  • 够微分或求得不同。
    possessing a differential coefficient or derivative.
  • 在党内和人民内部的政治生活中,只采取民主手段,不采取压制、打击的手段。
    In political life within the Party and among the people we must use democratic means and not resort to coercion or attack.
  • 调整农业结构,必须坚持以市场需求为导向,从实际出发,充分尊重农民意愿,绝不搞强迫命令。
    In carrying out agricultural restructuring, we must be led by market demand, proceed from realities, and respect farmers' wishes, and on no account must coercion and commandism be allowed.
  • 对于思想问题,无论如何不用压服的办法,要真正实行“双百”方针。
    In dealing with ideological problems we must never use coercion but should genuinely carry out the policy of "letting a hundred flowers bloom, a hundred schools of thought contend".
  • 如果中国人的大多数、日本人的大多数、世界各国人的大多数是站在抗日战争方面的话,那末,日本少数人强制地掌握着的军力和经济力,还算是优势吗?
    If the great majority of the Chinese, of the Japanese and of the people of other countries are on the side of our War of Resistance Against Japan, how can Japan's military and economic power, wielded as it is by a small minority through coercion, count as superiority?
  • 应坚持以斡旋、调解、谈判等和平手段解决争端,不应动辄采取强制行动,不实行双重标准,不借联合国之名进行军事干涉;
    Peaceful means, rather than coercive measures, should be sought to settle disputes, such as mediation, good offices and negotiation. Double standards and military interference under the name of the UN should be rejected.
  • 对立面不共存的关系。
    the relation that exists when opposites cannot coexist.
  • 允许具有不同平台的计算机共存于同一局域网中,且进行数据交换的软件早已开发出来了。
    Software has been developed that allows computers with different platforms to coexist and exchange data on the same LAN.
  • 按照“一国两制”的方式实现和平统一,允许海峡两岸两种社会制度同时存在,互不强加于对方,最体现两岸同胞的意愿,这本身就是民主的。
    To achieve peaceful reunification in the form of "one country, two systems," and to allow the two different social systems on both sides of the Straits to coexist without imposing them on one or the other--this is best able to embody the wishes of compatriots on both sides of the Straits and is itself democratic.
  • 按照“一国两制”的方式实现和平统一,允许海峡两岸两种社会制度同时存在,互不强加于对方,最体现两岸同胞的意愿,这本身就是民主的。
    To achieve peaceful reunification in the form of "one country, two systems," and to allow the two different social systems on both sides of the Straits to coexist without imposing them on one or the other: this is best able to embody the wishes of compatriots on both sides of the Straits and is itself democratic.
  • 这种新型的联网平台可与pc机和平共处,我们把它看成是我们已有的很多这样的选项的一个补充,它作为一种选择供人选用。
    This new networking platform will probably have a peaceful coexistence with the PC, and we view it as just an addition to the many options we have.It is offered as a choice.
  • 我们党同其他几个党长期共存,互相监督,这个方针要坚持下来。但是,中国由共产党领导,中国的社会主义现代化建设事业由共产党领导,这个原则是不动摇的;
    While the principle of long-term coexistence and mutual supervision between our Party and all other parties must be upheld, China and China's drive for socialist modernization must be led by the Communist Party.This is an unshakable principle.
  • 用于某些分类中;几乎与霸鹟亚目同延的一个亚目或亚科;有相对简单的发音器官和较差的鸣唱力;叫禽类鸟。
    used in some classification systems; a suborder or superfamily nearly coextensive with suborder Tyranni; Passeriformes having relatively simple vocal organs and little power of song: clamatorial birds.
  • “我看到她在棺材里,我不够相信这个事实,”他说:“我看见她躺在那里。
    "I saw her in the coffin, and I couldn't believe it," he says. "I saw her there lying down.
  • 有些事物不以感官觉察,只由推理而得知。
    Some things are not perceivable by sense, but only cogitable by reason.
  • 有思考力的倾向于或够深思熟虑的
    Inclined to or capable of cogitation.
  • 属于或有关深思熟虑力的。
    of or relating to having capacities for cogitation.
  • 情绪并不作为认知的工具。
    Emotions are not tools of cognition.
  • 知识管理的四项基本功是:外部化、内部化、中间层和认知。
    The four basic functions of knowledge management are externalization, internalization, intermediation and cognition.
  • 认知是经过前面三种功交流过的知识的应用,也是知识管理的最终目标。
    Cognition is the application of knowledge that's been exchanged through the preceding three functions and is the ultimate goal of knowledge management.
  • 从认识过程的秩序说来,感觉经验是第一的东西,我们强调社会实践在认识过程中的意义,就在于只有社会实践才使人的认识开始发生,开始从客观外界得到感觉经验。
    As to the sequence in the process of cognition, perceptual experience comes first; we stress the significance of social practice in the process of cognition precisely because social practice alone can give rise to human knowledge and it alone can start man on the acquisition of perceptual experience from the objective world.
  • 无内聚性的由不粘着的质点组成。用于土壤
    Composed of particles that do not cohere. Used of soil.
  • 一种够发射可见光谱电磁的极细的相干光束的装置。
    A device which transmits an extremely narrow and coherent beam of electromagnetic energy in the visible light spectrum.
  • 就作战的节奏而论,你同时和紧凑地进行作战,越快越好。尽管有人认为并非总是越快越好。
    As for tempo of operations, normally the faster you can conduct simultaneous and coherent operations, the better, although there are those who caution that faster is not always better.
  • 固体的内聚能
    cohesive energy of solids
  • 高聚物内聚能密度
    cohesive energy density of polymers
  • 这就用来指出网络问题或性瓶颈,为服务器群提供集中的管理。
    This can be used to pinpoint network problems or performance bottlenecks, and provides cohesive management for server farms.
  • 这位得克萨斯之父具备了四种品质,使得他把边缘上一群一盘散沙似的个体转变成一个有强大凝聚力的集体。
    The Father of Texas had four qualities that enabled him to turn a bunch of rugged individualists on the frontier into a cohesive community.
  • 加强青少年体育、城市体育、农村体育工作,充分发挥学校、社区、乡镇的聚集效应、辐射功和带动作用,增加体育锻炼的吸引力和凝聚力,推动全民健身活动的广泛开展。
    Youth sports, urban sports and rural sports shall be strengthened through full utilization of the gathering, radiating and exemplifying power of schools, communities and towns. This will increase the appeal and cohesive power of sports activities and thereby further the implementation of citizen health sports.
  • 同他们的斗争不同于过去历史上的阶级对阶级的斗争(他们不可形成一个公开的完整的阶级),但仍然是一种特殊形式的阶级斗争,或者说是历史上的阶级斗争在社会主义条件下的特殊形式的遗留。
    The struggle against these individuals is different from the struggle of one class against another, which occurred in the past (these individuals cannot form a cohesive and overt class).However, it is still a special form of class struggle or a special form of the leftover, under socialist conditions, of the class struggles of past history.
  • 蛇能盘绕树枝。
    A snake can coil around a branch.
  • 够产生火花的感应线圈。
    an induction coil used to create sparks.