  • 魔镜魔镜告诉我,他们中间最火。
    Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the hottest of them all?
  • “它把我当成它的女仆了,”她边跑边对自己说,“它以后发现我是,会多么惊奇啊!
    `He took me for his housemaid,' she said to herself as she ran. `How surprised he'll be when he finds out who I am!
  • 但是这些家务活来做呢
    But who will do all the housework
  • 都知道致富是一回事,而有知识、勇敢或仁慈是另一回事,研究一个国家如何才能富裕,和研究一个国家如何才能自由、公正或在文学、艺术、军事、政治方面声名卓著,是完全不同的两个问题。
    All know that it is one thing to be rich, another thing to be enlightened, brave, or humane; that the questions how a nation is made wealthy, and how it is made free, or virtuous, or eminent in literature, in the fine arts, in arms, or in polity, are totally distinct enquiries.
  • 念方块字的人,感受的到这古老大地百年来所忍受的耻辱,对于“中国人民站起来了”的宣告,能无动于衷?
    Those who were Chinese-educated could well feel the century-long humiliation suffered by their ancestral country. Who could remain unmoved when hearing the proclamation by Mao that "the Chinese people have finally stood up"?
  • 这是谁的主意?
    Whose idea is it?
  • 谁说我不会做饭?
    Who said I can't cook? ie Of course I can!
  • 也不能因不知法而受到原谅。
    Ignorance of the law excuses no one.
  • 也不能无视这一事实:实验是成功的。
    Nobody can ignore the fact(that) the experiment is a success.
  • 也不能无视这一事实:实验是成功的。
    Nobody can ignore the fact( that) the experiment is a success.
  • 谁画的插图?
    Who drew illustrations?
  • 我想不出会关心我的所作所为。
    I can't imagine that anyone cares what I do.
  • 那位移民因为都相信,所以被人愚弄了。
    The immigrant was duped because he trusted everyone; You can't fool me!
  • 他的散文富于变化,有时平易质朴(例如,“在那儿?”),有时则激越华丽(例如,“人是多么了不起的一件作品!……”,见《哈姆雷特》第二幕第二场。)
    His prose is varied from the plain and matter-of fact (e.g. Who's there) to the impassioned and ornate (e.g What a piece of work is a man !... Hamlet, II. ii.. 322 ff.)
  • 第四十二条 对河道、湖泊范围内阻碍行洪的障碍物,按照设障、清除的原则,由防汛指挥机构责令限期清除;
    Article 42 Obstacles in river courses or lakes which impede flood passage shall, according to the principle of whoever places the obstacles will remove them, be removed within a time limit by order of the flood control headquarters.
  • 学习哲学的最佳途径就是将它当成一个侦探故事来处理:跟踪它的每一点蛛丝马迹、每一条线索与暗示,以便查出是真凶,是英雄。
    The best way to study philosophy is to approach it as one approaches a detective story: follow every trail, clue and implication, in order to discover who is a murderer and who is a hero.
  • 作者在倒数第二章无意说出了凶手是;倒数第二根柱子上的图形。
    the author inadvertently reveals the murderer in the penultimate chapter; the figures in the next-to-last column.
  • 这税会落在谁的身上?
    What is the incidence of the tax?
  • 谁教唆暗杀?
    Who instigated assassination ?
  • 要是曾往蛙塘里投下一块石头,或是向一群飞鸟开过一枪,就可以想象出在全神贯注的观众中,这叫人倒胃口的话语会产生什么样的后果。
    Any one who has ever thrown a stone into a frog-pond, or fired into a covey of birds, will have some idea of the effect of these incongruous words breaking in upon the all-pervading quiet.
  • 人能够创造这样的廉洁政治呢?
    Who else could have formed such a clean and incorruptible government?
  • 对每一个公民来说,这是应尽的义务,因为这是为了全社会全民族共同的富强,而不是为了的私利。
    This is a duty incumbent on each citizen as it serves the purpose of making the whole society and whole nation prosperous, and it is not proceeding from the private interest of some individuals.
  • “这个女人是?”“她是,真是!”(难道你不知道吗?)
    ‘Who is this woman?’ ‘Who is she, indeed!’(I wonder at your asking.)
  • 谁是印度来的?
    Who come from india?
  • 封她来说,他是,根本是无关紧要的事。
    It was utterly indifferent to her who he was.
  • 对生产既没有直接贡献也没有间接贡献,就是非生产性消费者。
    Whoever contributes nothing directly or indirectly to production, is an unproductive consumer.
  • 是个人项目的冠军?
    Who was the individual champion?
  • 农业化学还在幼稚时代,明天也许由于某种新发现或创造,一下子就把产量提高五倍或十倍,能知道呢?
    Agricultural chemistry is still in its infancy; who can tell that to-morrow, by means of a new invention or discovery, the produce of the soil may not be increased five or ten fold?
  • 杰夫:能想到他曾经是在轮椅上度日的残疾人,小儿麻痹使他不能享受正常人的生活。
    Jeff: Who would think that he used to live in a wheelchair and that infantile paralysis made him unable to enjoy a normal life.
  • 虽然这四个人早已是朋友,但勾心斗角一定会出现,而猜一猜会在暗斗中占上风则已经成了华盛顿的一项游戏。
    Though all four are friends, it has already become a Washington parlor game to guess who will prevail in the inevitable infighting.
  • “你是怎么知道的?”“非常可靠的人士告诉我的。至于提供消息的人是,我就不提他的名字了。”
    "How do you know?" "On good authority. My informant, however, shall be nameless."
  • 那封通知经理他被解雇的信把他震蒙了,天里他也不见。
    The letter informing the manager that his services, would do longer be required knocked him right out.He refused to see anyone all day.