Chinese English Sentence:
  • 件工程中,为评估是否符合件需求、规格说明、基线、标准、过程、指令、代码以及合同和特许要求而进行的一种独立的检查。参阅codeaudit。
    In software engineering, an independent review for the purpose of assessing compliancewith software requirements, specifications, baselines, standards, procedures, in structions, codes, and contractual and licensing requirements.
  • 在3601金融通信控制器中,盘上的一段磁道。
    In a3601 Finance Communication Controller, a subdivision of a track on a diskette.
  • 应用件程序使用同一习惯因此它们可以相互利用。
    application software programs that share common conventions so they can be utilized together.
  • 用来修饰说明某种应用件,其中每一输入都会从系统或程序那里得到响应。如查询系统、飞机订票系统。一个交互系统也可以是会话式的,即用户和系统之间的连续对话。
    Pertaining to an application in which each entry calls forth a response from a system or program, as in an inquiry system or an airline reservation system. An interactive system may also be conversational, implying a continuous dialog between the user and the system.
  • 可折叠成双人床的垫沙发。
    an upholstered couch that is convertible into a double bed.
  • 她开发了一个加快数据处理的件。
    She developed the software that expedited the job of converting raw data into useful form.
  • 管易弯曲的管子,在压力之下能输送液体或气体
    A flexible tube for conveying liquids or gases under pressure.
  • 通气管一种用于运送热气、可燃气、水流或烟的导管、管或管道,如从火炉或炉子传送到烟囱
    A pipe, tube, or channel for conveying hot air, gas, steam, or smoke, as from a furnace or fireplace to a chimney.
  • 姜饼一种的糖蜜生姜饼干,切成各种形状,有时加以精致的修饰
    A soft molasses and ginger cookie cut in various shapes, sometimes elaborately decorated.
  • 湿润,冰凉,柔的草在脚边生长
    Moist, cool, soft grass growing underfoot.
  • 你有工具把木塞拔开吗?
    Do you have any tools to draw out the cork?
  • 她潜入水中, 几秒钟後像木塞一样又浮了上来.
    She dived below the surface, then bobbed up like a cork again a few seconds later.
  • 软木能浮在水面。
    Cork can float on water.
  • 木的木的或象木的
    Of or resembling cork.
  • 木塞砰地一声跳了出来。
    The cork popped out.
  • 软木塞破片跳出。
    The cork went pop.
  • 鱼漂,浮标钓鱼用的浮子或
    A fishing float or cork.
  • 拔软木塞、牙、塞子
    Pull a cork, tooth, stopper
  • 这个木塞正好塞得进。
    This cork fits in nicely.
  • 木浮标在水中上下漂动
    A cork bobbing on the water.
  • 合剂用过后用木塞塞住。
    Cork up the mixture after use.
  • 这酒有木塞的味道。
    The wine tastes of the cork.
  • 这酒喝起来有木塞的味道。
    This wine tastes of the cork.
  • 我把木塞放在这儿。
    I'll put the cork here.
  • 木瓶塞紧紧地塞在瓶中。
    The cork is tight in the bottle.
  • 这个小男孩不能拔出木塞。
    The little boy cannot draw the cork.
  • 木塞用木做成的东西,尤指瓶塞
    Something made of cork, especially a bottle stopper.
  • 木塞太大了,塞不进去。
    The cork's too big, it won't go in.
  • (指酒)味道被含有过多鞣酸的木塞气味所破坏。
    (of wine) tainted in flavor by a cork containing excess tannin.
  • 请报10英担、一级木塞的最低价格。
    Please quote us the lowest price for ten cwts best cork.
  • 木塞啪的一声崩掉了,香槟酒喷了出来。
    The cork popped out and the champagne gushed from the bottle.
  • 请报10英担、一级木(瓶)塞的最低价格。
    Please quote us the lowest price for ten cwt. best cork.