  • 我早就知道你终究会我说服的。
    But I knew I should persuade you at last.
  • (1740-1814)描述了性变态者予了“性虐待狂”的术语的法国军人和作家。
    (1740-1814) French soldier and writer whose descriptions of sexual perversion gave rise to the term `sadism'.
  • 跟某人纠缠不已;不某人安生;纠缠某人没完
    Pester the life out of sb.
  • 这些著名歌星离开剧场时,要求签名的青少年纠缠得不亦乐乎。
    The famous singers leaving the theatre had the life pestered out of them by youngsters asking for autographs.
  • 现在那些小"布莱特妮""和小"克瑞斯蒂尼"们总是缠着自己的父母自己买成人款式的衣服。
    Now "baby Britneys" and "teeny Christeenies" are pestering their parents to have a wardrobe that's beyond their years.
  • 明天果树喷杀虫剂。
    Spray the pesticide on the fruit trees tomorrow.
  • 用除虫剂给…除虫
    To remove insects from, as with a pesticide.
  • 我来份玫瑰花瓣色拉。
    Get me some rose-petal salad, please.
  • 你来点玫瑰色拉如何?
    May I bring you the rose - petal salad?
  • 皮特.威尔逊州长通过电子商务邮件他秘书刚出生的宝贝买了一个米老鼠玩具。
    Pete wilson, the governor, buy a mickey mouse toy for his secretary's new baby through e-commerce.
  • 皮特。威尔逊州长通过电子商务邮件他秘书刚出生的宝贝买了一个米老鼠玩具
    Pete wilson, the governor, buy a mickey mouse toy for his secretary's new baby through e commerce.
  • 皮特拉开帏帐,把项链拿了出来,摊在自己的手掌上她看。蓝绿色的宝石在他苍白的手掌中熠熠发光。
    Pete parted the draperies and lifted out a necklace. The turquoise stones gleamed brightly against the pallor of his palm as he spread the ornament before her.
  • 于是,在许多钟鸣响之时,在幸福的人群中,皮特·里查德和一位尚不知姓名的姑娘跨入了那世上每一个人带来希望的伟大的一天的开端。
    And so, to the sound of many bells and in the midst of happy people, Pete Richard and a girl whose name he had yet to hear walked out into the beginning of the great day that brings hope into the world for us all.
  • 彼得愿仅以500英镑的价钱把他的车买我,因此我欣然承应。
    Peter offered to sell me his car for only five hundred pounds so I jumped at it.
  • 敌人的给养耗尽了。
    The enemy's supplies peters out between the rocks.
  • 她默默地祈求上帝予帮助。
    She made a silent petition to God for help.
  • 为了某物写一份请求某人;正式请求或者以书写形式。
    write a petition for something to somebody; request formally and in writing.
  • 请愿书,抗议书呈法律部门或行政部门的书面事实申明或请愿书
    A written statement of facts or a petition presented to a legislative body or an executive.
  • 我们可到加油站汽车加满汽油。
    We can fill the car up with petrol at the petrol station.
  • 我们最好先到加油站去汽车加满汽油。
    We'd better first fill the car up with petrol at the petrol station.
  • 他给汽车加满了油。
    He filled up the car with petrol.
  • 他已油箱装满了汽油。
    He has filled up the tank with petrol.
  • 你能匀我几升汽油吗?
    Can you spare me a few litres of petrol?
  • 如果是真的话,那便“宠物从何而来?”这一问题提供了新的认识。
    If authentic,it would shed light on the question,“Where did Pets come from?
  • 事情的进展人们提出了令人烦恼的疑点,伊拉克已经得到提示,塔吉即将接受武器核查。
    This sequence of events raises the worrisome suspicion that Iraq had been tipped off to the forthcoming inspections at Taji (ph).
  • 在ibm操作系统vse中,将程序段从某子库移到虚拟存储器,并将控制权移交该程序段。
    In VSE, to bring a program phases into virtual storage from a sublibrary and pass control to this phases.
  • 经过慎重考虑后,他们决定费尔经理的职位。
    After much calculation, they decided to give Phil the position of manager.
  • 克纳夫是费城一家煤厂里的推销员,多年来他一直想把厂里的煤,卖一家联营百货公司,可是那家公司始终不买他的煤,依旧向市郊一家煤洽购买。更使他捺不下这股气的是————每次运送煤时,又正好经过他办公室的门前。
    C. M. Knaphle, Jr., of Philadelphia had tried for years to sell fuel to a large chain-store organization. But the chain-store company continued to purchase its fuel from an out-of-town dealer and haul it right past the door of Knaphle’s office.
  • 西班牙把菲律宾群岛割让美国。
    Spain ceded the Philippines to the United States.
  • 西班牙把菲律宾群岛割让美国。.
    The Philippines were ceded to the United States by Spain.
  • 她有过妹妹,嫁了她爸爸的书记腓力普,妹夫接下来就承继了她爸爸的行业;她还有兄弟,住在伦敦,生意做得很得法。
    She had a sister married to a Mr. Phillips, who had been a clerk to their father, and succeeded him in the business, and a brother settled in London in a respectable line of trade.
  • 学会作了一次有关哲学的讲话.
    She delivered a talk on philosophy to the society.