  • 这星期在你设的陷井,你诱捕了几只狐狸?
    How may foxes have you trapped in your special trap this week?
  • 自昨天爆炸之后,30名煤矿工人被困在矿井
    Thirty miners are still trapped in the mine following yesterday's explosion.
  • 一小时内能走的路程
    The distance that can be traveled in an hour.
  • 里速度在给定时间运行或行驶的总英里数
    Total miles covered or traveled in a given time.
  • 留宿于招待所旅行时住在招待所
    To stay at hostels while traveling.
  • 五年来,我们走过了很不平凡的历程,在改革发展稳定、政外交国防、治党治国治军各方面都取得了巨大成就。
    Over the past five years, we have traversed an extraordinary course and scored tremendous achievements in reform, development and stability, domestic and foreign affairs and national defense and in running the Party, state and army.
  • 主要的捕鱼方法是拖网,渔获量占年卸下的海鱼量67%,重量达85610公吨。
    The predominant fishing method is trawling, which accounted for 67 per cent of the catch, or 85 610 tonnes.
  • 以小剂量运用一种药物为基础,这种药物的大量服用可在健康人体产生一种类似于疾病本身的症状。
    a method of treating disease with small amounts of remedies that, in large amounts in healthy people, produce symptoms similar to those being treated.
  • 需治疗的需要科治疗的
    Requiring treatment by medicine.
  • 一九四一年十二月,中国政府在《中国对日宣战布告》中昭告各国,中国废止包括《马关条约》在的一切涉及中日关系的条约、协定、合同,并将收复台湾。
    In December 1941, the Chinese government issued the Proclamation of China's Declaration of War Against Japan, announcing to the world that all treaties, agreements and contracts concerning Sino-Japanese relations, including the Treaty of Shimonoseki, had been abrogated, and that China would recover Taiwan.
  • 北极圈的一片辽阔而没有树木的平原,位于冰帽和林木线之间。
    a vast treeless plain in the arctic regions between the ice cap and the tree line.
  • 发抖是他心恐惧的证据。
    his trembling was evidence of his fear.
  • 使乡间猛烈震动的地震;当战震撼这个国家时
    Tremors that convulsed the countryside; when civil war convulsed the nation.
  • 使乡间猛烈震动的地震;当战震撼这个国家时
    Tremors that convulsed the countryside; when civil war convulsed the nation.
  • 战士们用机关枪向战壕扫射。
    The soldiers raked the trench with machine - gun fire.
  • 壕沟壁在防御工事附近挖的战壕的
    The inner wall of a ditch or trench dug around a fortification.
  • 地道挖掘到军队阵地以的覆盖着的坑道或地道
    A covered trench or tunnel dug to a point within an enemy position.
  • 位于加利福尼亚州的优山美地国家公园的一个瀑布;每年之中的一段时间会缩减成滴流状。
    a series of waterfalls in Yosemite National Park in California; is reduced to a trickle for part of each year.
  • 沙漏;滴漏用于计时的仪器,由两个玻璃盒组成,中由一细颈相连,盒装有一定量的沙子,水银或其他流动物质,这些物质在一固定量的时间里,通常为一个小时,从上方的盒慢慢流入下方的盒子中
    An instrument for measuring time, consisting of two glass chambers connected by a narrow neck and containing a quantity of sand, mercury, or another flowing substance that trickles from the upper chamber to the lower in a fixed amount of time, often one hour.
  • 她到我们这里才一个月, 还正在学习行乾坤.
    She's only been with us a month so she's still learning the tricks of the trade.
  • 为了满足额外的需求,研资局获教资会增拨2,000万元,于该三年度再推行一轮合作研究中心计划。
    To meet additional demand, the council obtained a further grant of $20 million from the UGC to enable a further exercise to be conduced in the triennium for the CRC Scheme.
  • 一旦被钙离子——生物介质在b细胞引发崩溃后所产生的物质——诱发,发光蛋白质立即产生光亮。
    The aequorin instantly emits light when triggered by calcium ions -- a substance that is produced when the bioagent-induced cascade occurs in the B cell.
  • 船首舱在前桨形成的角落的船的货舱部分,用于平衡船身或贮存货物
    The section of the hold of a ship that is within the angle made by the bow and is used for trimming or for storage of cargo.
  • 二00一年,我国国生产总值达到九万五千九百三十三亿元,比一九八九年增长近两倍,年均增长百分之九点三,经济总量已居世界第六位。
    In 2001, China's GDP reached 9.5933 trillion yuan, almost tripling that of 1989, representing an average annual increase of 9.3 percent. China came up to the sixth place in the world in terms of economic aggregate.
  • 心充满了胜利的喜悦---这种心情与其说是因为征服了蛇,倒不如说是因为征服了只是在片刻之前使我毛骨悚然的环境。
    I felt triumphant --not so much over the snake as over circumstances that only moments before had overwhelmed me.
  • 他将在那天晚上去看她。为此,整个下午,她的心都充满了喜悦。
    He was calling for her that evening . all afternoon she trod on air.
  • 他们战败的原因只是因为他们国有暗藏的敌人。
    They are defeated only because of the Trojan horse in their country.
  • 汉普登,约翰1594-1643英国政治家,反对查理一世的国会领导者。他为国会招集了一支军队,后来在英国战中被杀死
    English politician and leader of Parliament against Charles I. He raised a troop for Parliament and was killed in the English Civil War.
  • 相互通报边界线两侧各100公里区域的重要军事活动;邀请对方观察实兵演习;
    all the important military activities of one party in the areas between the border and 100 kilometers from the border line shall be notified to the other which shall be invited to observe the troop exercises;
  • 相互通报边界线两侧各100公里区域的重要军事活动;邀请对方观察实兵演习;
    all the important military activities of one party in the areas between the border and 100 kilometers from the border line shall be notified to the other which shall be invited to observe the troop exercises;
  • 我们大家成群地进出室
    We all trooped into the room.
  • 我们大家成群地进出室
    We all trooped into the room.