  • 狐狸会跑,小鸡有翅膀。
    Though the fox run, the chicken hath wings.
  • 矿井爆炸然不常发生,但却是煤矿工人职业中的危险。
    Explosions, though infrequent, are an occupational hazard for coal-miners.
  • 除了那些在外企工作的人之外,一般中国雇员或工人的收入相对还是比较低的,然最近提过工资。
    Except those who work for foreign firms,the average income of a Chinese employee or worker is still comparatively low despite recent heist in salaries.
  • 然现在从某些天然气井中取得氦,但也可从空气中提龋
    Though helium is now secured from certain natural gas wells , it may be obtained from air.
  • 有缺点,但总的说来,他是一个好帮手。
    He has his faults, but, all in all, he is a good helper.
  • 我认为亚洲是多元化的地区,居住在东北亚和东南亚的亚洲人确实共同分享一些个人的和社会的价值观。
    I believe that in spite of its heterogeneity, Asians who live in Northeast Asia and Southeast Asia, do share certain personal and societal values.
  • 此后,然他不断出片,但事业坎坷不平。他拍摄的《夜色》(“thecolorofnight”)和《疯狂终级者》(“fourrooms”)不算成功,但也出产了《低俗小说》(“pulpfiction”)和《十二只猴子》(“12monkeys”)这样的好片。
    Since then, his film career has continued to be prolific but uneven, with lows such as The Color of Night (1994) and Four Rooms (1995) and highs such as Pulp Fiction (1994) and 12 Monkeys (1995).
  • 干部能上不能下的问题现在已经成为我们工作中的障碍,然一下子还不能解决,要慢慢来,但是总要逐步地解决。
    The fact that cadres are only prepared to be promoted and not demoted has become a hindrance to our work. This problem cannot be solved at one stroke, but we must keep working towards a solution.
  • 印度的一种古老的语言(韦达和印度教的语言);然现在它只用于宗教但却曾经是印度的一种官方语言。
    an ancient language of India (the language of the Vedas and of Hinduism); an official language of India although it is now used only for religious purposes.
  • 德尔皮奈尔解释说:"我的血统然一半一半,可身份最后还是被确定为拉美裔。
    "My identity has evolved as being Hispanic, although I'm only half-and-half," he explained.
  • 迄今我然失去了全部的时日。
    For hitherto though I have lost all my time.
  • 谁人不知,为争取时间和准备反攻而流血战斗,某些土地仍不免于放弃,时间却争取了,给敌以歼灭和给敌以消耗的目的却达到了,自己的战斗经验却取得了,没有起来的人民却起来了,国际地位却增长了。
    As everybody knows, although in fighting and shedding our blood in order to gain time and prepare the counter-offensive we have had to abandon some territory, in fact we have gained time, we have achieved the objective of annihilating and depleting enemy forces, we have acquired experience in fighting, we have aroused hitherto inactive people and improved our international standing.
  • 警方意识到自己上当受骗后,他们所得到的情报花了很大的力气但却毫无价值。
    The information the police received had then on a merry-go-round until they realized they were victims of a hoax.
  • 中国不是反洗钱金融行动特别工作组成员,但一贯支持该工作组的工作,并已向该工作组全面介绍了中国在金融反恐领域的措施。
    Although China is not a member of the ad hoc working group for combating the financial action of money laundering, it consistently supports the group's work. China has given the group a full introduction of its measures for anti-terrorism in the financial field.
  • 然菲力浦已尽其所能,还是失败了。
    Although Phillip had hone best he might, he still failed to succeed.
  • 他虽然贫穷但诚实。
    He is poor but honest.
  • 在日本呆了6个月对我是有好处的,然那段经历并不像度蜜月那样愉快。
    I'm grateful for that six month's experience in Japan, though it was no honeymoon.
  • 这样他便可告知主人在所去国度有何事当看,有何人当交,有何等运动可习,或有何等学问可得,不然年少者将犹如雾中看花,远游他邦但所见甚少。
    Whereby he may be able to tell them what things are worthy to be seen, in the country where they go; what acquaintances they are to seek; what exercises, or discipline, the place yieldeth. For else, young men shall go hooded, and look abroad little.
  • 然又矮又瘦,吉米却勇敢地冲向那粗壮的恶徒。
    Thought short and thin, Jimmy walked into the stout hooligan.
  • 作过修正,但仍是一塌糊涂,如商店可以卖酒,但不许卖婴儿奶粉;可以卖明信片,但不许卖生日卡片;更奇怪的是,店主如果在这个基督教日子(星期日)卖了圣经,可能会被起诉。
    They have been amended, but even so they are hopelessly muddled. For example, a shop can sell alcohol but not powdered milk for babies, postcards but not birthday cards, and oddly enough, if a shop-keeper sells a Bible on this Christian day he could face prosecution.
  • 然她的计划十分周密,但是她忽略了她的人质——朱利思·沃特金斯夫人。
    Although her planning was sophisticated she reckoned without her hostage, Mrs. Julian Watkins.
  • 然群众对裁判的判决提出激烈的异议,但他仍坚持自己的立场。
    The referee kept his ground although his decision was hotly contested by the crowd.
  • 那条猎狗然动作慢,但最后总能抓获猎物。
    The hound is slow but sure.
  • 然如此;然而;但是;可是;不过
    In spite of this; however
  • 这位医生然治好了许多人的病,但他对他的工作仍很谦逊。
    The doctor was humble about his work, although he cured many people.
  • 然萧先生还算满意,第八次迁居也很有可能。萧太太憎恨炎热、潮湿的夏天,跟邻居又嫌太近,真是痛苦不堪。“要命我也得搬家。”萧太太说。
    While Mr. Schroeter is fairly content, an eighth move is a real possibility. Mrs. Schroeter, who hates the hot, humid summers and living so close to her neighbors, is miserable. "I'd give my eye teeth to get out of here," Mrs. Schroeter said.
  • 霍克蒂承认到:“然你可能注意到手机背面的潮气稍微增加了一点,但是我们的手却汗乎乎的,所以你根本搞不清楚有什么差别。”
    "You might notice a slight increase in humidity on the back side," admits Hockaday, "but our hand is mce and sweaty, so you wouldn't know the difference."
  • 旅游团的大多数人下午都放下窗帘躺在床上睡觉,但是吉姆然那么瘦削却没有像别人那样因为炎热和潮湿感到那么难受。
    Most of the tourist party spent the afternoon lying on their beds with the shades drawn, but Jim, who was as lean as an alley cat, suffered much less than the others from the heat and humidity.
  • 然是它们自取其辱,它们却耿耿于怀,不忘寻找新的机会批评新加坡。
    They can’t forgive Singapore for such self-inflicted humiliation, and would look for fresh opportunities to humble it
  • 为他效劳令人快乐,有几分悲哀,却最充分最细心——因为他要我帮忙时毫无痛苦的羞愧,抑或沮丧的屈辱。
    And there was a pleasure in my services, most full, most exquisite, even though sad because he claimed these services without painful shame or damping humiliation.
  • 说又愚蠢又吝啬,但他有幽默的长处。
    He may be stupid and mean, but his one saving grace is his humour.
  • 另一种危险是他所得的进言,将为一种有害而不安全的言论(然用意是好的)一半是招致祸患的而一半是救济或预防祸患的;
    The other, that he shall have counsel given, hurtful and unsafe(though with good meaning), and mixed partly of mischief and partly of remedy;