  • 胞咽某些纤毛纲动物细胞质的凹入部,用来摄取食物
    An invagination into the cytoplasm of certain ciliates, used for food intake.
  • 透明质细胞质中清澈、液状的部,区别于颗粒状和网状的部
    The clear, fluid portion of cytoplasm as distinguished from the granular and netlike components.
  • 胞质裂由细胞核的裂而产生的细胞质的
    The division of the cytoplasm of a cell following the division of the nucleus.
  • 有丝裂过程包含细胞核和细胞质裂的整个细胞裂过程
    The entire process of cell division including division of the nucleus and the cytoplasm.
  • 内质在某些细胞,尤指是活动细胞中可辨别得出来的细胞质的粘性略小的中心部
    A central, less viscous portion of the cytoplasm that is distinguishable in certain cells, especially motile cells.
  • 星状体在细胞浆内形成的星状结构,在有丝裂期间有棱形纤维环绕中心体
    A star-shaped structure formed in the cytoplasm of a cell and having raylike fibers that surround the centrosome during mitosis.
  • 外质细胞质连接部的外部,有时在细胞膜下呈现出一种能识别的硬质胶化层
    The outer portion of the continuous phase of cytoplasm of a cell, sometimes distinguishable as a somewhat rigid, gelled layer beneath the cell membrane.
  • 微管任何一种蛋白质,圆柱形中空结构,广泛布于真核细胞的细胞质中,提供结构支撑并协助细胞运动及运输
    Any of the proteinaceous cylindrical hollow structures that are distributed throughout the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells, providing structural support and assisting in cellular locomotion and transport.
  • 哥萨克人北欧部的俄罗斯和亚洲交界处的一种人,以其骑兵,尤其是沙皇时代的骑兵著称
    A member of a people of southern European Russia and adjacent parts of Asia, noted as cavalrymen especially during czarist times.
  • weidh-英语词divide(开)的来源,以及梵文vidhu-的来源,意为“孤单寂寞的”,具有widow词义的同根词有拉丁语“vidua”,法语veuve,意大利语vedova,西班牙语viuda俄语的捷克语vdova,威尔士语gweddr德语witwe以及荷兰语weduwe。
    *Weidh- is also the source of the English word "divide" and the Sanskrit "vidhu-" meaning solitary. Cognates meaning widow are the Latin "Vidua," French "veuve," Italian "vedova," Spanish "viuda," the Russian and Czech "vdova," the Welsh "gweddr," the German "witwe," and the Dutch "weduwe."
  • (这是邓小平同志会见捷克斯洛伐克总理什特劳加尔时谈话的一部。)
    (Excerpt from a talk with Premier Lubomir Strougal of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic.)
  • (这是邓小平同志会见捷克斯洛伐克总统胡萨克时谈话的主要部。)
    (Excerpt from a talk with President Gustav Husak of Czechoslovakia.)
  • (这是邓小平同志会见捷克斯洛伐克共产党中央总书记雅克什时谈话的一部。)
    (Excerpt from a talk with Milo Jake, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia.)
  • (这是邓小平同志两次谈话的节录,别摘自一九八八年九月五日会见捷克斯洛伐克总统胡萨克时的谈话和一九八八年九月十二日听取关于价格和工资改革初步方案汇报时的谈话。)
    (Excerpt from a talk with President Gustav Husak of Czechoslovakia [September 5, 1998] and excerpt from remarks made after hearing a report on a tentative programme for the reform of prices and wages [September 12, 1998].)
  • 蒙巴萨肯尼亚东南部的一个城市,大部位于桑给巴尔北部印度洋上的蒙巴萨岛上。1498年达伽马在其第一次航行印度时到过此地。这一岛城在20世纪早期以前曾先后被葡萄牙、阿曼、桑给巴尔和英国统治过。人口341,148
    A city of southeast Kenya mainly on Mombasa Island, in the Indian Ocean north of Zanzibar. Visited by Vasco da Gama on his first voyage to India(1498), the island-city was ruled successively by Portugal, Oman, Zanzibar, and Great Britain until the early20th century. Population,341, 148.
  • 父亲一边写一边把信的部内容念给母亲听。
    As he wrote, Daddy read parts of his letter out loud to Mother.
  • 然后过了1小时20钟,德沃德才来吃午饭。爸爸可真是气坏了。
    And then Durward showed up for lunch an hour and 20 minutes late. Daddy was really ticked off.
  • 我连天竺牡丹和水仙也辨不清,但我的妻子却是园艺能手。
    I can't tell a dahlia from a daffodil, but my wife has very green fingers.
  • 校长十重视丹因为他成绩十优秀。
    The headmaster valued Dan of his excellent performances.
  • 丹原来有2角5钱,但和弗雷德赌币时,全部输光了。
    Dan had a quarter but he went broke matching pennies with Fred.
  • 的权势欲曾使得撒旦变成魔鬼。过的求知欲也曾使人类的社先堕落。但唯有善的品格,无论对于神或人,都永远不会成为过的东西。
    The desire of power in excess, caused the angels to fall. The desire of knowledge in excess, caused man to fall: but in charity there is no excess; neither can angel, nor man, come in dan ger by it.
  • 就在7天之前,也就是1997年10月11日,他的妻子韩丹告诉他一个让他不知所措的消息:他们的3岁的看上去十健康的儿子韩笑(他们总是爱叫他笑笑,笑笑在汉语是“笑声”的意思)突然得了一种罕见的、非常危险的心脏病。
    Just seven days earlier, on October 11, 1997, his wife, Han Dan, had told him devastating new about their seemingly healthy three-year-old son, Shao-han. The boy they called Shao-Shao (Pronounced Sho-Sho), meaning "laughter," had a rare and very dangerous heart disease.
  • 橡胶草,青胶蒲公英一种中亚的蒲公英(橡胶草蒲公英属),长有能泌一种橡胶的肉质根
    A central Asian dandelion(Taraxacum koksaghyz) having fleshy roots that yield a form of rubber.
  • 俄国哈萨克人的药蒲公英,为其含有橡胶成的根而种植它。
    perennial dandelion native to Kazakh Republic of Russia cultivated for its fleshy roots which have high rubber content.
  • 而《节食期间的天然替代品》一书的作者玛丽莲·格伦维尔认为:“蒲公英茶可以除外,它去除体内多余水的同时并不破坏体内金属含量的平衡。”
    “The exception to this is dandelion tea,” says Marilyn Glenville, author of Natural Alternatives To Dietting “This helps you excrete fluid but doesn't allter your mineral balance.”
  • 我们的头皮和皮肤上都有少量的这种真菌,但头皮屑重的人有超过25%的这种真菌布在头皮上。
    We all have small quantities of this on our scalp and skin, but people with dandruff have up to 25 per cent more on their scalp.
  • 那堆火迸出火星,十危险。
    The fire is sparking dangerously.
  • 坐在狭窄的边缘上,十危险
    Perch dangerously on a narrow ledge
  • 我十焦急,因为医生说我的父亲病危。
    I'm doing my nut because the doctor says my father is dangerously ill.
  • 美国夏威夷大学教授郭颖颐最近在我国发表陈嘉庚演讲:《一个中国、多个中国:从世纪末角度看中国在历史上的与合》。
    Professor Daniel Kwok of the Hawaii University deliveredthe Tan Kah Kee Lecture in Singapore recently on "China: Theone and the many, an end-of-century view of unification and division in the Chinese historical experience".
  • 美国夏威夷大学教授郭颖颐最近在我国发表陈嘉庚演讲:《一个中国、多个中国:从世纪末角度看中国在历史上的与合》。
    Professor Daniel Kwok of the Hawaii University delivered the Tan Kah Kee Lecture in Singapore recently on "China: The one and the many, an end-of-century view of unification and division in the Chinese historical experience".
  • 美国人贝拉·努斯对前些天杀害了美国记者丹尼·珀尔的伊斯兰极端狂热子实在是太了解了,因为就在八年前,努斯也曾遭到这伙人的绑架,而这伙人的头目和此次珀尔绑架案的主犯正是同一个人。
    American Bela Nuss knows only too well about the fanaticism that drives the Islamic militants who murdered reporter Daniel Pearl. Eight years ago, Nuss was kidnapped by a gang led by the same man who confessed to abducting Pearl.