  • 例如,vda可以把一个包分成下列几个部分:.gif文件、http/1.1报头、xml、http/1.1报头、tcp、ip和思科司的高级数据链路控制。
    For example, VDA might divide a packet into the following sections: .gif file, HTTP/1.1 header, XML, HTTP/1.1 header, TCP, IP and Cisco High-Level Data Link Control.
  • 为了填补一个空缺的职位,客户和猎头司往往需要相互协作。
    The firm and headhunter may have to compromise to fill a position.
  • 在寻找过程中,猎头司会和客户司不断沟通,以确保只予以考虑合格的候选人。
    During the search, the headhunter and client company communicate constantly to ensure that only qualified candidates are considered.
  • 猎头司的工作就是对这些候选人进行评估,并让他们对为客户司工作产生兴趣。
    The headhunter's job is to identify these candidates and get them interested in working for the client company.
  • 雇用猎头司的企业大多采用相同步骤:企业中一有职位空缺就去找猎头司。
    Businesses that use headhunters typically follow the same steps. As soon as a position in the company opens, the company calls for a headhunter.
  • 无论哪种形式,猎头司获取的佣金数通常差不多,即:所聘经理人员第一年薪金的20%-30%。
    In either case, the headhunter's fee is usually the same from 20 to 30 percent of the recruited executive's first-year salary.
  • 他们的客户大都是需要填补行政岗位空缺的司、企业和非盈利机构,这些有人才需求的机构会支付猎头司的佣金和费用。
    Their clients are generally corporations, professional firms, and nonprofit organizations that need to fill executive positions. The organization with a position to fill pays the headhunter's fees and expenses.
  • 技术司和专业司的问题尤为严峻。在美国,信息技术待业超过10%的职位无人填补。在欧洲,excite.com的欧洲负责人说他每接到四五个电话中就有一个是猎头司打来的。
    The problem is particularly bad for technology companies and technical specialists, In the US, more than one out of l0 IT jobs cannot be filled and, in Europe, the European head of Excite.com says that every fourth or fifth phone call he receives is from a headhunter.
  • 董事长同意新司信笺上的笺眉。
    The chairman approved of the new company letter heading.
  • 屯门西部一个73顷的地盘,已预留作发展香港第四个工业区。在另一个79顷的地盘,私营机构正兴建一个内河货运码头。
    In western Tuen Mun, a 73-hectare site is earmarked for Hong Kong's fourth industrial estate and a 79-hectare site is being developed by the private sector as a River Trade Terminal.
  • 全国完成绿化造林472万顷。
    For the beautification program, trees were planted in a combined area of 4.72 million hectare throughout the country.
  • 山区完成宜林山地造林面积10万顷,山区林木覆盖率达到70%。
    100,000 hectare’s forest will be increased in the mountainous area to realize 70% forest coverage in the mountainous area.
  • 市区建成1.25万顷的绿化隔离带;建设第二条城市绿色生态屏障。
    12,500 hectare’s green shelter will be formed for the urban area and the second green shelter shall be built.
  • 棉花453万顷,产量400万吨。
    The area sown with cotton should be 4.54 million hectare and the total cotton output should reach 4 million tons.
  • 园占地约1215顷,其中包括760顷的森林绿地、50顷的中华民族博物馆以及405顷的国际展览体育中心,赛后将成为全市最高品位的文化、休闲、健身区域。
    Covering a total area of 1,215 hectares, the Olympic Green consists of 760 hectares of woods and grassland, a 50-hectare Chinese Nationalities Museum and a 405-hectare International Exhibition and Sports Center. The Olympic Green will become a state-of-the-art center of cultural, creational and sports activities in Beijing.
  • 临时香港科学园有限司现正积极筹备在大埔白石角发展占地22顷的香港科学园。
    The Provisional Hong Kong Science Park Company Limited is now actively planning for the development of a 22-hectare Science Park at Pak Shek Kok, Tai Po.
  • 1949年,少数民族地区平均粮食亩产只有75斤,全国少数民族地区农业总产值仅31.2亿元。
    In 1949 the average per-hectare yield of grain in minority areas was only 1,125 kg, and the total agricultural output of those areas was only worth 3.12 billion yuan.
  • 1952年,西藏亩产粮食平均只有80斤(15亩为一顷),人均占有粮食125斤。
    In 1952, each mu of land (15 mu equal to 1 hectare) could only produce 80 kg of grain on the average and the per-capita share of grain came to 125 kg.
  • 1949年新中国成立时,全国每顷粮食产量只有1035斤,人均粮食占有量仅为210斤。
    In 1949 when the People's Republic of China was founded, the national grain yield per hectare was only 1,035 kg, and the per capita share of grain was only 210 kg a year.
  • 目前,中国同一类型地区粮食单产水平悬殊,高的每顷7500-15000斤,低的只有3000-5000斤。
    At present, the per unit area yield of grain varies widely in the same districts, the highest yield being 7,500 kg to 15,000 kg per hectare, and the lowest 3,000 kg to 5,000 kg.
  • 平原完成"五河十路"两侧2.3万多顷的绿化带及其它河道、道路绿色通道,完善农田林网化,郊区卫星城和中心镇达到园林城镇标准。
    In the plain area, 23,000 hectare’s green belt along five waterways and ten highways and forest network in the farmland will be built; satellite towns and the center towns will be brought to meet the standards of Garden Town.
  • 据十七世纪清朝初年统计,当时西藏实有耕地300多万克(15克相当于一顷),其中官家占30.9%,贵族占29.6%,寺庙和上层僧侣占39.5%。
    Statistics released in the early years of the Qing Dynasty in the 17th century indicate that Tibet then had more than 3 million ke of farmland (15 ke equal to 1 hectare), of which 30.9 percent was owned by officials, 29.6 percent by nobles, and 39.5 percent by monasteries and upper-ranking lamas.
  • 然而,优先铁路计划加速进行,以及共房屋计划的建筑工程频繁,对整体本地内部需求有一定支持作用。
    Yet intensification of work under the priority railway projects and the hectic activity under the Public Housing Programme rendered support to overall domestic demand.
  • 他一定很有钱,他在市里的一家证券司工作,并且还驾驶一辆新的“奔驰”车。
    He must be well-heeled; he works for a firm of stockbrokers in the city and drives a new Porsche.
  • 对每个用户来说,昂贵的硬件升级、高额的管理成本和长途电话拔号接入的费用很快就用光了司的远程访问预算。
    Expensive hardware upgrades, hefty management costs, and long-distance dial-in charges for each user can quickly wipe out a corporate remote access budget.
  • 霸权主义、强权政治和不正的经济秩序依然存在,危及世界的和平与发展,组碍人权和基本自由的实现。
    Hegemony, power politics and unfair economic order still exist, imperiling world peace and development and hindering the realization of human rights and basic freedoms.
  • 积极参与联合国和其他国际事务,同世界各国人民一道,致力于和平、发展与进步的事业,反对霸权主义和强权政治,反对一切形式的恐怖主义,推动建立正合理的国际政治经济新秩序,为维护世界和平,促进共同繁荣作出更大贡献。
    China will play an active part in the affairs of the United Nations and other international affairs, stand with people of all other countries in the causes for peace, development and progress and against hegemony, power politics and terrorism in all its forms, promote the establishment of a just and reasonable new international political and economic order, and make even greater contributions to the maintenance of world peace and promotion of common prosperity.
  • 号召群众购买债,发展合作社,调剂粮食,巩固金融,发展贸易,号召他们为着这些口号而斗争,把群众的热情提高起来。
    We should appeal to the people to subscribe to bonds, develop co-operatives, regulate food supplies, consolidate finances and promote trade; We should call upon them to fight for these slogans and should heighten their enthusiasm.
  • 安、司法机关依法惩处了一批罪大恶极的犯罪分子。
    In accordance with law, public security and judicial departments have punished a number of criminals guilty of the most heinous crimes.
  • 我怎么能去呢?你的工作一塌糊涂。他疯狂地追赶共汽车
    How the hell can I go? You did one hell of a job. He ran like hell to catch the bus.
  • 伊奥利亚人希腊中部的古希腊人,曾于元前1100年左右占领伊奥利亚和莱斯博斯岛
    One of a Hellenic people of central Greece that occupied Aeolis and Lesbos around1100 b.c.
  • 您好,大众出租车司。
    Hello. Dazhong Taxi Company.