  • 畿尼1663年到1813年之间国发行的金币,价值相当于一磅一先令
    A gold coin issued in England from1663 to1813 and worth one pound and one shilling.
  • 过去12便士等于1先令,20先令等于1镑,但是自从国把币制改为十进制以后,100新便士等于1镑了。
    In former times, 12 pence went to a shilling and 20 shilling to the pound, but since Britain changed to decimal money, 100 new pence go to the pound.
  • 便士一种面值同一先令的!/12或一磅的!/240的国旧硬币
    A coin formerly used in Great Britain, worth! /12 of a shilling or! /240 of a pound.
  • 在造船方面国已落在日本后头了。
    Britain has fallen behind Japan in shipbuilding.
  • 普利姆索尔,塞缪尔1824-1898国商人和货运改革家,他提出了1876年的商船法案,从此建立了货船的安全载重限量
    British merchant and shipping reformer. He introduced the Merchant Shipping Act of1876, establishing safe load limits for cargo ships.
  • 国的非正式用法)概括的或者删略的。
    (British informal) summarized or abridged.
  • 郡长盎格鲁-撒克逊时期格兰一个郡的首要官员
    The chief officer of a shire in Anglo-Saxon England.
  • 他在国中部地区整天骑马、狩猎和射击。
    He spends his time in the shire ride, hunting, and shooting.
  • (古国的)会议古代国的会议,尤指州郡中自由民的代表会议
    An ancient English meeting, especially a representative meeting of the freemen of a shire.
  • 国,指郡行政中心所在的城或镇。
    (British) the town or city that is the seat of government for a shire.
  • 小邑旧时格兰北部一些国家的小行政区,大致与其他郡的分区相对应
    A historical subdivision of some northern counties in England, corresponding roughly to the hundred in other shires.
  • 逃避工作(国用法)。
    shirk work (British usage).
  • 我的衬衫价钱不到两镑。
    My shirt cost under two pounds.
  • “我需要一个房间过夜,但我只有一个镑。”“那你就活该了!你没有足够的钱别想住店。”
    "I need a room for the night but I've only got a pound." "Tough shit! If you haven't got the right money you can't have a room."
  • 我要说的是,你讲的语相当地道,而多数讲语的人说话带有各种各样的地方口音,还有许多人的语法令人吃惊。
    What I mean to say is you speak almost perfect English whereas most English-speaking people speak with all kinds of local accents and quite a lot of people's grammar is shocking.
  • 从远东进口的劣质商品受到国进口商的鄙视。
    Shoddy goods imported from the Far East are held cheap by British importers.
  • 国靴鞋及有关行业研究协会
    British Boot,Shoe and Allied Trades Research Association
  • 德克,托马斯1572-1632国剧作家,其喜剧鞋匠的节日(1600年)以栩栩如生地描绘了伦敦的日常生活而闻名
    English playwright whose comedy The Shoemaker's Holiday(1600) is notable for its vivid portrayal of daily life in London.
  • 光是鞋就花了100镑。
    The shoes alone cost 100.
  • 语是一种习惯表达方法丰富的语言。
    English is a language abounding with idiomatic turns of expression.
  • 在当代语中有许多新的语言现象,这些现象并不总是符合公认的语法规则的。
    In present day English new linguistic facts abound which do not always square with the accepted rules of grammar.
  • 一个占有整个澳洲大陆的一个国家;这里的土著部落被认为是年前从东南亚移民的;国在此建立第一块流放殖民者居住地。
    a nation occupying the whole of the Australian continent; aboriginal tribes are thought to have migrated from southeastern Asia 20,000 years ago; first Europeans were British convicts sent there as a penal colony.
  • floorwalker在格兰被叫做shopwalker。
    a floorwalker is called a shopwalker in England.
  • 短裙;短发;甲板只有一尺长;一次投得很近的投掷。
    short skirts; short hair; the board was a foot short; a short toss.
  • 学习语是无捷径可走的,我们必需努力。
    There are no shortcuts to learning English, we have to work hard.
  • 短了两英寸
    Shorter by two inches.
  • 他比我矮两英寸。
    He is two inch shorter than I.
  • 赫利孔山海拔1,749。2米(5,735尺)一座山,位于希腊中部。传说中是女神缪斯居住的地方,后奉献给太阳神
    A mountain,1, 749.2(5, 735 ft) high, of central Greece. It was the legendary abode of the Muses and was sacred to Apollo.
  • 位于吉利海峡和北海之间的一个海峡;国和欧洲大陆的最短距离。
    the strait between the English Channel and the North Sea; shortest distance between England and the European continent.
  • 皮特曼,艾萨克1813-1897国教育家,一种速记系统的发明人(1837年)
    British educator and inventor(1837) of a system of shorthand.
  • 办公室工作技能包括:操作文文字处理机及微型电子计算机、速记每分钟85个字。
    Office skills include; operating English word processor and microcomputer, taking shorthand 85 wpm.
  • 仅在国,每小时就有一百万多条移动电话短消息被发送出去。于是《简明文词典》决定在其周四出版的修订版里收录这些缩略语。
    In Britain alone, more than one million mobile phone text messages are sent every hour, so the Concise Oxford Dictionary has decided to include the shorthand language in its revised edition published on Thursday.