  • 一块肥瘦均匀相的肉。
    the intermixture of fat and lean in a cut of meat.
  • 生物电子学生理过程中分子电子转移作用的研究
    The study of the role of intermolecular electron transfer in physiological processes.
  • 分子的凝聚力使物体各部分聚合在一起的分子相互的吸引力
    The intermolecular attraction by which the elements of a body are held together.
  • 使分子聚集在一个固体或液体内的分子的力。
    the intermolecular force that holds together the molecules in a solid or liquid.
  • 打棉机一种由装刺的鼓组成的纺织机器,鼓在内部装有大钉的密闭空内转动,用于打开和清理未加工的棉花或羊毛
    A textile machine consisting of a spiked drum revolving inside a chamber fitted internally with spikes, used to open and clean unprocessed cotton or wool.
  • 由于阶级的出现,几千年来人类的生活中充满了战争,每一个民族都不知打了几多仗,或在民族集团之内打,或在民族集团之打。
    For several thousand years since the emergence of classes, the life of mankind has been full of wars; Each nation has fought countless wars, either internally or with other nations.
  • 但是,应该说这种科学国际化的进展已经以隐形方式进行了很长时,我们今天所认识到的不过是使已有的做法形成一种更完善、更有系统的制度而已。
    It should be said, however, that this progress of internationalization of science has been going on already for a long time in a hidden form, and what we realize today is simply the necessity of a better and more systematic institutionalization of an old process.
  • 受国际保护人员在港出席各项盛事的期,特警队也肩负重要任务。
    It was also heavily committed during the visits by various Internationally Protected Persons attending major events.
  • 香港会继续扮演友好邻居的角色,在亚洲和国际推动金融经济合作。
    Hong Kong will play its role as a good neighbour in promoting monetary and economic cooperation in the region and internationally.
  • 这不是说已经有不良感觉的人在网上花费了更多的时,而是说使用因特网似乎确实诱发了人们的不良感觉。
    And it wasn't that people who were already feeling bad spent more time on the Internet, but that using the Net actually appeared to cause the bad feelings.
  • 在使用internet之前,必须使用一种方法在你的pc机和internet之传送数据。
    Before you can use the Internet, you must choose a way to move data between the Internet and your PC.
  • 传输控制协议/网协议
    TCP/IP(Transfer Control Protocol/Internet Protocol)
  • 学生在第一和第二年的暑期可进行实习。
    Students were able to take an internship in the summer months between years one and two.
  • 情节剧,通俗闹剧以夸张的感情、老套的角色及人物之的冲突为特征的戏剧,如话剧、电影或电视节目
    A drama, such as a play, film, or television program, characterized by exaggerated emotions, stereotypical characters, and interpersonal conflicts.
  • 语言发生于人与人之的交往中。
    interpersonal situations in which speech occurs.
  • qos并不是支持实时人员通信的唯一要求。
    QoS is by no means the only requirement for supporting real-time interpersonal communications.
  • 但是新出现的一类应用需要远比此更好的交付系统,这就是实时人员通信。
    But a far better delivery system is required for an emerging class of applications: real-time interpersonal communications.
  • 这既与历次国际人口会议确定的基本原则相吻合,又建立在社会主义条件下人们之利益关系的基础之上。
    These conform to the basic principles outlined at the various international population conferences and have been established on the basis of the relationship of interpersonal interests under socialism.
  • 而且,由于要额外地学习,孩子们没有多少时和同龄的孩子玩耍和交流,很难培养他们的个性和交际能力。
    Moreover, children will have less time to play and communicate with their peers due to extra studies, consequently, it is difficult to develop and cultivate their character and interpersonal skills.
  • 不久前,比较盛行的看法是:互联网络是用来检索信息的,或者是一种个人之的交流工具,是电话或邮局的替代品。
    Not too long ago, the prevailing view was that the Net was about looking up information, or that it was a medium for interpersonal communication, a replacement for the telephone or post office.
  • 在太阳系内太空中火星与木星的有很多小行星的区域。
    the region of interplanetary space between Mars and Jupiter where most asteroids are found.
  • 联络事务科(即前国际刑警科)担当统筹中心的角色,处理香港警务处和其他警察组织之的刑事资料及有关调查。
    Liaison Bureau (the former Interpol Bureau) acts as a co-ordination centre in dealing with criminal information and associated inquiries between the Hong Kong Police Force and other police organisations.
  • 他挤进两人中,阻止他们打架。
    He interposed himself between them to stop them fighting.
  • 他个头很大, 夹在我和窗户之, 我看不见外边的东西了.
    He interposed his considerable bulk (ie body) between me and the window, so that I could not see out.
  • 车辆之应保持适当的距。
    The proper intervals should be maintained between vehicles.
  • 他每隔一段时就回来看看我们。
    He comes back to see us at regular intervals.
  • 每隔很短时就开出的火车
    trains leaving at short intervals
  • 在一出剧的两部分中,常有幕休息。
    In between parts of a play, there is often a interval.
  • 以10英尺的间隔排列
    arranged at intervals of ten feet
  • 三音三分之一的隔时
    An interval of a third.
  • 中间隔多久?
    How long is the interval?
  • 幕间休息时间长吗?
    Will the interval last long?