连续通道的外科连接,如在肠的两段中
    The surgical connection of separate or severed tubular hollow organs to form a continuous channel, as between two parts of the intestine.