  • 日德兰半岛欧洲北部一半岛,由丹麦的大陆部和德国北部组成。通常该名称只适于指半岛的丹麦部。第一次世界大战期间规模最大的海战发生在1916年5月31日至6月1日,由英德舰队在离日德兰半岛西部海岸不远的海面上展开
    A peninsula of northern Europe comprising mainland Denmark and northern Germany. The name is usually applied only to the Danish section of the peninsula. The largest naval battle of World War I was fought by British and German fleets off the western coast of Jutland on May31-June1,1916.
  • 他在跑道上十胆大鲁莽。
    He's a daredevil on the racing-track.
  • 这些大木材,表面上看被烟熏得黑黑的,有些地方被虫蛀了,烂了,但内芯却是十坚硬的。
    The great timbers, darkened now by smoke, wormed in places, looking rotten on the surface, but hard in the core, hard as iron.
  • 投镖游戏参加者朝设置的靶子投去以尽力得,这种游戏在棒球的内场进行
    A game of darts in which the players attempt to score points by throwing the darts at a target laid out in the form of a baseball diamond.
  • 那时宗教是人们生活中的一个很重要的部,这就使有些人对达尔文非常愤慨。
    And religion was such an important part of life at that time that some people were quite angry with Darwin.
  • 华莱士,阿尔弗烈德·拉塞尔1823-1913英国博物学家,发展了进化论,其贡献可与查尔斯·达尔文相媲美。他的作品包括动物的地理布(1876年)
    British naturalist who developed a concept of evolution that paralleled the work of Charles Darwin. His works include The Geographical Distribution of Animals(1876).
  • 泛生论查理斯·达尔文提出的遗传理论,阐述了含有来自身体每部的遗传信息的胚芽在卵巢中的结合并组成生殖细胞
    A theory of heredity proposed by Charles Darwin in which gemmules containing hereditary information from every part of the body coalesce in the gonads and are incorporated into the reproductive cells.
  • 她在30钟内写好了两封信。
    She dashed off two letters in thirty minutes.
  • 现有的资料十不足。
    Very little data is available.
  • 没有经过析的数据;没有析的数据。
    unanalyzed data; data not yet subjected to analysis.
  • 数据处理的分组方法
    group method of data handling
  • 寿命数据统计分析
    statistical analysis of life data
  • 分期付款起偿期
    Date of starting payment for installment
  • 具有特殊成,尤其是化石的一层岩石;可用来确定地层的年代。
    a layer of rock with a particular composition (especially of fossils); for dating the stratum.
  • 我们还改正了一九五七年一大批被错划为右派子的案件。
    Moreover, we have nullified the wrong designation, dating from 1957, of large numbers of people as bourgeois Rightists.
  • 俗话中的“物以类聚,人以群”是一个永不过时的约会规则。
    the old adage" birds of a feather flock together" is one dating rule that will never go out of style.
  • 资料仍在分析中.
    The data is/are still being analysed.
  • 最初的任务是把地址配给每个数据。
    the first task is the assignment of an address to each datum.
  • 在战争中提倡勇敢牺牲英勇向前的精神和动作,是在正确的作战计划下绝对必要的东西,是同持久战和最后胜利不能离的。
    Within the scope of correct war planning, encouraging the spirit and practice of heroic self-sacrifice and dauntless advance in battle is absolutely necessary and inseparable from the waging of protracted war and the achievement of final victory.
  • 伤病使施特菲在职1998年的大部时间无法上场比赛,可她不久于1999年重返巴黎,捧得了法国公开赛冠军奖杯,接着又向温布尔登进军,而在那里只有林达塞·达文波特才能阻止她第8次夺冠。
    After injuries kept her off the courts for much of 1998, Steffi returned triumphantly to paris to become the 1999 French Open champion and to Wimbledon where only Lindsay Davenport could stop her from winning her eighth Wimbledon title.
  • 戴维斯梅森公司过去惯常把利润的一部投资于添置新设备。
    Davis and mason used to plough back part of their profits into new equipment.
  • 凯斯·戴维斯拨了一则类广告上提供的免费电话号码,应聘客户业务经理的职位。
    Answering a classified for an account executive, Keith Davis dialed the toll free number listed.
  • 戴维不到半小时就得了二十
    Davy knocked twenty runs up in less than half an hour.
  • 只剩下10钟了,你别再磨磨蹭蹭地看那些橱窗了。
    There’re only the minutes left; don’t dawdle over your window shopping.
  • 黎明时分
    At the crack of dawn.
  • 拂晓时他们绞死了犯人
    They hanged the prisoner at dawn.
  • 黄昏时天空一片粉红的亮丽
    The sky flushed pink at dawn.
  • 黎明时,我们的机枪开火了。
    At daybreak our machine guns opened up.
  • 风整夜刮得很大,但到破晓时风势减弱了。
    The wind blew hard all night but let up at daybreak.
  • 当人们从工作中抽出一部的时间开始做白日梦时,常处于θ波状态。
    A person who has taken time off from a task and begins to daydream is often in a theta brainwave state.
  • 伴随着“白日梦情”的成功,玛丽亚·凯丽已有3张专辑的销量别达到800万张以上,成为有史以来第一位有此佳绩的女歌手。
    With the success of Daydream, Mariah Carey became the first female artist in history to have three studio albums, each selling in excess of eight million copies.
  • 一些科学家推断,每天每夜都有成千上万的流星坠落到地球上,但这一理论无法得到证明,也无法加以否定,因为大多数流星必然落到江河湖海中,它们占据了地球的大部面积。
    Some scientists theorize that thousands of meteors fall to the earth during the daytime and the nighttime, but this theory is impossible to prove or to disprove, as most would necessarily land in water, which covers most of the earth's surface.